Browsing by Author PENTERICCI, Laura
Showing results 40 to 59 of 111
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2016 | High-resolution Spectroscopy of a Young, Low-metallicity Optically Thin L = 0.02L* Star-forming Galaxy at z = 3.12 | VANZELLA, Eros ; De Barros, S.; CUPANI, Guido ; Karman, W.; Gronke, M.; Balestra, I.; Coe, D.; MIGNOLI, Marco ; Brusa, M.; Calura, F., et al | open |
2019 | High-velocity outflows in massive post-starburst galaxies at z > 1 | Maltby, David T.; Almaini, Omar; McLure, Ross J.; Wild, Vivienne; Dunlop, James; Rowlands, Kate; Hartley, William G.; Hatch, Nina A.; Socolovsky, Miguel; Wilkinson, Aaron, et al | open |
2018 | HST Grism Observations of a Gravitationally Lensed Redshift 9.5 Galaxy | Hoag, A.; Bradač, M.; Brammer, G.; Huang, K. -H.; Treu, T.; Mason, C. A.; CASTELLANO, MARCO ; DI CRISCIENZO, Marcella ; Jones, T.; Kelly, P., et al | open |
2020 | HST Imaging of the Ionizing Radiation from a Star-forming Galaxy at z = 3.794 | Ji, Zhiyuan; Giavalisco, Mauro; VANZELLA, Eros ; Siana, Brian; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Jaskot, Anne; Liu, Teng; NONINO, Mario ; Ferguson, Henry C.; CASTELLANO, MARCO , et al | open |
2016 | Hubble Imaging of the Ionizing Radiation from a Star-forming Galaxy at Z=3.2 with fesc>50% | VANZELLA, Eros ; de Barros, S.; Vasei, K.; Alavi, A.; Giavalisco, M.; Siana, B.; GRAZIAN, Andrea ; Hasinger, G.; Suh, H.; Cappelluti, N., et al | open |
2019 | Inferences on the timeline of reionization at z ∼ 8 from the KMOS Lens-Amplified Spectroscopic Survey | Mason, Charlotte A.; FONTANA, Adriano ; Treu, Tommaso; Schmidt, Kasper B.; Hoag, Austin; Abramson, Louis; Amorin, Ricardo; Bradač, Maruša; Guaita, Lucia; Jones, Tucker, et al | open |
2020 | The intergalactic medium transmission towards z ≳ 4 galaxies with VANDELS and the impact of dust attenuation | Thomas, R.; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Le Fevre, O.; Zamorani, G.; Schaerer, D.; Amorin, R.; CASTELLANO, MARCO ; Carnall, A. C.; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; Cullen, F., et al | open |
2018 | Kiloparsec-scale gaseous clumps and star formation at z = 5-7 | Carniani, S.; Maiolino, R.; Amorin, R.; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Pallottini, A.; Ferrara, A.; Willott, C. J.; Smit, R.; Matthee, J.; Sobral, D., et al | open |
2019 | KLASS - The Role of Low-Mass Galaxies from Cosmic Dawn to Cosmic Noon | FONTANA, Adriano ; Mason, C. A.; Girard, M.; Treu, T.; Jones, T.; Dessauges-Zavadsky, M.; Morishita, T.; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Schmidt, K.; Wang, X. | open |
2021 | Less and more IGM-transmitted galaxies from z ∼ 2.7 to z ∼ 6 from VANDELS and VUDS | Thomas, R.; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Le Fèvre, O.; Koekemoer, A. M.; CASTELLANO, MARCO ; Cimatti, A.; FONTANOT, Fabio ; GARGIULO, ADRIANA ; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Talia, M., et al | open |
2016 | Limits on the LyC signal from z ~ 3 sources with secure redshift and HST coverage in the E-CDFS field | Guaita, L.; PENTERICCI, Laura ; GRAZIAN, Andrea ; VANZELLA, Eros ; NONINO, Mario ; Giavalisco, M.; Zamorani, G.; BONGIORNO, ANGELA ; Cassata, P.; CASTELLANO, MARCO , et al | open |
2017 | Lyman continuum escape fraction of faint galaxies at z 3.3 in the CANDELS/GOODS-North, EGS, and COSMOS fields with LBC | GRAZIAN, Andrea ; Giallongo, E.; PARIS, Diego ; Boutsia, K.; Dickinson, M.; SANTINI, Paola ; Windhorst, R. A.; Jansen, R. A.; Cohen, S. H.; Ashcraft, T. A., et al | open |
2018 | Lyα-Lyman continuum connection in 3.5 ≤ z ≤ 4.3 star-forming galaxies from the VUDS survey | MARCHI, FRANCESCA ; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Guaita, L.; Schaerer, D.; Verhamme, A.; CASTELLANO, MARCO ; Ribeiro, B.; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Le Fèvre, O.; Amorin, R., et al | open |
2017 | Magnifying the Early Episodes of Star Formation: Super Star Clusters at Cosmological Distances | VANZELLA, Eros ; CASTELLANO, MARCO ; MENEGHETTI, MASSIMO ; MERCURIO, AMATA ; Caminha, G. B.; CUPANI, Guido ; CALURA, Francesco ; Christensen, L.; MERLIN, Emiliano ; Rosati, P., et al | open |
2016 | Mapping the spatial distribution of star formation in cluster galaxies at z ~0.5 with the Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS) | Vulcani, Benedetta ; Treu, T.; Schmidt, K. B.; POGGIANTI, Bianca Maria ; Dressler, A.; FONTANA, Adriano ; Bradač, M.; Brammer, G. B.; Hoag, A.; Huang, K., et al | open |
2016 | Molecular Gas in the Halo Fuels the Growth of a Massive Cluster Galaxy at High Redshift | Emonts, B. H. C.; Lehnert, M. D.; Villar-Martin, M.; Norris, R. P.; Ekers, R. D.; van Moorsel, G. A.; Dannerbauer, H.; Pentericci, L. ; Miley, G. K.; Allison, J. R., et al | open |
2021 | The MUSE Deep Lensed Field on the Hubble Frontier Field MACS J0416. Star-forming complexes at cosmological distances | VANZELLA, Eros ; Caminha, G. B.; Rosati, P.; MERCURIO, AMATA ; CASTELLANO, MARCO ; MENEGHETTI, MASSIMO ; Grillo, C.; Sani, E.; Bergamini, P.; CALURA, Francesco , et al | open |
2019 | The nature of faint radio galaxies at high redshifts | SAXENA, AAYUSH ; H. J. A. Röttgering; K. J. Duncan; G. J. Hill; P. N. Best; B. L. Indahl; M. Marinello; R. A. Overzier; PENTERICCI, Laura ; PRANDONI, ISABELLA , et al | open |
2017 | New constraints on the average escape fraction of Lyman continuum radiation in z 4 galaxies from the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS) | MARCHI, FRANCESCA ; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Guaita, L.; Ribeiro, B.; CASTELLANO, MARCO ; Schaerer, D.; Hathi, N. P.; Lemaux, B. C.; GRAZIAN, Andrea ; Le Fèvre, O., et al | open |
2021 | The NIRVANDELS Survey: a robust detection of α-enhancement in star-forming galaxies at z ≃ 3.4 | Cullen, F.; Shapley, A. E.; McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Sanders, R. L.; Topping, M. W.; Reddy, N. A.; Amorín, R.; Begley, R.; BOLZONELLA, MICOL , et al | open |
Showing results 40 to 59 of 111
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