Browsing by Author OGGIONI, Luca
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2022 | ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science case, baseline design and path to construction | MARCONI, Alessandro ; Abreu, M.; Adibekyan, V.; ALBERTI, Valentina ; Albrecht, S.; Alcaniz, J.; ALIVERTI, Matteo ; Allende Prieto, C.; Alvarado Gómez, J. D.; Amado, P. J., et al | open |
2024 | ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science goals, project overview, and future developments | MARCONI, Alessandro ; Abreu, M.; Adibekyan, V.; ALBERTI, Valentina ; Albrecht, S.; Alcaniz, J.; ALIVERTI, Matteo ; Allende Prieto, C.; Alvarado-Gomez, J. D.; Alves, C. S., et al | open |
2022 | Be social, be agile: team engagement with Redmine | BRIGUGLIO PELLEGRINO, Runa Antonio ; XOMPERO, MARCO ; RIVA, Marco ; SELMI, Chiara ; URBAN, Cristiano ; AZZAROLI, Nicolo ; OGGIONI, Luca ; SCALERA, Marcello Agostino ; RICCARDI, Armando ; BALESTRA, Andrea , et al | open |
2024 | CUBES, the Cassegrain U-Band Efficient Spectrograph: towards final design review | GENONI, Matteo ; Dekker, Hans; COVINO, Stefano ; CIRAMI, Roberto ; Scalera, Marcello A.; Bissel, Lawrence; Seifert, Walter; Calcines, Ariadna; Avila, Gerardo; LANDONI, Marco , et al | open |
2023 | CUBES: a UV spectrograph for the future | COVINO, Stefano ; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Alencar, S. H. P.; Balashev, S. A.; Barbuy, B.; Bastian, N.; Battino, U.; Bissell, L.; Bristow, P., et al | open |
2021 | ESPRESSO at VLT. On-sky performance and first results | Pepe, F.; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Rebolo, R.; Santos, N. C.; Dekker, H.; Cabral, A.; DI MARCANTONIO, Paolo ; Figueira, P.; Lo Curto, G.; Lovis, C., et al | open |
2021 | ESPRESSO high-resolution transmission spectroscopy of WASP-76 b | Tabernero, H. M.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Allart, R.; BORSA, Francesco ; Casasayas-Barris, N.; Demangeon, O.; Ehrenreich, D.; Lillo-Box, J.; Lovis, C.; Pallé, E., et al | open |
2021 | Fundamental physics with ESPRESSO: Towards an accurate wavelength calibration for a precision test of the fine-structure constant | SCHMIDT, TOBIAS MARIUS ; MOLARO, Paolo ; Murphy, Michael T.; Lovis, Christophe; CUPANI, Guido ; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Pepe, Francesco A.; Rebolo, Rafael; Santos, Nuno C.; Abreu, Manuel, et al | open |
2022 | IBIS 2.0: optical layout and polarimetric unit of the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer 2.0 | VIAVATTENE, Giorgio ; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; CIRAMI, Roberto ; CALDERONE, GIORGIO ; DEL MORO, DARIO; ROMANO, Paolo ; ALIVERTI, Matteo ; BALDINI, Veronica ; GIORGI, Fabrizio ; PEDICHINI, Fernando , et al | open |
2018 | Mechanical based alignment of large optical instruments: ESPRESSO as an example | PARIANI, Giorgio ; Aliverti, Matteo ; Genoni, Matteo ; Oggioni, L. ; RIVA, Marco ; Santana Tschudi, S.; Mégevand, D.; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Pepe, F. | open |
2016 | MMP, the Multi Mini Prism device for ESPRESSO APSU: prototyping and integration | OGGIONI, LUCA ; PARIANI, Giorgio ; Moschetti, Manuele; RIVA, Marco ; Genoni, Matteo ; Aliverti, Matteo ; LANDONI, Marco | open |
2017 | New Insight into the Fatigue Resistance of Photochromic 1,2-Diarylethenes | PARIANI, Giorgio ; Quintavalla, Martino; Colella, Letizia; OGGIONI, LUCA ; Castagna, Rossella; Ortica, Fausto; Bertarelli, Chiara; BIANCO, ANDREA | open |
2020 | Nightside condensation of iron in an ultrahot giant exoplanet | Ehrenreich, David; Lovis, Christophe; Allart, Romain; Zapatero Osorio, María Rosa; Pepe, Francesco; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Rebolo, Rafael; Santos, Nuno C.; BORSA, Francesco ; Demangeon, Olivier, et al | open |
2017 | Photochromic Polyurethanes Showing a Strong Change of Transparency and Refractive Index | OGGIONI, LUCA ; Toccafondi, Chiara; PARIANI, Giorgio ; Colella, Letizia; Canepa, Maurizio; Bertarelli, Chiara; BIANCO, ANDREA | open |
2020 | Revisiting Proxima with ESPRESSO | Suárez Mascareño, A.; Faria, J. P.; Figueira, P.; Lovis, C.; Damasso, Mario ; González Hernández, J. I.; Rebolo, R.; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Pepe, F.; Santos, N. C., et al | open |
2017 | Synthetic holograms based on photochromic diarylethenes | PARIANI, Giorgio ; Alata, Romain; OGGIONI, LUCA ; Colella, Letizia; Bertarelli, Chiara; BIANCO, ANDREA ; Lanzoni, Patric; Zamkotsian, Frederic | open |
Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
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