Browsing by Author TARCHI, ANDREA
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2013 | Analog filters for the Digital Filter Bank of the SRT : scientific motivation, technical requirements, and proposed solutions | TARCHI, ANDREA ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; POPPI, Sergio ; SCALAMBRA, ALESSANDRO ; SRT Astrophysical Validation Team | none |
2004 | EVN observations of H2O masers towards high-mass star forming regions | Goddi, C.; MOSCADELLI, Luca ; Alef, W.; BRAND, JAN ; TARCHI, ANDREA | open |
2016 | A first extended catalogue of pointing/focus calibrators for the Sardinia Radio Telescope | RICCI, ROBERTO ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; POPPI, Sergio ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; SRT Astronomical Validation Team | none |
2017 | FPGA-based digital back-ends for the Sardinia Radio Telescope | MELIS, Andrea ; CONCU, Raimondo ; MIGONI, CARLO ; BURGAY, MARTA ; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; FARA, Antonietta Angela Rita ; PERRODIN, DELPHINE ; POPPI, Sergio ; TARCHI, ANDREA | open |
2014 | Future mmVLBI Research with ALMA: A European vision | Tilanus, R. P. J.; Krichbaum, T. P.; Zensus, J. A.; Baudry, A.; Bremer, M.; Falcke, H.; Giovannini, Gabriele ; Laing, R.; van Langevelde, H. J.; Vlemmings, W., et al | open |
2013 | Installation, cabling and testing of the XARCOS Spectropolarimenter on the Sardinia Radio Telescope | MELIS, Andrea ; MIGONI, CARLO ; CONCU, Raimondo ; COMORETTO, Giovanni ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; MARONGIU, Pasqualino ; PODDIGHE, Antonio ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; VALENTE, Giuseppe | none |
2015 | Integration of the digital full-stokes spectrometer XARCOS into the control software of Sardinia and Medicina Radio Telescopes | MELIS, Andrea ; MIGONI, CARLO ; COMORETTO, Giovanni ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; CASU, Silvia ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; POPPI, Sergio ; SRT astrophysical validation team | none |
2004 | Investigating the relation between FIR flux density and maser phenomena | CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; Henkel, C.; MOSCADELLI, Luca | open |
2008 | Multi-Maser VLBI structure of the high-mass SFR G16.59-0.05 | SANNA, ALBERTO ; MOSCADELLI, Luca ; CESARONI, Riccardo ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; Furuya, R. S. | open |
2018 | A new jet/outflow maser in the nucleus of the Compton-thick AGN IRAS 15480-0344 | Castangia, P. ; Tarchi, A. ; CACCIANIGA, Alessandro ; SEVERGNINI, Paola ; Surcis, Gabriele ; DELLA CECA, Roberto | open |
2005 | Newly detected H2O Masers in Seyfert and Starburst Galaxies | Peck, A. B.; TARCHI, ANDREA ; Henkel, C.; Nagar, N. M.; Braatz, J.; MOSCADELLI, Luca | open |
2002 | Observations of extragalactic masers in bright IRAS sources | TARCHI, ANDREA ; Henkel, C.; Peck, A. B.; MOSCADELLI, Luca ; Menten, K. M. | open |
2005 | Probing the Obscuring Medium Around Active Nuclei Using Masers: The Case of 3C 403 | TARCHI, ANDREA ; Henkel, C.; Chiaberge, M.; Menten, K. M.; Brunthaler, A.; MOSCADELLI, Luca | open |
2020 | The radio structure of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 Mrk 783 with VLBA and e-MERLIN | Congiu, E.; Kharb, P.; TARCHI, ANDREA ; Berton, M.; CACCIANIGA, Alessandro ; Chen, S.; Crepaldi, L.; Di Mille, F.; Järvelä, E.; Jarvis, M. E., et al | open |
2018 | Radio-emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies in the JVLA perspective | Berton, M.; Congiu, E.; Järvelä, E.; Antonucci, R.; Kharb, P.; Lister, M. L.; TARCHI, ANDREA ; CACCIANIGA, Alessandro ; Chen, S.; FOSCHINI, LUIGI , et al | open |
2018 | Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) observations of Local Group dwarf galaxies | TARCHI, ANDREA ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; Surcis, Gabriele ; Brunthaler, A.; Menten, K. M.; Pawlowski, M. S.; MELIS, Andrea ; CASU, Silvia ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; Trois, A. , et al | open |
2020 | Sardinia Radio Telescope observations of Local Group dwarf galaxies - I. The cases of NGC 6822, IC 1613, and WLM | Tarchi, A. ; Castangia, P. ; Surcis, Gabriele ; Brunthaler, A.; Henkel, C.; Pawlowski, M.; Menten, K. M.; Melis, A. ; Casu, S. ; MURGIA, MATTEO , et al | open |
2016 | Sardinia Radio Telescope wide-band spectral-polarimetric observations of the galaxy cluster 3C 129 | MURGIA, MATTEO ; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; MELIS, Andrea ; CONCU, Raimondo ; TROIS, ALESSIO ; LOI, Francesca ; VACCA, VALENTINA ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA , et al | open |
2018 | Sardinia Roach2-based Digital Architecture for Radio Astronomy (SARDARA) | MELIS, Andrea ; CONCU, Raimondo ; TROIS, ALESSIO ; POSSENTI, ANDREA ; BOCCHINU, Alessandro; BOLLI, Pietro ; BURGAY, MARTA ; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; CASU, Silvia , et al | open |
2018 | Spectroscopic observations with the SRT using the Nodding technique | TARCHI, ANDREA ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; Surcis, Gabriele ; MELIS, Andrea ; MIGONI, CARLO ; TROIS, ALESSIO ; BARTOLINI, MARCO ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; CASU, Silvia , et al | none |
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