Browsing by Author RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2017 | An accreting pulsar with extreme properties drives an ultraluminous x-ray source in NGC 5907 | ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Belfiore, Andrea; STELLA, Luigi; ESPOSITO, PAOLO; CASELLA, Piergiorgio ; DE LUCA, Andrea ; MARELLI, MARTINO; PAPITTO, ALESSANDRO ; PERRI, Matteo ; Puccetti, Simonetta, et al | mixedopen |
2017 | AX J1910.7+0917: the slowest X-ray pulsar | SIDOLI, Lara ; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Esposito, P.; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; Postnov, K. | open |
2021 | The Chameleon on the branches: spectral state transition and dips in NGC 247 ULX-1 | D'AI', ANTONINO ; PINTO, CIRO ; DEL SANTO, MELANIA ; Pintore, Fabio ; Soria, R.; Robba, A.; AMBROSI, ELENA ; Alston, W.; Barret, D.; Fabian, A. C., et al | open |
2016 | The Chandra ACIS Timing Survey Project: glimpsing a sample of faint X-ray pulsators | ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Esposito, P.; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; SIDOLI, Lara | open |
2021 | A deep XMM-Newton observation of the X-Persei-like binary system CXOU J225355.1+624336 | LA PALOMBARA, NICOLA ; SIDOLI, Lara ; Esposito, P.; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres | open |
2020 | Diffuse X-ray emission around an ultraluminous X-ray pulsar | BELFIORE MONDONI, Andrea ; ESPOSITO, PAOLO ; Pintore, Fabio ; Novara, Giovanni; SALVATERRA, Ruben ; DE LUCA, Andrea ; TIENGO, ANDREA ; CARAVEO, Patrizia ; Fürst, Felix; ISRAEL, Gian Luca , et al | open |
2017 | Discovery of a 0.42-s pulsar in the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 7793 P13 | ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; PAPITTO, ALESSANDRO ; Esposito, P.; STELLA, Luigi ; ZAMPIERI, Luca ; Belfiore, A.; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; DE LUCA, Andrea ; Tiengo, A.; Haberl, F., et al | open |
2020 | Discovery of a 2.8 s Pulsar in a 2 Day Orbit High-mass X-Ray Binary Powering the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source ULX-7 in M51 | RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Belfiore, A.; BERNARDINI, Federico ; Esposito, P.; Pintore, Fabio ; DE LUCA, Andrea ; PAPITTO, ALESSANDRO ; STELLA, Luigi ; Tiengo, A., et al | open |
2018 | Discovery of a 3 s Spinning Neutron Star in a 4.15 hr Orbit in the Brightest Hard X-Ray Source in M31 | RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; ESPOSITO, PAOLO; PAPITTO, ALESSANDRO ; STELLA, Luigi ; TIENGO, ANDREA; DE LUCA, Andrea ; MARELLI, MARTINO | open |
2016 | The discovery, monitoring and environment of SGR J1935+2154 | ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Esposito, P.; Rea, N.; Coti Zelati, F.; Tiengo, A.; CAMPANA, Sergio ; MEREGHETTI, Sandro ; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; Götz, D.; BURGAY, MARTA , et al | open |
2016 | EXTraS discovery of an 1.2-s X-ray pulsar in M 31 | Esposito, P.; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Belfiore, A.; Novara, G.; SIDOLI, Lara ; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; DE LUCA, Andrea ; Tiengo, A.; Haberl, F.; SALVATERRA, Ruben , et al | open |
2017 | EXTraS discovery of two pulsators in the direction of the LMC: a Be/X-ray binary pulsar in the LMC and a candidate double-degenerate polar in the foreground | Haberl, F.; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; Vasilopoulos, G.; Delvaux, C.; DE LUCA, Andrea ; Carpano, S.; Esposito, P.; Novara, G.; SALVATERRA, Ruben , et al | open |
2021 | The EXTraS project: Exploring the X-ray transient and variable sky | DE LUCA, Andrea ; SALVATERRA, Ruben ; BELFIORE MONDONI, Andrea ; Carpano, S.; D'Agostino, D.; Haberl, F.; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Law-Green, D.; Lisini, G.; MARELLI, MARTINO , et al | open |
2018 | The First Orbital Period of a Very Bright and Fast Nova in M31: M31N 2013-01b | MARELLI, MARTINO ; DE MARTINO, Domitilla ; MEREGHETTI, Sandro ; DE LUCA, Andrea ; SALVATERRA, Ruben ; SIDOLI, Lara ; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres | open |
2016 | Looking for blazars in a sample of unidentified high-energy emitting Fermi sources | Marchesini, E. J.; MASETTI, NICOLA ; Chavushyan, V.; Cellone, S. A.; Andruchow, I.; BASSANI, LOREDANA ; BAZZANO, ANGELA ; Jiménez-Bailón, E.; Landi, R.; MALIZIA, ANGELA , et al | open |
2019 | The multi-outburst activity of the magnetar in Westerlund I | Borghese, A.; Rea, N.; Turolla, R.; Pons, J. A.; Esposito, P.; Coti Zelati, F.; Savchenko, V.; Bozzo, E.; Perna, R.; Zane, S., et al | open |
2021 | A new transient ultraluminous X-ray source in NGC 7090 | Walton, D. J.; Heida, M.; BACHETTI, Matteo ; Fürst, F.; Brightman, M.; Earnshaw, H.; Evans, P. A.; Fabian, A. C.; Grefenstette, B. W.; Harrison, F. A., et al | open |
2018 | A new ultraluminous X-ray source in the galaxy NGC 5907 | Pintore, Fabio ; Belfiore, A.; Novara, G.; SALVATERRA, Ruben ; Marelli, M.; DE LUCA, Andrea ; Rigoselli, M.; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres ; MEREGHETTI, Sandro , et al | open |
2020 | NuSTAR observation of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGRJ11215-5952 during its 2017 outburst | SIDOLI, Lara ; Postnov, K.; Tiengo, A.; Esposito, P.; SGUERA, VITO ; PAIZIS, ADAMANTIA ; Rodriguez Castillo, G. A. | open |
2015 | Periodic signals from the Circinus region: two new cataclysmic variables and the ultraluminous X-ray source candidate GC X-1 | Esposito, P.; ISRAEL, Gian Luca ; Milisavljevic, D.; Mapelli, M.; ZAMPIERI, Luca ; SIDOLI, Lara ; Fabbiano, G.; RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO, Guillermo Andres | open |
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