Browsing by Author BENEDETTINI, Milena
Showing results 25 to 44 of 53
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2019 | Herschel-HOBYS study of the earliest phases of high-mass star formation in NGC 6357 | Russeil, D.; Figueira, M.; Zavagno, A.; Motte, F.; Schneider, N.; Men'shchikov, A.; Bontemps, S.; André, P.; Anderson, L. D.; BENEDETTINI, Milena , et al | open |
2017 | The Hi-GAL compact source catalogue - I. The physical properties of the clumps in the inner Galaxy (-71.0° < ℓ < 67.0°) | ELIA, Davide Quintino ; MOLINARI, Sergio ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; Pestalozzi, M.; PEZZUTO, Stefano ; Merello, M.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Moore, T. J. T.; Russeil, D.; Mottram, J. C., et al | open |
2016 | Hi-GAL, the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey: photometric maps and compact source catalogues. First data release for the inner Milky Way: +68° ≥ l ≥ -70° | MOLINARI, Sergio ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; ELIA, Davide Quintino ; Pestalozzi, M.; TRAFICANTE, ALESSIO ; PEZZUTO, Stefano ; Swinyard, B. M.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Bally, J.; Moore, T. J. T., et al | open |
2002 | ISO -LWS two-colour diagram of young stellar objects | PEZZUTO, Stefano ; Grillo, F.; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; Caux, E.; DI GIORGIO, Anna Maria ; GIANNINI, Teresa ; Leeks, S. J.; Lorenzetti, D.; NISINI, Brunella ; Saraceno, P., et al | open |
2017 | The L1157-B1 astrochemical laboratory: testing the origin of DCN | Busquet, G.; FONTANI, FRANCESCO ; Viti, S.; CODELLA, CLAUDIO ; Lefloch, B.; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; Ceccarelli, C. | open |
2016 | Large-scale latitude distortions of the inner Milky Way disk from the Herschel/Hi-GAL Survey | MOLINARI, Sergio ; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Bally, J.; Moore, T. J. T.; ELIA, Davide Quintino ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; Plume, R.; Swinyard, B.; Di Giorgio, A. M.; PEZZUTO, Stefano , et al | open |
2016 | Machine Learning Based Data Mining for Milky Way Filamentary Structures Reconstruction | RICCIO, GIUSEPPE ; CAVUOTI, STEFANO ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; Brescia, Massimo ; MERCURIO, AMATA ; ELIA, Davide Quintino ; Benedettini, M. ; PEZZUTO, Stefano ; MOLINARI, Sergio ; Di Giorgio, Anna Maria | open |
2021 | Molecular cloud catalogue from 13CO (1-0) data of the Forgotten Quadrant Survey | BENEDETTINI, Milena ; TRAFICANTE, ALESSIO ; OLMI, LUCA ; PEZZUTO, Stefano ; Baldeschi, A.; MOLINARI, Sergio ; ELIA, Davide Quintino ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; Merello, M.; FONTANI, FRANCESCO , et al | open |
2017 | Nature of shocks revealed by SOFIA OI observations in the Cepheus E protostellar outflow | Gusdorf, A.; Anderl, S.; Lefloch, B.; Leurini, Silvia ; Wiesemeyer, H.; Güsten, R.; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; CODELLA, CLAUDIO ; Godard, B.; Gómez-Ruiz, A. I., et al | open |
2010 | The Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) on the Herschel Space Observatory | Poglitsch, A.; Waelkens, C.; Geis, N.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Vandenbussche, B.; Rodriguez, L.; Krause, O.; Renotte, E.; van Hoof, C.; Saraceno, P., et al | open |
2021 | Physical properties of the ambient medium and of dense cores in the Perseus star-forming region derived from Herschel Gould Belt Survey observations | PEZZUTO, Stefano ; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; Di Francesco, J.; Palmeirim, P.; Sadavoy, S.; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; LI CAUSI, Gianluca ; André, Ph.; Arzoumanian, D.; Bernard, J. -Ph., et al | open |
2015 | Possible link between the power spectrum of interstellar filaments and the origin of the prestellar core mass function | Roy, A.; André, Ph.; Arzoumanian, D.; Peretto, N.; Palmeirim, P.; Könyves, V.; Schneider, N.; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; Di Francesco, J.; ELIA, Davide Quintino , et al | open |
2020 | Properties of the dense core population in Orion B as seen by the Herschel Gould Belt survey | Könyves, V.; André, Ph.; Arzoumanian, D.; Schneider, N.; Men'shchikov, A.; Bontemps, S.; Ladjelate, B.; Didelon, P.; PEZZUTO, Stefano ; BENEDETTINI, Milena , et al | open |
2017 | The shocked gas of the BHR71 outflow observed by Herschel: indirect evidence for an atomic jet | BENEDETTINI, Milena ; Gusdorf, A.; NISINI, Brunella ; Lefloch, B.; Anderl, S.; Busquet, G.; Ceccarelli, C.; CODELLA, CLAUDIO ; Leurini, Silvia ; PODIO, LINDA | open |
2017 | Spatial distribution of star formation related to ionized regions throughout the inner Galactic plane | Palmeirim, P.; Zavagno, A.; ELIA, Davide Quintino ; Moore, T. J. T.; Whitworth, A.; Tremblin, P.; TRAFICANTE, ALESSIO ; Merello, M.; Russeil, D.; PEZZUTO, Stefano , et al | open |
1999 | Strong H_2O and high-J CO emission towards the Class 0 protostar L1448-mm | NISINI, Brunella ; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; GIANNINI, Teresa ; Caux, E.; DI GIORGIO, Anna Maria ; Liseau, R.; Lorenzetti, D.; MOLINARI, Sergio ; Saraceno, P.; Smith, H. A., et al | open |
2015 | The structure of the Cepheus E protostellar outflow: The jet, the bowshock, and the cavity | Lefloch, B.; Gusdorf, A.; CODELLA, CLAUDIO ; Eislöffel, J.; Neri, R.; Gómez-Ruiz, A. I.; Güsten, R.; Leurini, Silvia ; Risacher, C.; BENEDETTINI, Milena | open |
2017 | A study of the cold cores population in the Perseus star-forming regions | PEZZUTO, Stefano ; Fiorellino, E.; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; ELIA, Davide Quintino ; André, P.; Könyves, V.; Ladjelate, B.; Di Francesco, J.; Piccotti, L., et al | open |
2017 | A study of the cold cores population in the Serpens star-forming region | Fiorellino, E.; PEZZUTO, Stefano ; LIU, Scige' John ; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; SCHISANO, EUGENIO ; ELIA, Davide Quintino ; André, P.; Könyves, V.; Ladjelate, B.; Herschel Gould Belt Survey Consortium | open |
2019 | Sulfur Chemistry in L1157-B1 | Holdship, Jonathan; Jimenez-Serra, Izaskun; VITI, SERENA; CODELLA, CLAUDIO ; BENEDETTINI, Milena ; FONTANI, FRANCESCO ; Tafalla, Mario; Bachiller, Rafael; Ceccarelli, Cecilia; PODIO, LINDA | open |
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