Browsing by Author POSSENTI, ANDREA
Showing results 1 to 20 of 192
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2016 | 21 year timing of the black-widow pulsar J2051-0827 | Shaifullah, G.; Verbiest, J. P. W.; Freire, P. C. C.; Tauris, T. M.; Wex, N.; Osłowski, S.; Stappers, B. W.; Bassa, C. G.; Caballero, R. N.; Champion, D. J., et al | open |
2019 | A fast radio burst with a low dispersion measure | Petroff, E.; Oostrum, L. C.; Stappers, B. W.; Bailes, M.; Barr, E. D.; Bates, S.; Bhandari, S.; Bhat, N. D. R.; BURGAY, MARTA ; Burke-Spolaor, S., et al | open |
2023 | Accretion geometry of the neutron star low mass X-ray binary Cyg X-2 from X-ray polarization measurements | FARINELLI, Ruben ; Fabiani, S; Poutanen, J; Ursini, Francesco ; Ferrigno, C; Bianchi, S; COCCHI, Massimo ; CAPITANIO, FIAMMA ; DE ROSA, Alessandra ; Gnarini, A, et al | open |
2019 | Accretion in strong field gravity with eXTP | DE ROSA, ALESSANDRA ; Uttley, Phil; Gou, LiJun; Liu, Yuan; Bambi, Cosimo; Barret, Didier; BELLONI, Tomaso Maria Melchiorre ; Berti, Emanuele; BIANCHI, STEFANO; Caiazzo, Ilaria, et al | open |
2024 | Analysis of Crab X-Ray Polarization Using Deeper Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer Observations | Wong, Josephine; Mizuno, Tsunefumi; BUCCIANTINI, Niccolo' ; Romani, Roger W.; Yang, Yi Jung; Liu, Kuan; Deng, Wei; Goya, Kazuho; XIE, FEI ; PILIA, Maura , et al | open |
2021 | An analysis of the time-frequency structure of several bursts from FRB 121102 detected with MeerKAT | Platts, E.; Caleb, M.; Stappers, B. W.; Main, R. A.; Weltman, A.; Shock, J. P.; Kramer, M.; Bezuidenhout, M. C.; Jankowski, F.; Morello, V., et al | open |
2023 | The Central Scientific Unit VIII - ”Computing” | POSSENTI, ANDREA ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; BRUNETTI, Gianfranco ; BULGARELLI, ANDREA ; BUSONERO, Deborah ; COSTA, Alessandro ; DI GIORGIO, Anna Maria ; KNAPIC, Cristina ; LANDONI, Marco ; TAFFONI, Giuliano | open |
2021 | Common-red-signal analysis with 24-yr high-precision timing of the European Pulsar Timing Array: inferences in the stochastic gravitational-wave background search | Chen, S.; Caballero, R. N.; Guo, Y. J.; Chalumeau, A.; Liu, K.; Shaifullah, G.; Lee, K. J.; Babak, S.; Desvignes, G.; Parthasarathy, A., et al | open |
2024 | Comparing Recent Pulsar Timing Array Results on the Nanohertz Stochastic Gravitational-wave Background | Agazie, G.; Antoniadis, J.; Anumarlapudi, A.; Archibald, A. M.; Arumugam, P.; Arumugam, S.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Askew, J.; Babak, S.; Bagchi, M., et al | open |
2024 | Complex rotational dynamics of the neutron star in Hercules X-1 revealed by X-ray polarization | Heyl, Jeremy; Doroshenko, Victor; González-Caniulef, Denis; Caiazzo, Ilaria; Poutanen, Juri; Mushtukov, Alexander; Tsygankov, Sergey S.; Kirmizibayrak, Demet; BACHETTI, Matteo ; Pavlov, George G., et al | open |
2020 | Constraints on the magnetic field in the Galactic halo from globular cluster pulsars | ABBATE, Federico ; POSSENTI, ANDREA ; TIBURZI, Caterina ; Barr, E; van Straten, W; RIDOLFI, ALESSANDRO ; Freire, P | open |
2015 | A Cosmic Census of Radio Pulsars with the SKA | Keane, E.; Bhattacharyya, B.; Kramer, M.; Stappers, B.; Keane, E. F.; Stappers, B. W.; Bates, S. D.; BURGAY, MARTA ; Chatterjee, S.; Champion, D. J., et al | open |
2019 | Current results and future prospects from PSR J1757-1854, a highly-relativistic double neutron star binary | Cameron, Andrew D.; Champion, David; Kramer, Michael; Bailes, Matthew; Balakrishnan, Vishnu; Barr, Ewan; Bassa, Cees; Bhandari, Shivani; Bhat, Ramesh; Burgay, M. , et al | open |
2024 | Cygnus X-3 revealed as a Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source by IXPE | Veledina, Alexandra; MULERI, FABIO ; Poutanen, Juri; Podgorný, Jakub; Dovčiak, Michal; CAPITANIO, FIAMMA ; Churazov, Eugene; DE ROSA, Alessandra ; DI MARCO, Alessandro; Forsblom, Sofia V., et al | open |
2017 | Data Reduction of Multi-wavelength Observations | PILIA, Maura ; Trois, A. ; Pellizzoni, A. P.; BACHETTI, Matteo ; PIANO, Giovanni ; PODDIGHE, Antonio ; Egron, E.; Iacolina, M. N.; Melis, A.; Concu, R., et al | open |
2016 | A Deep Campaign to Characterize the Synchronous Radio/X-Ray Mode Switching of PSR B0943+10 | MEREGHETTI, Sandro ; Kuiper, L.; Tiengo, A.; Hessels, J.; Hermsen, W.; Stovall, K.; POSSENTI, ANDREA ; Rankin, J.; Esposito, P.; Turolla, R., et al | open |
2022 | Deep Upper Limit on the Optical Emission during a Hard X-Ray Burst from the Magnetar SGR J1935+2154 | ZAMPIERI, Luca ; MEREGHETTI, Sandro ; Turolla, Roberto; Naletto, Giampiero ; OCHNER, PAOLO ; BURTOVOI, ALEKSANDR ; FIORI, Michele ; GUIDORZI, CRISTIANO ; NICASTRO, LUCIANO ; PALAZZI, ELIANA , et al | open |
2019 | Dense matter with eXTP | Watts, Anna L.; Yu, WenFei; Poutanen, Juri; Zhang, Shu; Bhattacharyya, Sudip; Bogdanov, Slavko; Ji, Long; Patruno, Alessandro; Riley, Thomas E.; Bakala, Pavel, et al | open |
2024 | The detection of polarized X-ray emission from the magnetar 1E 2259+586 | Heyl, Jeremy; Taverna, Roberto; Turolla, Roberto; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Ng, Mason; Kırmızıbayrak, Demet; González-Caniulef, Denis; Caiazzo, Ilaria; Zane, Silvia; Ehlert, Steven R., et al | open |
2022 | Detection of quasi-periodic micro-structure in three millisecond pulsars with the Large European Array for Pulsars | Liu, K.; Antoniadis, J.; Bassa, C. G.; Chen, S.; Cognard, I.; Gaikwad, M.; Hu, H.; Jang, J.; Janssen, G. H.; Karuppusamy, R., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 192
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