Browsing by Author BARATTA, Giuseppe
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2021 | Astrobiology studies and extraterrestrial sample analysis at the Laboratory for Experimental Astrophysics - Catania | PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; Baratta, G. ; OCCHIPINTI, Giovanni ; Scirè Scappuzzo, C. ; STRAZZULLA, Giovanni | open |
2019 | Broadband spectroscopy of astrophysical ice analogues. I. Direct measurement of the complex refractive index of CO ice using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy | Giuliano, B. M.; Gavdush, A. A.; Müller, B.; Zaytsev, K. I.; Grassi, T.; Ivlev, A. V.; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; Baratta, G. ; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; Komandin, G. A., et al | open |
2019 | C2O and C3O in low-mass star-forming regions | URSO, Riccardo Giovanni ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; Ceccarelli, C.; Balucani, N.; Bottinelli, S.; CODELLA, CLAUDIO ; FONTANI, FRANCESCO ; LETO, PAOLO ; TRIGILIO, CORRADO ; Vastel, C., et al | open |
2016 | Combined infrared and Raman study of solid CO | URSO, Riccardo Giovanni ; Scirè, C.; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; Compagnini, G.; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta | open |
2018 | Combined IR and XPS characterization of organic refractory residues obtained by ion irradiation of simple icy mixtures | Accolla, M.; Pellegrino, G.; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; Condorelli, G. G.; Fedoseev, G.; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; Strazzulla, G. | open |
2018 | Cosmic ray processing of N2-containing interstellar ice analogues at dark cloud conditions | Fedoseev, G.; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta | open |
2022 | Effects of Simulated Solar Wind on Polymethyl Methacrylate Thin Film | Mezzina, Lidia; Nicosia, Angelo; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; Mineo, Placido Giuseppe | open |
2021 | Evolution and alteration of organic material on Ceres, a pathway towards the understanding of complex geological and chemical history of a wet small body | POGGIALI, GIOVANNI ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; BRUCATO, John Robert ; FERRARI, MARCO ; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; MENNELLA, Vito ; FULVIO, Daniele ; POPA, IONUT CIPRIAN , et al | open |
2024 | Experimental study on the radiation-induced destruction of organic compounds on the surface of the Moon | Dalla Pria, G.L.; Sohier, O.; SCIRE' SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; URSO, Riccardo Giovanni ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta | open |
2022 | Exploring Refractory Organics in Extraterrestrial Particles | Potapov, Alexey; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; DIONNET, ZELIA; LONGOBARDO, ANDREA ; Jäger, Cornelia; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; Rotundi, Alessandra ; Henning, Thomas | open |
2021 | Formation of complex organic molecules in molecular clouds: acetaldehyde, vinyl alcohol, ketene, and ethanol via the "energetic" processing of C2H2 ice | Chuang, K. -J.; FEDOSEEV, GLEB; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; Baratta, G. ; Jäger, C.; Henning, Th.; Linnartz, H.; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta | open |
2023 | High-Energy Processing of Ices in Space | BARATTA, Giuseppe ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta | open |
2017 | Infrared study on the thermal evolution of solid state formamide | URSO, Riccardo Giovanni ; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; BRUCATO, John Robert ; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Kaňuchová, Zuzana; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; STRAZZULLA, Giovanni | open |
2019 | Ion irradiation of N2O ices and NO2:N2O4 ice mixtures: first steps to understand the evolution of molecules with the N-O bond in space | Fulvio, Daniele ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; Sivaraman, B.; Mason, N. J.; da Silveira, E. F.; de Barros, A. L. F.; Pandoli, O.; Strazzulla, G.; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta | open |
2022 | Ion irradiation triggers the formation of the precursors of complex organics in space. The case of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde | URSO, Riccardo Giovanni ; Hénault, E.; Brunetto, R.; Baklouti, D.; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; Djouadi, Z.; Elsaesser, A.; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; STRAZZULLA, Giovanni ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta | open |
2020 | Laboratory investigations aimed at building a database for the interpretation of JWST spectra | PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; FEDOSEEV, GLEB; Fulvio, Daniele ; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; STRAZZULLA, Giovanni ; Urso, Riccardo Giovanni | reserved |
2015 | A laboratory study of ion-induced erosion of ice-covered carbon grains | Sabri, T.; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; Jäger, C.; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; Henning, T.; Strazzulla, G.; Wendler, E. | open |
2019 | Mid-IR band strength, density, refractive index, and thermal evolution study for solid CH2DOH pure and in astrophysical relevant mixtures | SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; URSO, Riccardo Giovanni ; Fulvio, Daniele ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta | open |
2012 | Nitrogen oxides and carbon chain oxides formed after ion irradiation of CO:N2 ice mixtures | SICILIA, Daniela ; Ioppolo, S.; VINDIGNI, T.; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta | open |
2015 | Organic samples produced by ion bombardment of ices for the EXPOSE-R2 mission on the International Space Station | BARATTA, Giuseppe ; Chaput, D.; Cottin, H.; Fernandez Cascales, L.; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; Strazzulla, G. | open |
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