Browsing by Author PIAZZESI, Roberto
Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | ADAHELI: exploring the fast, dynamic Sun in the x-ray, optical, and near-infrared | BERRILLI, FRANCESCO; SOFFITTA, PAOLO ; VELLI, MARCO; Sabatini, Paolo; Bigazzi, Alberto; Bellazzini, Ronaldo; Bellot Rubio, Luis Ramon; Brez, Alessandro; CARBONE, VINCENZO; CAUZZI, Gianna , et al | open |
2022 | The European Solar Telescope | Quintero Noda, C.; Schlichenmaier, R.; Bellot Rubio, L. R.; Löfdahl, M. G.; Khomenko, E.; Jurčák, J.; Leenaarts, J.; Kuckein, C.; González Manrique, S. J.; Gunár, S., et al | open |
2018 | Fast cadence speckle-free high-contrast imaging: SFADI and SFI | LI CAUSI, Gianluca ; STANGALINI, MARCO; ANTONIUCCI, Simone ; PEDICHINI, Fernando ; MATTIOLI, Massimiliano; TESTA, Vincenzo ; PIAZZESI, ROBERTO | open |
2019 | First Direct Imaging Detection of the Secondary Component of α Andromedae with the LBT/SHARK-VIS Pathfinder Experiment | MATTIOLI, Massimiliano ; PEDICHINI, Fernando ; ANTONIUCCI, Simone ; LI CAUSI, Gianluca ; PIAZZESI, ROBERTO ; STANGALINI, MARCO ; TESTA, Vincenzo ; Vaz, A.; PINNA, Enrico ; PUGLISI, Alfio Timothy , et al | open |
2019 | High-Resolution Imaging of Closely Space Objects with High Contrast Ratios | HOPE, Douglas; JEFFERIES, Stuart; LI CAUSI, Gianluca ; STANGALINI, MARCO ; PEDICHINI, Fernando ; MATTIOLI, Massimiliano ; ANTONIUCCI, Simone ; TESTA, Vincenzo ; PIAZZESI, ROBERTO | reserved |
2022 | IBIS 2.0: optical layout and polarimetric unit of the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer 2.0 | VIAVATTENE, Giorgio ; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; CIRAMI, Roberto ; CALDERONE, GIORGIO ; DEL MORO, DARIO; ROMANO, Paolo ; ALIVERTI, Matteo ; BALDINI, Veronica ; GIORGI, Fabrizio ; PEDICHINI, Fernando , et al | open |
2020 | IBIS-04 System Design Description | VIAVATTENE, GIORGIO ; BALDINI, Veronica ; CIRAMI, ROBERTO ; CORETTI, Igor ; DEL MORO, DARIO ; DI MARCANTONIO, Paolo ; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; GIORGI, Fabrizio ; GIOVANNELLI, LUCA ; PEDICHINI, Fernando , et al | open |
2020 | IBIS2.0: The new Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer | ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; CIRAMI, Roberto ; CALDERONE, GIORGIO ; DEL MORO, DARIO; ROMANO, Paolo ; VIAVATTENE, Giorgio ; CORETTI, Igor ; GIORGI, Fabrizio ; BALDINI, Veronica ; DI MARCANTONIO, Paolo , et al | open |
2018 | Long-term optical monitoring of the solar atmosphere in Italy | GUGLIELMINO, SALVATORE LUIGI ; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; Romano, P.; ZUCCARELLO, Francesca ; GIORGI, Fabrizio ; FALCO, MARIACHIARA ; PIAZZESI, Roberto ; STANGALINI, MARCO ; MURABITO, Mariarita ; FERRUCCI, Marco , et al | open |
2021 | MICADO Data Reduction Library Design for PSF Reconstruction Application | GRAZIAN, Andrea ; PORTALURI, ELISA ; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; Verodes-Kleijn, Gijs; Wagner, Roland; PEDICHINI, Fernando ; PIAZZESI, Roberto ; SIMIONI, Matteo ; VULCANI, Benedetta ; ZANELLA, Anita | reserved |
2020 | MICADO PSF-reconstruction work package description | Simioni, Matteo ; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; GRAZIAN, Andrea ; Clenet Y.; Davies R.; GULLIEUSZIK, MARCO ; Verdoes Kleijn G.; PEDICHINI, Fernando ; Wagner R.; Ramlau R., et al | open |
2024 | Observation of Io's Resurfacing via Plume Deposition Using Ground-Based Adaptive Optics at Visible Wavelengths With LBT SHARK-VIS | Conrad, Al; PEDICHINI, Fernando ; LI CAUSI, Gianluca ; ANTONIUCCI, Simone ; de Pater, Imke; Davies, Ashley Gerard; de Kleer, Katherine; PIAZZESI, Roberto ; TESTA, Vincenzo ; VACCARI, Piero , et al | open |
2022 | Point spread function reconstruction for SOUL + LUCI LBT data | SIMIONI, Matteo ; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; Wagner, Roland; GRAZIAN, Andrea ; GULLIEUSZIK, MARCO ; PORTALURI, ELISA ; VULCANI, Benedetta ; ZANELLA, Anita ; AGAPITO, Guido ; Davies, Richard, et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
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