Browsing by Author BEDOSTI, Francesco
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2021 | The Additional Representative Images for Legacy (ARI-L) Project for the ALMA Science Archive | MASSARDI, MARCELLA ; Stoehr, F.; Bendo, G. J.; BONATO, MATTEO ; BRAND, JAN ; Galluzzi, Vincenzo ; Guglielmetti, F.; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; MARCHILI, Nicola ; Richards, A. M. S., et al | open |
2012 | Analysis of high capacity storage systems for e-vlbi | STAGNI, Matteo; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; NANNI, MAURO | none |
2015 | Data formats for the Medicina and Noto radio telescopes in view of a common Archive | ZANICHELLI, Alessandra ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; KNAPIC, Cristina ; ORLATI, ANDREA; STAGNI, Matteo ; NANNI, MAURO ; De Marco, M.; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; SMAREGLIA, Riccardo ; DOVGAN, ERIK | none |
2021 | The INAF Radio Data Archive: Towards a modern Science Gateway | ZANICHELLI, Alessandra ; KNAPIC, Cristina ; LONDERO, ELISA ; ZORBA, SONIA ; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; NANNI, MAURO ; STAGNI, Matteo ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; TINARELLI, FRANCO , et al | reserved |
2018 | KAFE: the Key-analysis Automated FITS-images Explorer | BURKUTEAN, SANDRA ; GIANNETTI, ANDREA ; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; MASSARDI, MARCELLA ; RYGL, Kazi Lucie Jessica ; BRAND, JAN ; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; BONATO, MATTEO ; D’Amato, Quirino; Galluzzi, Vincenzo , et al | open |
2019 | Macchina dei colori 2.0 - Navigando lungo lo spettro elettromagnetico | RIGHINI, Simona ; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; FIOCCHI, Franco ; Gregorini, Loretta; MESSEROTTI, Mauro ; VARANO, Stefania | open |
2013 | Performance comparision of filesystem on RAID for e-VLBI data | STAGNI, Matteo; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; NANNI, MAURO | none |
2020 | A public data archive for the Italian radio telescopes | ZANICHELLI, Alessandra ; KNAPIC, Cristina ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; NANNI, MAURO ; STAGNI, Matteo ; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; BARTOLINI, MARCO ; SPONZA, Massimo ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; SMAREGLIA, Riccardo | open |
2016 | Radio data archiving system | KNAPIC, Cristina ; ZANICHELLI, Alessandra ; Dovgan, E.; NANNI, MAURO ; STAGNI, Matteo ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; SPONZA, Massimo ; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; SMAREGLIA, Riccardo | open |
2017 | An RFI mitigation project at the Italian radio telescopes | ZANICHELLI, Alessandra ; MACK, KARL HEINZ ; BARTOLINI, MARCO ; POPPI, Sergio ; SERRA, Giampaolo ; GAUDIOMONTE, Francesco ; DE BIAGGI, Matteo ; Cantini, Federico; Favero, Enrico; NICOTRA, GAETANO , et al | open |
2015 | The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: An Overview | ALMA Partnership; Fomalont, E. B.; Vlahakis, C.; Corder, S.; Remijan, A.; Barkats, D.; Lucas, R.; Hunter, T. R.; Brogan, C. L.; Asaki, Y., et al | open |
2022 | Towards coordinated site monitoring and common strategies for mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference at the Italian radio telescopes | ZANICHELLI, Alessandra ; SERRA, Giampaolo ; MACK, KARL HEINZ ; NICOTRA, GAETANO ; BARTOLINI, MARCO ; Cantini, Federico; DE BIAGGI, Matteo ; GAUDIOMONTE, Francesco ; BORTOLOTTI, CLAUDIO ; ROMA, MAURO , et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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