Browsing by Author PORETTI, Ennio
Showing results 78 to 97 of 157
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2021 | HADES RV programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIV. A candidate super-Earth orbiting the M-dwarf GJ 9689 with a period close to half the stellar rotation period | MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus ; PETRALIA, Antonino ; Damasso, Mario ; Pinamonti, Matteo ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; González-Álvarez, E.; AFFER, Laura ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; LETO, Giuseppe , et al | open |
2022 | HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG: XV. Planetary occurrence rates around early-M dwarfs | PINAMONTI, Matteo ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus ; AFFER, Laura ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; Perger, M.; Ribas, I.; Hernández, J.I.G., et al | open |
2016 | The Hades RV Programme With Harps-N@TNG GJ 3998: An Early M-Dwarf Hosting a System of Super-Earths | AFFER, Laura ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; Damasso, Mario ; Perger, Manuel; Ribas, Ignasi; Suárez Mascareño, Alejandro; González Hernández, Jonay Isai; Rebolo, Rafael; PORETTI, Ennio ; MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus , et al | open |
2017 | HARPS-N high spectral resolution observations of Cepheids I. The Baade-Wesselink projection factor of δ Cep revisited | Nardetto, N.; PORETTI, Ennio ; RAINER, Monica ; Fokin, A.; Mathias, P.; Anderson, R. I.; Gallenne, A.; Gieren, W.; Graczyk, D.; Kervella, P., et al | open |
2021 | A HARPS-N mass for the elusive Kepler-37d: a case study in disentangling stellar activity and planetary signals | Rajpaul, V. M.; Buchhave, L. A.; Lacedelli, G.; Rice, K.; Mortier, A.; Malavolta, L. ; Aigrain, S.; BORSATO, LUCA ; Mayo, A. W.; Charbonneau, D., et al | open |
2019 | HARPS-N radial velocities confirm the low densities of the Kepler-9 planets | BORSATO, LUCA ; Malavolta, Luca ; Piotto, G.; Buchhave, L. A.; Mortier, A.; Rice, K.; Collier Cameron, A.; Coffinet, A.; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; Charbonneau, D., et al | open |
2021 | HD 22496 b: The first ESPRESSO stand-alone planet discovery | Lillo-Box, J.; Faria, J. P.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Figueira, P.; Sousa, S. G.; Tabernero, H.; Lovis, C.; Silva, A. M.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; BENATTI, SERENA , et al | open |
2016 | HD 41641: A classical δ Sct-type pulsator with chemical signatures of an Ap star | Escorza, A.; Zwintz, K.; Tkachenko, A.; Van Reeth, T.; Ryabchikova, T.; Neiner, C.; PORETTI, Ennio ; RAINER, Monica ; Michel, E.; Baglin, A., et al | open |
2019 | The high-energy radiation environment of the habitable-zone super-Earth LHS 1140b | Spinelli, R.; BORSA, Francesco ; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; CAMPANA, Sergio ; Haardt, F.; PORETTI, Ennio | open |
2023 | Hyades Member K2-136c: The Smallest Planet in an Open Cluster with a Precisely Measured Mass | Mayo, Andrew W.; Dressing, Courtney D.; Vanderburg, Andrew; Fortenbach, Charles D.; Lienhard, Florian; Malavolta, Luca; Mortier, Annelies; Núñez, Alejandro; Richey-Yowell, Tyler; Turtelboom, Emma V., et al | open |
2017 | Interferometric and spectroscopic observations of the BRITE target δ Cep | PORETTI, Ennio ; Nardetto, N. | open |
2020 | K2-111: an old system with two planets in near-resonance | Mortier, A.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Malavolta, Luca ; Alibert, Y.; Rice, K.; Lillo-Box, J.; Vanderburg, A.; Oshagh, M.; Buchhave, L.; Adibekyan, V., et al | open |
2018 | K2-263 b: a 50 d period sub-Neptune with a mass measurement using HARPS-N | Mortier, A.; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; Rajpaul, V. M.; Buchhave, L. A.; Vanderburg, A.; Zeng, L.; López-Morales, M.; Malavolta, Luca ; Collier Cameron, A.; Dressing, C. D., et al | open |
2019 | K2-291b: A Rocky Super-Earth in a 2.2 day Orbit | Kosiarek, Molly R.; Blunt, Sarah; López-Morales, Mercedes; Crossfield, Ian J. M.; Sinukoff, Evan; Petigura, Erik A.; Gonzales, Erica J.; PORETTI, Ennio ; Malavolta, Luca ; Howard, Andrew W., et al | open |
2022 | K2-79b and K2-222b: Mass Measurements of Two Small Exoplanets with Periods beyond 10 days that Overlap with Periodic Magnetic Activity Signals | Nava, Chantanelle; López-Morales, Mercedes; Mortier, Annelies; Zeng, Li; Giles, Helen A.C.; Bieryla, Allyson; Vanderburg, Andrew; Buchhave, Lars A.; PORETTI, Ennio ; Saar, Steven H., et al | open |
2016 | Looking for planetary candidates in the CoRoT Long Run LRc10 | Zannoni, A.; BORSA, Francesco ; PORETTI, Ennio ; Lodato, G.; RAINER, Monica ; FRUSTAGLI, GIUSEPPE | open |
2016 | The magnificent past of RR Lyrae variables | PORETTI, Ennio ; Le Borgne, J. -F.; Klotz, A.; Audejean, M.; Hirosawa, K. | open |
2019 | Masses and radii for the three super-Earths orbiting GJ 9827, and implications for the composition of small exoplanets | Rice, K.; Malavolta, Luca ; Mayo, A.; Mortier, A.; Buchhave, L. A.; AFFER, Laura ; Vanderburg, A.; Lopez-Morales, M.; PORETTI, Ennio ; Zeng, L., et al | open |
2015 | Models of red giants in the CoRoT asteroseismology fields combining asteroseismic and spectroscopic constraints | Lagarde, N.; Miglio, A.; Eggenberger, P.; Morel, T.; Montalbán, J.; Rodrigues, T. S.; GIRARDI, Leo Alberto ; RAINER, Monica ; PORETTI, Ennio ; Barban, C., et al | open |
2020 | Neutral Iron Emission Lines from the Dayside of KELT-9b: The GAPS Program with HARPS-N at TNG XX | Pino, Lorenzo ; Désert, Jean-Michel; BROGI, MATTEO; Malavolta, Luca ; Wyttenbach, Aurélien; Line, Michael; Hoeijmakers, Jens; Fossati, Luca; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO , et al | open |
Showing results 78 to 97 of 157
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