Browsing by Author VITELLO, Fabio Roberto
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2023 | AGN feedback in an infant galaxy cluster: LOFAR-Chandra view of the giant FRII radio galaxy J103025+052430 at z = 1.7 | BRIENZA, Marisa ; GILLI, Roberto ; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; D'AMATO, Quirino ; Rajpurohit, K.; CALURA, Francesco ; Chiaberge, Marco; COMASTRI, Andrea ; Iwasawa, K.; LANZUISI, Giorgio , et al | open |
2020 | Astrophysics visual analytics services on the European Open Science Cloud | SCIACCA, Eva ; VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO ; RIGGI, Simone ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; BORDIU, CRISTOBAL ; BUFANO, FILOMENA ; Butora, Robert ; COSTA, Alessandro ; MOLINARI, Sergio ; MOLINARO, Marco , et al | open |
2015 | Clustering analysis for muon tomography data elaboration in the Muon Portal project | Bandieramonte, M.; ANTONUCCIO, Vincenzo ; Becciani, U. ; COSTA, Alessandro ; La Rocca, P.; Massimino, P.; Petta, C.; Pistagna, C.; Riggi, F.; RIGGI, Simone , et al | open |
2019 | Cuc(aesar) source finder: Recent developments and testing | RIGGI, Simone ; VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; BUEMI, CARLA SIMONA ; BUFANO, FILOMENA ; CALANDUCCI, ANTONIO SALVATORE ; Cavallaro, Francesco ; COSTA, Alessandro ; INGALLINERA, Adriano ; LETO, PAOLO , et al | open |
2022 | EuroEXA - D2.6: Final ported application software | TAFFONI, Giuliano ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; CESARE, VALENTINA ; GOZ, David ; TORNATORE, Luca ; VITELLO, Fabio Roberto ; Carpenter, Pul; Omar Shaaban, Ibrahim Ali; Lange, Michael; Marsden, Olivier, et al | open |
2019 | Evolution of young protoclusters embedded in dense massive clumps. A new grid of population synthesis SED models and a new set of L/M evolutionary tracks | MOLINARI, Sergio ; Baldeschi, Adriano; Robitaille, Thomas P.; Morales, Esteban F. E.; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; TRAFICANTE, ALESSIO ; Merello, Manuel; MOLINARO, Marco ; VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO ; SCIACCA, Eva , et al | open |
2021 | Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU):Compact radio sources in the SCOPRIO field towards the Galactic plane | RIGGI, Simone ; UMANA, Grazia Maria Gloria ; TRIGILIO, CORRADO ; Cavallaro, Francesco ; INGALLINERA, Adriano ; LETO, PAOLO ; BUFANO, FILOMENA ; Norris, R. P.; Hopkins, A. M.; Filipović, M. D., et al | open |
2020 | First detection of the Crab Nebula at TeV energies with a Cherenkov telescope in a dual-mirror Schwarzschild-Couder configuration: the ASTRI-Horn telescope | LOMBARDI, Saverio ; CATALANO, OSVALDO ; SCUDERI, Salvatore ; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; PARESCHI, Giovanni ; Antolini, E.; Arrabito, L.; Bellassai, G.; Bernlöhr, K.; BIGONGIARI, Ciro , et al | open |
2022 | The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XXXV. Fundamental properties of transiting exoplanet host stars | BIAZZO, Katia ; V. D'Orazi; DESIDERA, Silvano ; TURRINI, Diego ; BENATTI, Serena ; GRATTON, Raffaele ; MAGRINI, Laura ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; M. Baratella; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO , et al | open |
2017 | GeoNet: building science gateway alliances for the GeoHazard community | Becciani, U. ; SCIACCA, Eva ; Costa, A. ; Vitello, F. R. ; Alessandro Tibaldi; Mel Krokos; Derek Rust; Malcolm Whitworth; Paraskevi Nomikou | open |
2017 | The Hi-GAL compact source catalogue - I. The physical properties of the clumps in the inner Galaxy (-71.0° < ℓ < 67.0°) | ELIA, Davide Quintino ; MOLINARI, Sergio ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; Pestalozzi, M.; PEZZUTO, Stefano ; Merello, M.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Moore, T. J. T.; Russeil, D.; Mottram, J. C., et al | open |
2021 | The high-frequency upgrade of the Sardinia Radio Telescope | GOVONI, FEDERICA ; BOLLI, Pietro ; BUFFA, Franco ; CAITO, LETIZIA ; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; COMORETTO, Giovanni ; FIERRO, Davide ; MELIS, Andrea ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; NAVARRINI, Alessandro , et al | open |
2018 | Immersive Virtual Reality for Earth Sciences | Gerloni, Ilario Gabriele; Carchiolo, Vincenza; VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO ; SCIACCA, Eva ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; COSTA, Alessandro ; RIGGI, Simone ; Bonali, Fabio Luca; Russo, Elena; Fallati, Luca, et al | reserved |
2021 | The INAF Radio Data Archive: Towards a modern Science Gateway | ZANICHELLI, Alessandra ; KNAPIC, Cristina ; LONDERO, ELISA ; ZORBA, SONIA ; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; NANNI, MAURO ; STAGNI, Matteo ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; TINARELLI, FRANCO , et al | reserved |
2015 | An Innovative Science Gateway for the Cherenkov Telescope Array | COSTA, Alessandro ; MASSIMINO, Pietro; Bandieramonte, Marilena; BECCIANI, Ugo ; Krokos, Mel; Pistagna, Costantino; RIGGI, Simone ; SCIACCA, Eva ; VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO | open |
2016 | An Innovative Workspace for The Cherenkov Telescope Array | COSTA, Alessandro ; SCIACCA, Eva ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; Massimino, Peiro; RIGGI, Simone ; Sanchez, David; VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO | open |
2015 | An integrated visualization environment for the virtual observatory: Current status and future directions | SCIACCA, Eva ; COSTA, Alessandro ; Massimino, P.; Bandieramonte, M.; Krokos, M.; RIGGI, Simone ; Pistagna, C.; TAFFONI, Giuliano ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO | open |
2022 | LOgging UnifieD for ASTRI Mini Array | INCARDONA, Federico ; COSTA, Alessandro ; MUNARI, Kevin ; BRUNO, Pietro Giuseppe ; BULGARELLI, ANDREA ; GERMANI, STEFANO ; GRILLO, Alessandro ; SCHWARZ, Joseph Hilary ; SCIACCA, Eva ; TOSTI, Gino , et al | open |
2016 | Milky Way Analysis through a Science Gateway: Workflows and Resource Monitoring | SCIACCA, Eva ; VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; COSTA, Alessandro ; Hajnal, Akos; Kacsuk, Peter; MOLINARI, Sergio ; DI GIORGIO, Anna Maria ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; LIU, Scige' John , et al | open |
2015 | Mobile application development exploiting science gateway technologies | VITELLO, FABIO ROBERTO ; SCIACCA, Eva ; BECCIANI, Ugo ; COSTA, Alessandro ; Massimino, P.; Takács, E.; Szakál, B. | open |
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