J/A+A/586/A139 Optical ident. and redshifts of Planck SZ sources (Planck+, 2016) ================================================================================ Planck intermediate results. XXXVI. Optical identification and redshifts of Planck SZ sources with telescopes at the Canary Islands observatories. Planck Collaboration, Ade P.A.R., Aghanim N., Arnaud M., Ashdown M., Aumont J., Baccigalupi C., Banday A.J., Barreiro R.B., Barrena R., Bartolo N., Battaner E., Benabed K., Benoit-Levy A., Bernard J.-P., Bersanelli M., Bielewicz P., Bikmaev I., Boehringer H., Bonaldi A., Bonavera L., Bond J.R., Borrill J., Bouchet F.R., Burenin R., Burigana C., Calabrese E., Cardoso J.-F., Catalano A., Chamballu A., Chary R.-R., Chiang H.C., Chon G., Christensen P.R., Clements D.L., Colombo L.P.L., Combet C., Comis B., Crill B.P., Curto A., Cuttaia F., Dahle H., Danese L., Davies R.D., Davis R.J., De Bernardis P., De Rosa A., De Zotti G., Delabrouille J., Diego J.M., Dole H., Donzelli S., Dore O., Douspis M., Dupac X., Efstathiou G., Elsner F., Ensslin T.A., Eriksen H.K., Ferragamo A., Finelli F., Forni O., Frailis M., Fraisse A.A., Franceschi E., Fromenteau S., Galeotta S., Galli S., Ganga K., Genova-Santos R.T., Giard M., Gjerlow E., Gonzalez-Nuevo J., Gorski K.M., Gruppuso A., Hansen F.K., Harrison D.L., Hempel A., Hernandez-Monteagudo C., Herranz D., Hildebrandt S.R., Hivon E., Hornstrup A., Hovest W., Huffenberger K.M., Hurier G., Jaffe T.R., Keihaenen E., Keskitalo R., Khamitov I., Kisner T.S., Kneissl R., Knoche J., Kunz M., Kurki-Suonio H., Lamarre J.-M., Lasenby A., Lattanzi M., Lawrence C.R., Leonardi R., Leon-Tavares J., Levrier F., Lietzen H., Liguori M., Lilje P.B., Linden-Vornle M., Lopez-Caniego M., Lubin P.M., Macias-Perez J.F., Maffei B., Maino D., Mandolesi N., Maris M., Martin P.G., Martinez-Gonzalez E., Masi S., Matarrese S., Mcgehee P., Melchiorri A., Mennella A., Migliaccio M., Miville-Deschenes M.-A., Moneti A., Montier L., Morgante G., Mortlock D., Munshi D., Murphy J.A., Naselsky P., Nati F., Natoli P., Novikov D., Novikov I., Oxborrow C.A., Pagano L., Pajot F., Paoletti D., Pasian F., Perdereau O., Pettorino V., Piacentini F., Piat M., Pierpaoli E., Plaszczynski S., Pointecouteau E., Polenta G., Pratt G.W., Prunet S., Puget J.-L., Rachen J.P., Rebolo R., Reinecke M., Remazeilles M., Renault C., Renzi A., Ristorcelli I., Rocha G., Rosset C., Rossetti M., Roudier G., Rubino-Martin J.A., Rusholme B., Sandri M., Santos D., Savelainen M., Savini G., Scott D., Stolyarov V., Streblyanska A., Sudiwala R., Sunyaev R., Suur-Uski A.-S., Sygnet J.-F., Tauber J.A., Terenzi L., Toffolatti L., Tomasi M., Tramonte D., Tristram M., Tucci M., Valenziano L., Valiviita J., Van Tent B., Vielva P., Villa F., Wade L.A., Wandelt B.D., Wehus I.K., Yvon D., Zacchei A., Zonca A. =2016A&A...586A.139P (SIMBAD/NED BibCode) ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Millimetric/submm sources ; Redshifts Keywords: large-scale structure of Universe - galaxies: clusters: general - catalogs Abstract: We present the results of approximately three years of observations of Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) sources with telescopes at the Canary Islands observatories as part of the general optical follow-up programme undertaken by the Planck Collaboration. In total, 78 SZ sources are discussed. Deep-imaging observations were obtained for most of these sources; spectroscopic observations in either in long-slit or multi-object modes were obtained for many. We effectively used 37.5 clear nights. We found optical counterparts for 73 of the 78 candidates. This sample includes 53 spectroscopic redshift determinations, 20 of them obtained with a multi-object spectroscopic mode. The sample contains new redshifts for 27 Planck clusters that were not included in the first Planck SZ source catalogue (PSZ1). Description: This article is a companion paper to the Planck catalogue of SZ sources (PSZ1) published in Planck Collaboration XXIX (2014, Cat. J/A+A/581/A14). It contains the results of approximately three years of observations with telescopes at the Canary Islands observatories (IAC80, NOT, INT, TNG, WHT, and GTC), as part of the general optical follow-up programme undertaken by the Planck Collaboration. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file table2.dat 96 67 Clusters from the PSZ1 catalogue observed for this paper table3.dat 62 11 Confirmed clusters not in the PSZ1 catalogue observed for this paper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: J/A+A/565/A103 : Anomalous microwave emission in Galactic clouds (Planck+ 2014) J/A+A/581/A14 : Updated Planck catalogue PSZ1 (Planck+, 2015) Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 3 I3 --- ID Index number of the cluster in the PSZ1 catalogue (starting from 0) 4- 8 A5 --- n_ID Notes (1) 10- 13 A4 --- --- [PSZ1] 15- 27 A13 --- PSZ1 Planck name, GLLL.ll+BB.bb 29 I1 --- Cen [0/2] 1 if positions are for the BCG of the identified counterpart, 2 if the positions are for the centroid of the members 31- 32 I2 h RAh ? Right ascension (J2000) 34- 35 I2 min RAm ? Right ascension (J2000) 37- 40 F4.1 s RAs ? Right ascension (J2000) 42 A1 --- DE- Declination sign (J2000) 43- 44 I2 deg DEd ? Declination (J2000) 46- 47 I2 arcmin DEm ? Declination (J2000) 49- 52 F4.1 arcsec DEs ? Declination (J2000) 54- 59 F6.4 --- ? Cluster redshift 61- 66 F6.4 --- zspBCG ?=- Spectroscopic redshift of the BCG 68- 69 I2 --- Nspec Number of galaxies with spectroscopic measurements 71- 96 A26 --- Notes Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Notes as follows: a = Redshift is estimated from our photometric data b = Redshift value not published in the PSZ1 (Planck Collaboration XXIX, 2014A&A...571A..29P, Cat. VIII/91) c = Spectroscopic redshift. The redshift given in the PSZ1 catalogue (Planck Collaboration XXIX, 2014A&A...571A..29P, Cat. VIII/91) is photometric d = Redshift estimated from SDSS data e = Target also included in the RTT150 paper (Planck Collaboration Int. XXVI, 2015A&A...582A..29P) f = PSZ1 contains a spectroscopic redshift obtained with other facility (Planck Collaboration XXIX, 2014A&A...571A..29P, Cat. VIII/91) g = No optical counterpart identified h = Several counterparts identified i = Target also observed in the r and z bands with MegaCam at CFHT (van der Burg et al., 2016, Cat. J/A+A/587/A23) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table3.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 A4 --- --- [PLCK] 6- 18 A13 --- PLCK Planck name, GLLL.ll+BB.bb 20 I1 --- Cen [1/2] 1 if positions are for the BCG of the identified counterpart, 2 if the positions are for the centroid of the members 22- 23 I2 h RAh Right ascension (J2000) 25- 26 I2 min RAm Right ascension (J2000) 28- 31 F4.1 s RAs Right ascension (J2000) 33 A1 --- DE- Declination sign (J2000) 34- 35 I2 deg DEd Declination (J2000) 37- 38 I2 arcmin DEm Declination (J2000) 40- 43 F4.1 arcsec DEs Declination (J2000) 45- 50 F6.4 --- Cluster redshift 52- 57 F6.4 --- zspBCG ?=- Spectroscopic redshift of the BCG 59- 60 I2 --- Nspec Number of galaxies with spectroscopic measurements 62 A1 --- Notes Notes (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Notes as follows: a = Redshift is estimated from our photometric data b = Target included in XMM sample (Planck Collaboration IX 2011A&A...536A...9P) c = Several possible counterparts identified d = Spectroscopic redshift estimated from SDSS data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History: From electronic version of the journal References: Planck Collaboration, Paper I 2012A&A...543A.102P Planck Collaboration, Paper II 2013A&A...550A.128P Planck Collaboration, Paper III 2013A&A...550A.129P Planck Collaboration, Paper IV 2013A&A...550A.130P Planck Collaboration, Paper V 2013A&A...550A.131P Planck Collaboration, Paper VI 2013A&A...550A.132P Planck Collaboration, Paper VII 2013A&A...550A.133P Planck Collaboration, Paper VIII 2013A&A...550A.134P Planck Collaboration, Paper IX 2013A&A...550A.139P Planck Collaboration, Paper X 2013A&A...550A.140P Planck Collaboration, Paper XI 2013A&A...557A..52P Planck Collaboration, Paper XII 2013A&A...557A..53P Planck Collaboration, Paper XIII 2014A&A...561A..97P Planck Collaboration, Paper XIV 2014A&A...564A..45P Planck Collaboration, Paper XV 2014A&A...565A.103P, Cat. J/A+A/565/A103 Planck Collaboration, Paper XVI 2014A&A...566A..54P Planck Collaboration, Paper XVII 2014A&A...566A..55P Planck Collaboration, Paper XVIII 2015A&A...573A...6P Planck Collaboration, Paper XIX 2015A&A...576A.104P Planck Collaboration, Paper XX 2015A&A...576A.105P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXI 2015A&A...576A.106P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXII 2015A&A...576A.107P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXIII 2015A&A...580A..13P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXIV 2015A&A...580A..22P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXV 2015A&A...582A..28P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXVI 2015A&A...582A..29P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXVII 2015A&A...582A..30P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXVIII 2015A&A...582A..31P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXIX 2016A&A...586A.132P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXX 2016A&A...586A.133P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXXI 2016A&A...586A.134P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXXII 2016A&A...586A.135P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXXIII 2016A&A...586A.136P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXXIV 2016A&A...586A.137P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXXV 2016A&A...586A.138P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXXVII 2016A&A...586A.140P Planck Collaboration, Paper XXXVIII 2016A&A...586A.141P ================================================================================ (End) Patricia Vannier [CDS] 22-Apr-2016