Browsing by Author MANGANO, VALERIA
Showing results 94 to 103 of 103
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2021 | Tests of general relativity with binary black holes from the second LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave transient catalog | Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C., et al | open |
2019 | Tests of General Relativity with GW170817 | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B., et al | open |
2019 | Tests of general relativity with the binary black hole signals from the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1 | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C., et al | open |
2015 | THEMIS Na exosphere observations of Mercury and their correlation with in-situ magnetic field measurements by MESSENGER | MANGANO, VALERIA ; MASSETTI, Stefano ; MILILLO, Anna ; PLAINAKI, CHRISTINA; ORSINI, Stefano; RISPOLI, ROSANNA ; Leblanc, Francois | reserved |
2018 | Towards a Global Unified Model of Europa's Tenuous Atmosphere | PLAINAKI, CHRISTINA; Cassidy, Tim A.; Shematovich, Valery I.; MILILLO, Anna ; Wurz, Peter; Vorburger, Audrey; Roth, Lorenz; Galli, André; Rubin, Martin; Blöcker, Aljona, et al | open |
2017 | Upper Limits on Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1 from a Model-based Cross-correlation Search in Advanced LIGO Data | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B., et al | open |
2021 | Upper limits on the isotropic gravitational-wave background from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo's third observing run | Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abraham, S.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, A.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C., et al | open |
2023 | Virgo detector characterization and data quality: results from the O3 run | Acernese, F.; Agathos, M.; Ain, A.; Albanesi, S.; Allocca, A.; Amato, A.; Andrade, T.; Andres, N.; Andrés-Carcasona, M.; Andrić, T., et al | open |
2023 | Virgo detector characterization and data quality: tools | F Acernese; Agathos, M.; Ain, A.; Albanesi, S.; Allocca, A.; Amato, A.; Andrade, T.; Andres, N.; Andrés-Carcasona, M.; Andrić, T., et al | open |
2022 | The Virgo O3 run and the impact of the environment | Acernese, F.; Agathos, M.; Ain, A.; Albanesi, S.; Allocca, A.; Amato, A.; Andrade, T.; Andres, N.; Andrés-Carcasona, M.; Andrić, T., et al | open |
Showing results 94 to 103 of 103
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