Browsing by Author Surcis, Gabriele
Showing results 42 to 46 of 46
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | Velocity and magnetic fields within 1000 AU of a massive YSO | SANNA, ALBERTO ; Surcis, Gabriele ; MOSCADELLI, Luca ; CESARONI, Riccardo ; Goddi, C.; Vlemmings, W. H. T.; CARATTI O GARATTI, Alessio | open |
2020 | VLBI observations of the G25.65+1.05 water maser superburst | Burns, R. A.; Orosz, G.; Bayandina, O.; Surcis, Gabriele ; Olech, M.; MacLeod, G.; Volvach, A.; Rudnitskii, G.; Hirota, T.; Immer, K., et al | open |
2020 | VLBI observations of the H2O gigamaser in TXS2226-184 | Surcis, Gabriele ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA | open |
2020 | VLBI20-30: a scientific roadmap for the next decade -- The future of the European VLBI Network | VENTURI, Tiziana ; Paragi, Zsolt; Lindqvist, Michael; Bartkiewicz, Anna; Beswick, Rob; Bogdanović, Tamara; Brisken, Walter; Charlot, Patrick; Colomer, Francisco; Conway, John, et al | open |
2019 | Water masers in Compton-thick AGN. II. The high detection rate and EVN observations of <ASTROBJ>IRAS 15480-0344</ASTROBJ> | CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; Surcis, Gabriele ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; CACCIANIGA, Alessandro ; SEVERGNINI, Paola ; DELLA CECA, Roberto | open |
Showing results 42 to 46 of 46
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