Browsing by Author BORGANI, Stefano
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2022 | The 700 ks Chandra Spiderweb Field I: evidence for widespread nuclear activity in the Protocluster | TOZZI, Paolo ; PENTERICCI, Laura ; GILLI, Roberto ; Pannella, M.; FIORE, Fabrizio ; Miley, G.; NONINO, Mario ; Rottgering, H. J. A.; STRAZZULLO, Veronica ; Anderson, C. S., et al | open |
2022 | The 700 ks Chandra Spiderweb Field. II. Evidence for inverse-Compton and thermal diffuse emission in the Spiderweb galaxy | TOZZI, Paolo ; GILLI, Roberto ; LIU, ANG ; BORGANI, Stefano ; LEPORE, Marika ; DI MASCOLO, LUCA ; SARO, Alexandro ; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Carilli, C.; Miley, George, et al | open |
2018 | Athena X-IFU synthetic observations of galaxy clusters to probe the chemical enrichment of the Universe | Cucchetti, E.; Pointecouteau, E.; Peille, P.; Clerc, N.; RASIA, ELENA ; BIFFI, Veronica ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; TORNATORE, Luca ; Dolag, K.; Roncarelli, M., et al | open |
2018 | BCG mass evolution in cosmological hydro-simulations | Ragone-Figueroa, C.; GRANATO, Gian Luigi ; Ferraro, M. E.; MURANTE, Giuseppe ; BIFFI, Veronica ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; Planelles, S.; RASIA, ELENA | open |
2019 | Black hole mass of central galaxies and cluster mass correlation in cosmological hydro-dynamical simulations | BASSINI, LUIGI; RASIA, ELENA ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; Ragone-Figueroa, Cinthia; BIFFI, Veronica ; Dolag, Klaus; GASPARI, MASSIMO ; GRANATO, Gian Luigi ; MURANTE, Giuseppe ; TAFFONI, Giuliano, et al | open |
2020 | Calibration of systematics in constraining modified gravity models with galaxy cluster mass profiles | Pizzuti, L; Sartoris, Barbara ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; BIVIANO, ANDREA | open |
2015 | Chandra Deep Observation of XDCP J0044.0-2033, a Massive Galaxy Cluster at z > 1.5 | TOZZI, Paolo ; Santos, J. S.; Jee, M. J.; Fassbender, R.; Rosati, P.; Nastasi, A.; Forman, W.; Sartoris, Barbara ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; Boehringer, H., et al | open |
2022 | CHEX-MATE: Morphological analysis of the sample | Campitiello, M. G.; ETTORI, STEFANO ; Lovisari, L.; BARTALUCCI, Iacopo ; Eckert, D.; RASIA, ELENA ; ROSSETTI, Mariachiara ; GASTALDELLO, Fabio ; Pratt, G. W.; Maughan, B., et al | open |
2016 | CLASH-VLT: A highly precise strong lensing model of the galaxy cluster RXC J2248.7-4431 (Abell S1063) and prospects for cosmography | Caminha, G. B.; Grillo, C.; Rosati, P.; Balestra, I.; Karman, W.; Lombardi, M.; MERCURIO, AMATA ; NONINO, Mario ; TOZZI, Paolo ; Zitrin, A., et al | open |
2021 | CLASH-VLT: Abell S1063. Cluster assembly history and spectroscopic catalogue | MERCURIO, AMATA ; Rosati, P.; BIVIANO, ANDREA ; Annunziatella, M.; Girardi, M.; Sartoris, Barbara ; NONINO, Mario ; BRESCIA, Massimo ; RICCIO, GIUSEPPE ; Grillo, C., et al | open |
2017 | CLASH-VLT: constraints on f(R) gravity models with galaxy clusters using lensing and kinematic analyses | Pizzuti, L.; Sartoris, Barbara ; Amendola, L.; BORGANI, STEFANO ; BIVIANO, ANDREA ; Umetsu, K.; MERCURIO, AMATA ; Rosati, P.; Balestra, I.; Caminha, G. B., et al | open |
2015 | CLASH-VLT: Insights on the Mass Substructures in the Frontier Fields Cluster MACS J0416.1-2403 through Accurate Strong Lens Modeling | Grillo, C.; Suyu, S. H.; Rosati, P.; MERCURIO, AMATA ; Balestra, I.; Munari, Emiliano ; NONINO, Mario ; Caminha, G. B.; Lombardi, M.; DE LUCIA, GABRIELLA , et al | open |
2016 | CLASH-VLT: testing the nature of gravity with galaxy cluster mass profiles | Pizzuti, L.; Sartoris, Barbara ; Borgani, S. ; Amendola, L.; Umetsu, K.; BIVIANO, ANDREA ; Girardi, M.; Rosati, P.; Balestra, I.; Caminha, G. B., et al | open |
2021 | The Cluster HEritage project with XMM-Newton: Mass Assembly and Thermodynamics at the Endpoint of structure formation. I. Programme overview | CHEX-MATE Collaboration; Arnaud, M.; ETTORI, STEFANO ; Pratt, G. W.; ROSSETTI, Mariachiara ; Eckert, D.; GASTALDELLO, FABIO ; Gavazzi, R.; Kay, S. T.; Lovisari, L., et al | open |
2020 | Constraining the origin and models of chemical enrichment in galaxy clusters using the Athena X-IFU | Mernier, F.; Cucchetti, E.; Tornatore, L.; BIFFI, Veronica ; Pointecouteau, E.; Clerc, N.; Peille, P.; Rasia, E.; Barret, D.; BORGANI, STEFANO , et al | open |
2015 | Cool Core Clusters from Cosmological Simulations | RASIA, ELENA ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; MURANTE, Giuseppe ; Planelles, S.; Beck, A. M.; BIFFI, Veronica ; Ragone-Figueroa, C.; GRANATO, Gian Luigi ; Steinborn, L. K.; Dolag, K. | open |
2018 | Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters: X-ray scaling relations and their evolution | Truong, N.; RASIA, ELENA ; Mazzotta, P.; Planelles, S.; BIFFI, Veronica ; Fabjan, D.; Beck, A. M.; BORGANI, STEFANO ; Dolag, K.; GASPARI, MASSIMO , et al | open |
2018 | Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Euclid satellite | Amendola, Luca; Appleby, Stephen; Avgoustidis, Anastasios; Bacon, David; Baker, Tessa; BALDI, MARCO; Bartolo, Nicola; Blanchard, Alain; Bonvin, Camille; BORGANI, STEFANO , et al | open |
2018 | Dust evolution in galaxy cluster simulations | GJERGO, EDA; GRANATO, Gian Luigi ; MURANTE, Giuseppe ; Ragone Figueroa, Cinthia ; TORNATORE, Luca ; BORGANI, STEFANO | open |
2015 | The early phases of galaxy clusters formation in IR: coupling hydrodynamical simulations with GRASIL-3D | GRANATO, Gian Luigi ; Ragone-Figueroa, Cinthia; DomÃnguez-Tenreiro, Rosa; Obreja, Aura; BORGANI, STEFANO ; DE LUCIA, GABRIELLA ; MURANTE, Giuseppe | open |
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