Browsing by Author CIVITANI, Marta Maria
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2014 | Active shape correction of a thin glass/plastic x-ray mirror | SPIGA, Daniele ; BARBERA, Marco ; BASSO, Stefano ; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; COLLURA, Alfonso ; Dell'Agostino, Stefano; LO CICERO, UGO ; Lullo, Giuseppe; Pelliciari, Carlo; RIVA, Marco , et al | open |
2016 | Adjustable integration molds for X-ray optics with cold shaping: requirements and conceptual design | CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; BASSO, Stefano ; PARESCHI, Giovanni | open |
2017 | Advancements in ion beam figuring of very thin glass plates | CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; GHIGO, Mauro ; Hołyszko, J.; VECCHI, Gabriele ; BASSO, Stefano ; COTRONEO, VINCENZO ; DeRoo, C. T.; Schwartz, E. D.; Reid, P. B. | open |
2016 | Beyond Chandra (towards the X-ray Surveyor mission): possible solutions for the implementation of very high angular resolution X-ray telescopes in the new millennium based on fused silica segments | PARESCHI, Giovanni ; BASSO, Stefano ; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; GHIGO, Mauro ; Parodi, G.; Pelliciari, C.; SALMASO, Bianca ; SPIGA, Daniele ; VECCHI, Gabriele | open |
2015 | A bonnet and fluid jet polishing facility for optics fabrication related to the E-ELT | VECCHI, Gabriele ; BASSO, Stefano ; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; GHIGO, Mauro ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; RIVA, Marco ; ZERBI, Filippo Maria | open |
2009 | Calibration of W/Si multilayer samples for SIMBOL-X X-ray telescope Phase A development | SPIGA, Daniele ; PROSERPIO, Laura; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; Dell’Orto, E.; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; COTRONEO, VINCENZO ; Mattarello, V.; Garoli, D.; Boscolo Marchi, E. | none |
2015 | Characterization of the profiles of slumped glass foils after cutting and annealing | HOLYSZKO, JOANNA; SALMASO, Bianca ; CIVITANI, Marta Maria | none |
2014 | Characterization of the Silicon cylindrical slumping mould polished by HELLMA | SALMASO, Bianca ; Brizzolari, C.; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; SPIGA, Daniele | none |
2014 | Characterization Universal Profilometer (CUP): carriages systematic error removal | CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; GHIGO, Mauro | none |
2014 | Characterization Universal Profilometer (CUP): NewPort carriage characterization | CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; GHIGO, Mauro | none |
2016 | Cold and Hot Slumped Glass Optics with interfacing ribs for high angular resolution x-ray telescopes | CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; BASSO, Stefano ; GHIGO, Mauro ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; SALMASO, Bianca ; SPIGA, Daniele ; VECCHI, Gabriele ; Banham, R.; Breuning, E.; Burwitz, V., et al | open |
2015 | Cold shaping of thin glass foils: a fast and cost-effective solution for making light-weight astronomical x-ray optics | CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; BASSO, Stefano ; Citterio, Oberto; GHIGO, Mauro ; SALMASO, Bianca ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; VECCHI, Gabriele | open |
2017 | Design and manufacturing of a compact two-mirror system for multispectral imaging applications | VECCHI, Gabriele ; BASSO, Stefano ; Buratti, E.; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; Conconi, P.; GHIGO, Mauro ; Hołyszko, J.; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; SIRONI, GIORGIA ; TAGLIAFERRI, Gianpiero | open |
2015 | A design study of mirror modules and an assembly based on the slumped glass for an Athena-like optics | BASSO, Stefano ; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; Buratti, Enrico; Eder, Josef; Friedrich, Peter; Fürmetz, Maria | open |
2015 | Development of mirrors made of chemically tempered glass foils for future X-ray telescopes | SALMASO, Bianca ; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; Brizzolari, Claudia; BASSO, Stefano ; GHIGO, Mauro ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; SPIGA, Daniele ; PROSERPIO, Laura; Suppiger, Yves | open |
2017 | Direct hot slumping of thin glass foils for future generation x-ray telescopes: current state of the art and future outlooks | SALMASO, Bianca ; BASSO, Stefano ; Brizzolari, C.; CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; GHIGO, Mauro ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; SPIGA, Daniele ; TAGLIAFERRI, Gianpiero ; VECCHI, Gabriele | open |
2016 | Electrical connections and driving electronics for piezo-actuated x-ray thin glass optics | LO CICERO, UGO ; SCIORTINO, LUISA; Lullo, Giuseppe; Di Bella, Maurizio; Barbera, Marco ; COLLURA, Alfonso ; CANDIA, Roberto ; SPIGA, Daniele ; BASSO, Stefano ; CIVITANI, Marta Maria , et al | open |
2019 | The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission—eXTP | Zhang, ShuangNan; Santangelo, Andrea; FEROCI, MARCO ; Xu, YuPeng; Lu, FangJun; Chen, Yong; Feng, Hua; Zhang, Shu; Brandt, Søren; Hernanz, Margarita, et al | open |
2015 | Evaluation of deflectometry for E-ELT optics | SIRONI, GIORGIA ; CANESTRARI, Rodolfo ; CIVITANI, Marta Maria | open |
2013 | Evaluation of shape deformations induced by the chemical tempering on Gorilla glass samples | CIVITANI, Marta Maria ; SALMASO, Bianca ; PARESCHI, Giovanni | none |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 89
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