Browsing by Author MASSONE, Giuseppe
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2020 | Optical design of the multi-wavelength imaging coronagraph Metis for the solar orbiter mission | FINESCHI, Silvano ; Naletto, G.; Romoli, M.; Da Deppo, V.; Antonucci, E.; Moses, D.; Malvezzi, A. M.; NICOLINI, Gianalfredo ; SPADARO, Daniele ; Teriaca, L., et al | open |
1994 | Optical identification of the supersoft X-ray source 1E0035.4-7230 in the Small Magellanic Cloud | ORIO, Marina ; DELLA VALLE, Massimo ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; Ogelman, H. | open |
2021 | PROBA-3 mission and the Shadow Position Sensors: Metrology measurement concept and budget | LOREGGIA, Davide ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; CASTI, MARTA ; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; NICOLINI, Gianalfredo ; ZANGRILLI, Luca ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; NOCE, Vladimiro , et al | open |
2015 | The Shadow Positioning Sensors (SPS) for formation flying metrology on-board the ESA-PROBA3 mission | BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; Baccani, C.; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; FOCARDI, MAURO ; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; LOREGGIA, Davide ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; NICOLINI, Gianalfredo ; Noce, V., et al | open |
2015 | Significance of the occulter diffraction for the PROBA3/ASPIICS formation flight metrology | LANDINI, FEDERICO ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; FOCARDI, Mauro ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; ROMOLI, MARCO ; PANCRAZZI, Maurizio ; BACCANI, CRISTIAN ; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; LOREGGIA, Davide ; NICOLINI, Gianalfredo , et al | open |
2012 | A single-shot optical linear polarimeter for asteroid studies | PERNECHELE, Claudio ; Abe, L.; Bendjoya, P.; CELLINO, Alberto ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; Rivet, J. P.; Tanga, P. | open |
2011 | Specifiche per la costruzione dello specchio collimatore per SPOCC (allegato al ReportĀ 140) | MASSONE, Giuseppe ; Crescenzio, Giuseppe; FINESCHI, Silvano | none |
2017 | SPOCC User Manual - Rev. 1.0 | FINESCHI, Silvano ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo | none |
2010 | Stray-light suppression analysis of the SPace Optics Calibration Chamber (SPOCC) (vedi anche allegato Report 147) | Crescenzio, Giuseppe; FINESCHI, Silvano ; MASSONE, Giuseppe | none |
2011 | Technical description of the CorMag Instrument | CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; FINESCHI, Silvano | none |
2006 | Total Solar Eclipse of 29 March 2006: data log and raw images | FINESCHI, Silvano ; ZANGRILLI, Luca ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; Porcu, Francesco; Calcidese, Paolo | none |
2010 | Total solar eclipse of of July 11th, 2010: data log and raw images | FINESCHI, Silvano ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; BENNA, Carlo ; Calcidese, Paolo; ROMOLI, MARCO; Casetti, Lapo; ABBO, Lucia; BEMPORAD, Alessandro | none |
Showing results 25 to 36 of 36
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