Browsing by Author FINESCHI, Silvano
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2009 | Achromatic liquid crystals variable retarders. Preliminary study report | CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; FINESCHI, Silvano | none |
2008 | Application of the Dual Rotating Retarder Polarimeter Technique to the Calibration of a Liquid Crystal Variable Retarder | ZANGRILLI, Luca ; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; Buscemi, Chiara; Crudelin, Filippo | none |
2010 | Collimating system for the Space Optics Calibration Chamber (SPOCC) of the Optical Payload Systems (OPSys) facility (vedi anche allegato Report 148) | Crescenzio, Giuseppe; FINESCHI, Silvano ; MASSONE, Giuseppe | none |
2019 | Comparing extrapolations of the coronal magnetic field structure at 2.5 R<SUB>☉</SUB> with multi-viewpoint coronagraphic observations | SASSO, CLEMENTINA ; Pinto, R. F.; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; Howard, R. A.; Vourlidas, A.; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; DOLEI, Sergio ; SPADARO, Daniele ; SUSINO, ROBERTO ; Antonucci, E., et al | open |
2008 | COMPASS : proposta all'ESA per la Cosmic Vision 2007 | FINESCHI, Silvano | none |
2017 | Comprehensive Analysis of the Geoeffective Solar Event of 21 June 2015: Effects on the Magnetosphere, Plasmasphere, and Ionosphere Systems | PIERSANTI, MIRKO; ALBERTI, TOMMASO ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; BERRILLI, FRANCESCO; BRUNO, Roberto ; Capparelli, Vincenzo; CARBONE, VINCENZO; Cesaroni, Claudio; CONSOLINI, Giuseppe ; Cristaldi, Alice, et al | reserved |
2007 | Configurazione dei setti del banco ottico UVCI della missione HERSCHEL/SCORE | Rossi, Guglielmo; ZANGRILLI, Luca ; ROMOLI, MARCO; FINESCHI, Silvano | none |
2021 | Cosmic-ray flux predictions and observations for and with Metis on board Solar Orbiter | Grimani, C.; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; Chioetto, P.; V. Da Deppo; Fabi, M.; Gissot, S.; Naletto, G.; Persici, A.; Plainaki, C.; Romoli, M., et al | open |
2020 | A database of synthetic images in WL and UV filters to test diagnostic and modeling techniques to be applied on the future Metis data | FRASSATI, FEDERICA ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; SUSINO, ROBERTO ; FINESCHI, Silvano | open |
2015 | Design and modelisation of ASPIICS optics | Galy, Camille; FINESCHI, Silvano ; Galano, Damien; Howard, R. A.; Kintziger, C.; Kirschner, V.; Koutchmy, Serge; Lamy, Philippe; Mazzoli, A.; Melich, R., et al | open |
2015 | Design status of ASPIICS, an externally occulted coronagraph for PROBA-3 | Renotte, Etienne; Alia, Andres; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; Bernier, Joseph; Bramanti, Cristina; Buckley, Steve; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; Cernica, Ileana; Dániel, Vladimir; Darakchiev, Radoslav, et al | open |
2019 | Detection of Coronal Mass Ejections at L1 and Forecast of Their Geoeffectiveness | TELLONI, Daniele ; Antonucci, Ester; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; Bianchi, Tiziano; BRUNO, Roberto ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; Magli, Enrico; NICOLINI, Gianalfredo ; SUSINO, ROBERTO | open |
2016 | Diagnostics of Coronal Magnetic Fields Through the Hanle Effect in UV and IR Lines | Raouafi, Nour E.; Riley, Pete; GIBSON, SARAH; FINESCHI, Silvano ; Solanki, Sami K. | open |
2008 | E-Kpol temperature calibration | CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; Crudelin, Filippo.; ZANGRILLI, Luca ; Buscemi, Chiara; FINESCHI, Silvano | none |
2019 | Effect of the non-uniform solar chromospheric Lyα radiation on determining the coronal H I outflow velocity | DOLEI, Sergio ; SPADARO, Daniele ; VENTURA, Rita ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; SASSO, CLEMENTINA ; SUSINO, ROBERTO ; Antonucci, E.; Da Deppo, V.; FINESCHI, Silvano , et al | open |
2020 | End-to-end numerical simulator of the Shadow Position Sensor (SPS) metrology subsystem of the PROBA-3 ESA mission | AMADORI, FRANCESCO ; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; LOREGGIA, Davide ; CASTI, MARTA ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; NOCE, VLADIMIRO ; ZANGRILLI, Luca ; BELLUSO, Massimiliano ; PANCRAZZI, Maurizio | open |
2024 | Eruptive events with exceptionally bright emission in H i Ly-α observed by the Metis coronagraph | Russano, G. ; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; DE LEO, Yara ; Teriaca, Luca; USLENGHI, Michela ; GIORDANO, Silvio Matteo ; TELLONI, Daniele ; Heinzel, Petr; Jejčič, S.; ABBO, Lucia , et al | open |
2004 | European coronagraph for the solar dynamics observatory report | Antonucci, Ester; FINESCHI, Silvano ; Naletto, Giampiero; Nicolosi, PierGiorgio; De Vidi, Romeo; Vial Jean-Claude; Gabriel Alan H.; Auchère, Frederic; Lamy, Philippe; Rochus, Pierre, et al | none |
2021 | Exploring the Solar Wind from Its Source on the Corona into the Inner Heliosphere during the First Solar Orbiter-Parker Solar Probe Quadrature | TELLONI, Daniele ; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; Antonucci, Ester ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; Capuano, Giuseppe E.; FINESCHI, Silvano ; GIORDANO, Silvio Matteo ; Habbal, Shadia; PERRONE, DENISE ; Pinto, Rui F., et al | open |
2021 | The first coronal mass ejection observed in both visible-light and UV HI Ly-α channels of the Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter | ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; De Leo, Y.; JERSE, GIOVANNA ; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; Mierla, M.; Naletto, G.; Romoli, M.; SASSO, CLEMENTINA ; SLEMER, ALESSANDRA , et al | open |
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