J/ApJ/884/85 RELICS: Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (Coe+, 2019) ================================================================================ RELICS: Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey. Coe D., Salmon B., Bradac M., Bradley L.D., Sharon K., Zitrin A., Acebron A., Cerny C., Cibirka N., Strait V., Paterno-Mahler R., Mahler G., Avila R.J., Ogaz S., Huang K.-H., Pelliccia D., Stark D.P., Mainali R., Oesch P.A., Trenti M., Carrasco D., Dawson W.A., Rodney S.A., Strolger L.-G., Riess A.G., Jones C., Frye B.L., Czakon N.G., Umetsu K., Vulcani B., Graur O., Jha S.W., Graham M.L., Molino A., Nonino M., Hjorth J., Selsing J., Christensen L., Kikuchihara S., Ouchi M., Oguri M., Welch B., Lemaux B.C., Andrade-Santos F., Hoag A.T., Johnson T.L., Peterson A., Past M., Fox C., Agulli I., Livermore R., Ryan R.E., Lam D., Sendra-Server I., Toft S., Lovisari L., Su Y. =2019ApJ...884...85C ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Clusters, galaxy; Photometry, HST; Redshifts; Surveys; Photometry, UBVRI; Infrared Keywords: dark ages, reionization, first stars ; dark matter ; galaxies: clusters: general ; galaxies: high-redshift ; gravitational lensing: strong ; supernovae: general Abstract: Large surveys of galaxy clusters with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Spitzer, including the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble and the Frontier Fields, have demonstrated the power of strong gravitational lensing to efficiently deliver large samples of high-redshift galaxies. We extend this strategy through a wider, shallower survey named RELICS, the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey, described here. Our 188-orbit Hubble Treasury Program observed 41 clusters at 0.182<=z<=0.972 with Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and WFC3/IR imaging spanning 0.4-1.7{mu}m. We selected 21 of the most massive clusters known based on Planck PSZ2 estimates and 20 additional clusters based on observed or inferred lensing strength. RELICS observed 46 WFC3/IR pointings (~200arcmin^2^) each with two orbits divided among four filters (F105W, F125W, F140W, and F160W) and ACS imaging as needed to achieve single-orbit depth in each of three filters (F435W, F606W, and F814W). As previously reported by Salmon+ (2020ApJ...889..189S), we discovered over 300 z~6-10 candidates, including the brightest z~6 candidates known, and the most distant spatially resolved lensed arc known at z~10. Spitzer IRAC imaging (945hr awarded, plus 100 archival, spanning 3.0-5.0{mu}m) has crucially enabled us to distinguish z~10 candidates from z~2 interlopers. For each cluster, two HST observing epochs were staggered by about a month, enabling us to discover 11 supernovae, including 3 lensed supernovae, which we followed up with 20 orbits from our program. Description: Of the 41 Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS) clusters, 28 had been observed previously by HST with ACS and/or WFC3/UVIS. Our 188-orbit HST Treasury Program (Cycle 23; GO 14096; PI Coe; Deputy PI Bradley) obtained additional observations with ACS and WFC3/IR. For each field, we observed two orbits of WFC3/IR split among four filters: F105W, F125W, F140W, and F160W. And for each cluster, we observed three orbits of ACS split among F435W, F606W, and F814W, minus any archival imaging. See Section 4. Acknowledging RELICS in publications: When using RELICS HST data, please include this acknowledgment: "This work is based on observations taken by the RELICS Treasury Program (GO 14096) with the NASA/ESA HST, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555." File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file table2.dat 182 46 RELICS clusters catalogs.dat 1260 189512 *HST source catalog for all clusters cat/* . 42 Individual cluster HST source catalog in original text format -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on catalogs.dat: Photometric + Bayesian Photometric Redshift (BPZ) catalog based on drizzled 0.06"/pix images. AB mag = zeropoint - 2.5 * log10(flux) = 31.4 - 2.5 * log10(fluxnJy) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: B/hst : HST Archived Exposures Catalog (STScI, 2007) IX/15 : Einstein EMSS Survey (Gioia+ 1990, Stocke+ 1991) VII/4 : Abell and Zwicky Clusters of Galaxies (Abell+ 1974) VII/110 : Rich Clusters of Galaxies (Abell+ 1989) VIII/91 : Planck Catalog of Compact Sources Release 1 (Planck, 2013) J/MNRAS/301/881 : The ROSAT brightest cluster sample - I. (Ebeling+, 1998) J/MNRAS/318/333 : Extended ROSAT Bright Cluster Sample (Ebeling+ 2000) J/AJ/132/926 : Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (Coe+, 2006) J/ApJ/662/224 : Second CIZA subsample (Kocevski+, 2007) J/ApJS/178/280 : Compendium of ISO far-IR extragalactic data (Brauher+, 2008) J/ApJ/682/985 : FIREWORKS photometry of GOODS CDF-S (Wuyts+, 2008) J/A+A/534/A109 : MCXC Meta-Catalog X-ray galaxy Clusters (Piffaretti+, 2011) J/ApJ/754/83 : UV continuum for z~4-7 star-forming gal. (Bouwens+, 2012) J/ApJ/757/22 : Strong and weak lensing analysis of A2261 (Coe+, 2012) J/ApJS/199/25 : CLASH sources for MACS1149.6+2223 (Postman+, 2012) J/ApJS/199/34 : Clusters of galaxies in SDSS-III (Wen+, 2012) J/MNRAS/432/62 : PS1 MDS X-ray selected galaxy clusters (Ebeling+, 2013) J/ApJ/769/52 : SDSS luminous red galaxies concentrations (Wong+, 2013) J/ApJ/792/76 : Lensed z~6-8 galaxies behind CLASH clusters (Bradley+, 2014) J/AJ/148/13 : Redshifts of 65 CANDELS supernovae (Rodney+, 2014) J/ApJS/216/27 : Galaxy clusters in the SPT-SZ survey (Bleem+, 2015) J/ApJ/803/34 : z~4-10 galaxies from HST legacy fields (Bouwens+, 2015) J/AJ/150/31 : Phot. and redshifts of galaxies in the UDF (Rafelski+, 2015) J/ApJ/814/L6 : CIII emission in near & far star-forming gal. (Rigby+, 2015) J/MNRAS/450/3665 : CoMaLit. III. LC2 catalog (Sereno+, 2015) J/ApJ/812/114 : Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space. I. (Treu+, 2015) J/ApJ/801/44 : HST lensing analysis of the CLASH sample (Zitrin+, 2015) J/A+A/594/A27 : Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources (PSZ2) (Planck+, 2016) J/A+A/586/A139 : Opt. ident. & redshifts of Planck SZ sources (Planck+, 2016) J/ApJ/817/60 : Multiply imaged supernova Refsdal (Treu+, 2016) J/A+A/607/A4 : PLCK G004.5-19.5 images at 150, 325 & 610MHz (Albert+, 2017) J/ApJ/835/113 : Gal. >~6 from the Hubble Frontier Fields (Livermore+, 2017) J/ApJ/839/L11 : HST strong lensing analysis of PLG287.0+32.9 (Zitrin+, 2017) J/MNRAS/470/95 : CLASH galaxies phot. redshifts in 25 ClG (Molino+, 2017) J/MNRAS/468/3322 : CoMaLit. V. Mass forecasting with proxies (Sereno+, 2017) J/A+A/619/A68 : A2163 VLA 20cm images (Thoelken+, 2018) J/ApJ/854/73 : Full-data results of HFF: galaxies z~6-9 (Ishigaki+, 2018) J/ApJ/878/66 : Sp. redshifts of gal. in SPT-CLJ0615-5746 (Connor+, 2019) J/A+A/642/A85 : RX J0603.3+4214 LOFAR 58GHz images (de Gasperin+, 2020) http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/relics/ : RELICS on MAST http://relics.stsci.edu/ : RELICS home page Byte-by-byte Description of file (#): table2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 2 I2 --- Seq [1/41] Running sequence number 4- 23 A20 --- Name Cluster name 24- 25 A2 --- m_Name Cluster portion (G1) 27 A1 --- f_Name f: Flag on Name (2) 29- 30 I2 h RAh Hour of right ascension (J2000) (3) 32- 33 I2 min RAm Minute of right ascension (J2000) 35- 38 F4.1 s RAs Second of right ascension (J2000) 40 A1 --- DE- Sign of declination (J2000) (3) 41- 42 I2 deg DEd Degree of declination (J2000) (3) 44- 45 I2 arcmin DEm Arcminute of declination (J2000) 47- 50 F4.1 arcsec DEs Arcsecond of declination (J2000) 52- 56 F5.3 --- z [0.18/0.98]? Redshift 58 A1 --- f_z Flag on z (4) 60- 62 I3 --- Rank [1/504]? Rank (5) 64- 68 F5.2 10+14Msun M500 [4.9/16.2]? Planck mass M_500_ 70- 73 F4.2 10+14Msun e_M500 [0.2/0.8]? M500 downwards uncertainty 75- 78 F4.2 10+14Msun E_M500 [0.2/0.8]? M500 upwards uncertainty 80- 85 F6.4 mag E(B-V) [0.007/0.45]? Reddening E(B-V) 87- 91 F5.3 --- cF390W ?=- Correction factors for F390W if observation in this filter (6) 93- 97 F5.3 --- cF435W ?=- Correction factors for F435W if observation in this filter (6) 99-103 F5.3 --- cF475W ?=- Correction factors for F475W if observation in this filter (6) 105-109 F5.3 --- cF555W ?=- Correction factors for F555W if observation in this filter (6) 111-115 F5.3 --- cF606W ?=- Correction factors for F606W if observation in this filter (6) 117-121 F5.3 --- cF625W ?=- Correction factors for F625W if observation in this filter (6) 123-127 F5.3 --- cF775W ?=- Correction factors for F775W if observation in this filter (6) 129-133 F5.3 --- cF814W ?=- Correction factors for F814W if observation in this filter (6) 135-139 F5.3 --- cF850LP ?=- Correction factors for F850LP if observation in this filter (6) 141-145 F5.3 --- cF105W Correction factors for F105W if observation in this filter (6) 147-151 F5.3 --- cF110W ?=- Correction factors for F110W if observation in this filter (6) 153-157 F5.3 --- cF125W Correction factors for F125W if observation in this filter (6) 159-163 F5.3 --- cF140W Correction factors for F140W if observation in this filter (6) 165-169 F5.3 --- cF160W Correction factors for F160W if observation in this filter (6) 171-182 A12 --- File Name of the individual ASCII file in subdirectory cat; column added by CDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (2): Flag as follows: f = Observations of MACS J0358.8-2955 (z=0.428) include contributions from A3192 (z=0.168). Note (3): Coordinates of HST WFC3/IR pointings. Note (4): Flag as follows: d = Redshift updated in Zitrin+ (2017, J/ApJ/839/L11); previously z=0.38. e = Redshift updated in Albert+ (2017, J/A+A/607/A4); previously z=0.54. Note (5): Mass rank among all 1094 clusters in the PSZ2 catalog (Plank Col. 2016, J/A+A/594/A27). Note (6): Correction factors added by CDS from header files in cat subdirectory. Galactic reddening extinction correction coefficients A_{lambda}_ for each filter (Table 13): ---------------------------------------- Camera Filter Coefficient ---------------------------------------- WFC3/UVIS F390W 4.514 ACS F435W 4.117 ACS F475W 3.747 ACS F555W 3.242 ACS, WFC3/UVIS F606W 2.929 ACS F625W 2.671 ACS F775W 2.018 ACS F814W 1.847 ACS F850LP 1.473 WFC3/IR F105W 1.015 WFC3/IR F110W 0.876 WFC3/IR F125W 0.757 WFC3/IR F140W 0.609 WFC3/IR F160W 0.470 ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: catalogs.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 20 A20 --- Name Cluster name 21- 22 A2 --- m_Name Cluster portion (G1) 24- 28 I5 --- ID [1/24662] Identifier 30- 40 F11.7 deg RAdeg [4.5/347.2] Right ascension (J2000) 42- 52 F11.7 deg DEdeg [-81.6/66] Declination (J2000) 54- 61 F8.3 pix xpos [60/8542] X pixel coordinates 63- 70 F8.3 pix ypos [44/9098] Y pixel coordinates 72- 77 F6.3 arcsec FWHM [-3.3/38.1] Full Width at Half Maximum 79- 84 I6 pix Area [0/195676] Isophotal aperture area 86- 89 F4.2 --- S/G [0/1] SExtractor stellarity (1=star; 0=galaxy) 91- 95 F5.3 --- ell [0/0.99] Ellipticity (1-b/a) 97- 101 F5.1 deg PA [-90/90]? Position angle (CCW/x) 103 I1 --- F ? 5{sigma} flag: 0=probably real; 1=probable CR; 2=no 5-sigma detection (only for rxc0911+17) 105- 106 I2 --- Nf5 [0/11] Number of filters with a 5-sigma detection 108 I1 --- Nfc5 ? Number of CR-vulnerable filters with a 5-sigma detection (only for rxc0911+17) 110- 111 I2 --- Nf [1/11] Number of filters observed (not in chip gap, etc.) 113 A1 --- l_F390mag [>u ] Limit flag on F390mag (7) 115- 122 F8.4 mag F390mag [14.4/31.6]? HST WFC3 F390W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=25.2796) (1) 124- 130 F7.4 mag e_F390mag [0.0002/3.7]? F390mag uncertainty (2) 132- 143 E12.6 --- FF390 [-8.2e+33/20568]? F435W isophotal flux (3) 145- 150 F6.4 --- e_FF390 [0/4.1]?=- FF390 uncertainty 152- 164 E13.7 nJy FF390nJy [-2.3e+36/5.8e+6]? F435W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 166- 174 F9.4 nJy e_FF390nJy [0/1128]?=- FF390nJy uncertainty 176- 182 F7.2 --- sF390 [-3.4/5118]? F390W detection significance 184 A1 --- l_F435mag [>u ] Limit flag on F435mag (7) 186- 193 F8.4 mag F435mag [12.1/34.5]? HST/ACS F435W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=25.6656) (1) 195- 201 F7.4 mag e_F435mag [0/5]? Uncertainty on F435mag (2) 203- 214 E12.7 --- FF435 [-1.6e+35/257146]? F435W isophotal flux (3) 216- 223 F8.4 --- e_FF435 [0.01/20]?=- FF435 uncertainty 225- 237 E13.7 nJy FF435nJy [-3.1e+37/5.1e+7]? F435W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 239- 247 F9.4 nJy e_FF435nJy [2.2/3811]?=- FF435nJy uncertainty 249- 256 F8.2 --- sF435 [-6.8/28192]? F435W detection significance 258 A1 --- l_F475mag [>u ] Limit flag on F475mag (7) 260- 267 F8.4 mag F475mag [12.9/34.1]? HST/ACS F475W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=26.0558) (1) 269- 275 F7.4 mag e_F475mag [0.0001/5]? F475mag uncertainty 277- 288 E12.6 --- FF475 [-3.1e+33/168159]? F475W isophotal flux (3) 290- 295 F6.4 --- e_FF475 [0/9.8565]?=- FF475 uncertainty 297- 309 E13.7 nJy FF475nJy [-4.2e+35/2.4e+7]? F475W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 311- 319 F9.4 nJy e_FF475nJy [0/1354]?=- FF475nJy uncertainty 321- 328 F8.2 --- sF475 [-4.7/17061]? F475W detection significance 330 A1 --- l_F555mag [>u ] Limit flag on F555mag (7) 332- 339 F8.4 mag F555mag [14.4/34]? HST/ACS F435W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=25.7125) (1) 341- 347 F7.4 mag e_F555mag [0.0001/4.4]?=- F555mag uncertainty 349- 360 E12.6 --- FF555 [-1.1e+34/30868]? F555W isophotal flux (3) 362- 367 F6.4 --- e_FF555 [0/3.4]?=- FF555 uncertainty 369- 381 E13.7 nJy FF555nJy [-2.1e+36/5.9e+6]? F555W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 383- 390 F8.4 nJy e_FF555nJy [0/628]?=- F555nJy uncertainty 392- 398 F7.2 --- sF555 [-1.5/9264]? F555W detection significance 400 A1 --- l_F606mag [>u ] Limit flag on F606mag (7) 402- 409 F8.4 mag F606mag [12/34]? HST/ACS F606W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=26.4934) (1) 411- 417 F7.4 mag e_F606mag [0/5]? Uncertainty on the F606mag (1) 419- 430 E12.6 --- FF606 [-3.5e+34/607345]? F606W isophotal flux (3) 432- 439 F8.4 --- e_FF606 [0.01/29]?=- FF606 uncertainty 441- 453 E13.7 nJy FF606nJy [-5e+36/5.6e+7]? F606W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 455- 463 F9.4 nJy e_FF606nJy [1.7/2594]?=- FF606nJy uncertainty 465- 472 F8.2 --- sF606 [-19/50498]? F606W detection significance 474 A1 --- l_F625mag [>u ] Limit flag on F625mag (7) 476- 483 F8.4 mag F625mag [13.8/34.2]? HST/ACS F625W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=25.8995) (1) 485- 491 F7.4 mag e_F625mag [0.0001/5]? F625mag uncertainty 493- 504 E12.6 --- FF625 [-6.8e+32/65688]? F625W isophotal flux (3) 506- 511 F6.4 --- e_FF625 [0/31]?=- FF625 uncertainty 513- 525 E13.7 nJy FF625nJy [-1.1e+35/1.1e+7]? F625W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 527- 534 F8.4 nJy e_FF625nJy [0/497]?=- FF625nJy uncertainty 536- 543 F8.2 --- sF625 [-2.9/21657]? F625W detection significance 545 A1 --- l_F775mag [>u ] Limit flag on F775mag (7) 547- 554 F8.4 mag F775mag [13.7/33.1]? HST/ACS F775W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=25.6620) (1) 556- 562 F7.4 mag e_F775mag [0/4.2]? F775mag uncertainty 564- 575 E12.6 --- FF775 [-1.6e+34/60750]? F775W isophotal flux (3) 577- 582 F6.4 --- e_FF775 [0/2.4]?=- FF775 uncertainty 584- 596 E13.7 nJy FF775nJy [-3.2e+36/1.2e+7]? F775W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 598- 605 F8.4 nJy e_FF775nJy [0/450]?=- FF775nJy uncertainty 607- 614 F8.2 --- sF775 [-2.9/27368]? F775W detection significance 616 A1 --- l_F814mag [>u ] Limit flag on F814mag (7) 618- 625 F8.4 mag F814mag [11.8/34]? HST/ACS F814W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=25.9467) (1) 627- 633 F7.4 mag e_F814mag [0/5]? Uncertainty on the F814mag (1) 635- 646 E12.6 --- FF814 [-3e+34/446592]? F814W isophotal flux (3) 648- 654 F7.4 --- e_FF814 [0.01/36]?=- FF814 uncertainty 656- 668 E13.7 nJy FF814nJy [-5e+36/7e+7]? F814W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 670- 678 F9.4 nJy e_FF814nJy [1.8/5333]?=- FF814nJy uncertainty 680- 687 F8.2 --- sF814 [-5/42341]? F814W detection significance 689 A1 --- l_F850mag [>u ] Limit flag on F850mag (7) 691- 698 F8.4 mag F850mag [13.2/33]? HST/ACS F850LP isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=24.8710) (1) 700- 706 F7.4 mag e_F850mag [0/4.3]? F850mag uncertainty 708- 719 E12.6 --- FF850 [-2.1e+34/46689]? F850LP isophotal flux (3) 721- 726 F6.4 --- e_FF850 [0/2.2]?=- FF850 uncertainty 728- 741 E14.8 nJy FF850nJy [-8.6e+36/2e+7]? F850LP isophotal flux in nJy (3) 743- 750 F8.4 nJy e_FF850nJy [0/877]?=- FF850nJy uncertainty 752- 759 F8.2 --- sF850 [-3.7/22854]? F850LP detection significance 761 A1 --- l_F105mag [>u ] Limit flag on F105mag (7) 763- 770 F8.4 mag F105mag [14.1/34.1]? HST/WFC3 F105W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=26.2689) (1) 772- 778 F7.4 mag e_F105mag [0.0002/5.1]? Uncertainty on F105mag 780- 791 E12.6 --- FF105 [-2.3e+35/230144] F105W isophotal flux (3) 793- 803 F11.4 --- e_FF105 [0.03/227827]?=- FF105 uncertainty 805- 817 E13.7 nJy FF105nJy [-2.6e+37/2.6e+7] F105W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 819- 833 E15.10 nJy e_FF105nJy [4.5/2.6e+7]?=- FF105nJy uncertainty 835- 842 F8.2 --- sF105 [-6.2/6142] F105W detection significance 844 A1 --- l_F110mag [>u ] Limit flag on F110mag (7) 846- 853 F8.4 mag F110mag [16/34.7]? HST/WFC3 F105W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=26.8222) (1) 855- 861 F7.4 mag e_F110mag [0.0001/5]? F110mag uncertainty 863- 874 E12.6 --- FF110 [-5.4e+34/363218]? F110W isophotal flux (3) 876- 887 E12.6 --- e_FF110 [0/1383]?=- FF110 uncertainty 889- 901 E13.7 nJy FF110nJy [-3.7e+36/2.5e+7]? F110W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 903- 917 E15.10 nJy e_FF110nJy [0/93686]?=- FF110nJy uncertainty 919- 925 F7.2 --- sF110 [-2.2/7963]? F110W detection significance 927 A1 --- l_F125mag [>u ] Limit flag on F125mag (7) 929- 936 F8.4 mag F125mag [13.9/33.3]? HST/WFC3 F125W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=26.2303) (1) 938- 944 F7.4 mag e_F125mag [0.0001/5]? Uncertainty on F125mag 946- 957 E12.6 --- FF125 [-2.3e+35/259377] F125W isophotal flux (3) 959- 970 E12.6 --- e_FF125 [0.02/1.5e+6]?=- FF125 uncertainty 972- 984 E13.7 nJy FF125nJy [-2.7e+37/3.1e+7] F125W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 986- 1000 E15.10 nJy e_FF125nJy [3.3/1.8e+8]?=- FF125nJy uncertainty 1002- 1008 F7.2 --- sF125 [-2.4/7380] F125W detection significance 1010 A1 --- l_F140mag [>u ] Limit flag on F140mag (7) 1012- 1019 F8.4 mag F140mag [14.2/33.8]? HST/WFC3 F140W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=26.4524) (1) 1021- 1027 F7.4 mag e_F140mag [0.0002/5]? Uncertainty on F140mag 1029- 1040 E12.6 --- FF140 [-2.3e+35/278453] F140W isophotal flux (3) 1042- 1051 F10.4 --- e_FF140 [0.07/45082]?=- FF140 uncertainty 1053- 1065 E13.7 nJy FF140nJy [-2.2e+37/2.7e+7] F140W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 1067- 1081 E15.10 nJy e_FF140nJy [6.9/4.3e+6]?=- FF140nJy uncertainty 1083- 1090 F8.2 --- sF140 [-2.8/4495] F140W detection significance 1092 A1 --- l_F160mag [>u ] Limit flag on F160mag (7) 1094- 1101 F8.4 mag F160mag [13.7/33.6]? HST/WFC3 F160W isophotal AB magnitude (ZP=25.9463) (1) 1103- 1109 F7.4 mag e_F160mag [0.0001/5]? Uncertainty on the F160mag 1111- 1122 E12.6 --- FF160 [-2.3e+35/182856] F160W isophotal flux (3) 1124- 1134 F11.4 --- e_FF160 [0.02/102966]?=- FF160 uncertainty 1136- 1148 E13.7 nJy FF160nJy [-3.4e+37/2.8e+7] F160W isophotal flux in nJy (3) 1150- 1164 E15.10 nJy e_FF160nJy [3/1.6e+7]?=- FF160nJy uncertainty 1166- 1173 F8.2 --- sF160 [-4.3/14987] F160W detection significance 1175- 1181 F7.4 mag mag [11.8/29.5] Brightest AB magnitude in any filter 1183- 1189 F7.4 mag e_mag [18.7/31.1] Uncertainty on mag 1191- 1196 F6.3 --- zb [0.011/12] BPZ most likely redshift (4) 1198- 1203 F6.3 --- b_zb [0.01/10.6] Zb lower limit (95% confidence) 1205- 1210 F6.3 --- B_zb [0.02/13] Zb upper limit (95% confidence) 1212- 1216 F5.2 --- tb [1/11] BPZ most likely type (5) 1218- 1222 F5.3 --- odds [0.02/1] P(z) contained within zb+/-2*0.02* (1+z) 1224- 1230 F7.3 --- Fit [0/374] Poorness of BPZ fit: observed vs. model fluxes 1232- 1239 F8.3 --- Chi2 [0/2277] Modified chisq: model fluxes given error bars (6) 1241- 1248 F8.4 mag M0 [11.8/34]?=-99 Magnitude used as BPZ prior: F775W or closest available filter 1250- 1254 F5.2 --- zml [0.01/12] Maximum likelihood most likely redshift 1256- 1260 F5.2 --- tml [1/11] Maximum likelihood most likely type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Magnitudes have been corrected for galactic extinction: E(B-V)=0.01260 based on Schlafly & Finkbeiner 2011ApJ...737..103S Note (2): Vulnerable to cosmic rays Note (3): Isophotal fluxes multiplied by correction factors (given in Table 2) for extinction. Note (4): Bayesian Photometric Redshifts are derived using BPZ (Benitez+ 2000ApJ...536..571B and Coe+ 2006AJ....132..926C). These results are intended for galaxies only. Stars may be pruned as having higher values of SExtractor stellarity. For each object, the most likely redshift and template are given by zb and tb, and the 95% confidence range. See Section 5.3. Note (5): The templates used here are 5 ellipticals (1-5), 2 spirals (6-7), and 4 starburst galaxies (8-11); see Figure 5. Higher values of tb generally correspond to bluer templates. Note (6): Objects with Chi2<1 generally have photometry well fit by the model SEDs. Note (7): Limit flag as follows: > = 1-sigma limit: non-detection u = unobserved (outside FOV, in chip gap, etc.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global notes: Note (G1): Cluster portion (e.g., NE) if observed by RELICS with two WFC3/IR pointings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History: From electronic version of the journal for Table 2 Individual catalogs downloaded at: http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/relics/ ================================================================================ (End) Emmanuelle Perret [CDS] 31-May-2021