Showing results 5 to 24 of 91
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2022 | Close, bright, and boxy: the superluminous SN 2018hti | Fiore, A.; BENETTI, Stefano ; Nicholl, M.; Reguitti, A.; CAPPELLARO, Enrico ; CAMPANA, Sergio ; Bose, S.; Paraskeva, E.; Berger, E.; Bravo, T. M., et al | open |
2017 | Common Envelope Ejection for a Luminous Red Nova in M101 | Blagorodnova, N.; Kotak, R.; Polshaw, J.; Kasliwal, M. M.; Cao, Y.; Cody, A. M.; Doran, G. B.; ELIAS DE LA ROSA, NANCY DEL CARMEN ; Fraser, M.; Fremling, C., et al | open |
2016 | Corrigendum: Slowly fading super-luminous supernovae that are not pair-instability explosions | Nicholl, M.; Smartt, S. J.; Jerkstrand, A.; Inserra, C.; McCrum, M.; Kotak, R.; Fraser, M.; Wright, D.; Chen, T. -W.; Smith, K. . Young, D. R., et al | reserved |
2017 | Corrigendum: The superluminous transient ASASSN-15lh as a tidal disruption event from a Kerr black hole | Leloudas, G.; Fraser, M.; Stone, N. C.; van Velzen, S.; Jonker, P. G.; Arcavi, I.; Fremling, C.; Maund, J. R.; Smartt, S. J.; Krìhler, T., et al | reserved |
2016 | Dead or Alive? Long-term evolution of SN 2015bh (SNhunt275) | ELIAS DE LA ROSA, NANCY DEL CARMEN ; PASTORELLO, Andrea ; BENETTI, Stefano ; CAPPELLARO, Enrico ; Taubenberger, S.; Terreran, G.; Fraser, M.; Brown, P. J.; Tartaglia, L.; Morales-Garoffolo, A., et al | open |
2016 | Disappearance of the Progenitor of Supernova iPTF13bvn | Folatelli, Gastón; Van Dyk, Schuyler D.; Kuncarayakti, Hanindyo; Maeda, Keiichi; Bersten, Melina C.; Nomoto, Ken'ichi; Pignata, Giuliano; Hamuy, Mario; Quimby, Robert M.; Zheng, WeiKang, et al | open |
2015 | Diversity in extinction laws of Type Ia supernovae measured between 0.2 and 2 μm | Amanullah, R.; Johansson, J.; Goobar, A.; Ferretti, R.; Papadogiannakis, S.; Petrushevska, T.; Brown, P. J.; Cao, Y.; Contreras, C.; Dahle, H., et al | open |
2016 | Erratum: On the diversity of superluminous supernovae: ejected mass as the dominant factor | Nicholl, M.; Smartt, S. J.; Jerkstrand, A.; Inserra, C.; Sim, S. A.; Chen, T. -W.; BENETTI, Stefano ; Fraser, M.; Gal-Yam, A.; Kankare, E., et al | open |
2019 | The evolution of luminous red nova AT 2017jfs in NGC 4470 | PASTORELLO, Andrea ; Chen, T. -W.; Cai, Y. -Z.; Morales-Garoffolo, A.; Cano, Z.; MASON, Elena ; Barsukova, E. A.; BENETTI, Stefano ; Berton, M.; Bose, S., et al | open |
2015 | Explosion of a massive, He-rich star at z = 0.16 | ELIAS DE LA ROSA, NANCY DEL CARMEN ; PASTORELLO, Andrea ; Nicholl, M.; Valenti, S.; BENETTI, Stefano ; CAPPELLARO, Enrico ; TURATTO, Massimo ; ALTAVILLA, GIUSEPPE ; BOTTICELLA, MARIA TERESA ; Monard, L. A. G., et al | open |
2017 | Gaia16apd - a link between fast and slowly declining type I superluminous supernovae | Kangas, T.; Blagorodnova, N.; Mattila, S.; Lundqvist, P.; Fraser, M.; Burgaz, U.; CAPPELLARO, Enrico ; Carrasco Martínez, J. M.; ELIAS DE LA ROSA, NANCY DEL CARMEN ; Hardy, L. K., et al | open |
2018 | Gaia17biu/SN 2017egm in NGC 3191: The Closest Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernova to Date Is in a “Normal,” Massive, Metal-rich Spiral Galaxy | Bose, Subhash; Dong, Subo; PASTORELLO, Andrea ; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Kochanek, C. S.; Mauerhan, Jon; Romero-Cañizales, C.; Brink, Thomas G.; Chen, Ping; Prieto, J. L., et al | open |
2016 | Gamma-ray emission from SN2014J near maximum optical light | Isern, J.; Jean, P.; Bravo, E.; Knödlseder, J.; Lebrun, F.; Churazov, E.; Sunyaev, R.; Domingo, A.; Badenes, C.; Hartmann, D. H., et al | open |
2015 | The host galaxy and late-time evolution of the superluminous supernova PTF12dam | Chen, T. -W.; Smartt, S. J.; Jerkstrand, A.; Nicholl, M.; Bresolin, F.; Kotak, R.; Polshaw, J.; Rest, A.; Kudritzki, R.; Zheng, Z., et al | open |
2017 | Hydrogen-rich supernovae beyond the neutrino-driven core-collapse paradigm | Terreran, G.; Pumo, M. L.; Chen, T. -W.; Moriya, T. J.; Taddia, F.; Dessart, L.; ZAMPIERI, Luca ; Smartt, S. J.; BENETTI, Stefano ; Inserra, C., et al | open |
2016 | Interacting supernovae and supernova impostors. LSQ13zm: an outburst heralds the death of a massive star | Tartaglia, L.; PASTORELLO, Andrea ; Sullivan, M.; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, D.; Nugent, P.; Drake, A. J.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Gal-Yam, A.; Fabrika, S., et al | open |
2015 | Interacting supernovae and supernova impostors. SN 2007sv: the major eruption of a massive star in UGC 5979 | Tartaglia, L.; PASTORELLO, Andrea ; Taubenberger, S.; CAPPELLARO, Enrico ; Maund, J. R.; BENETTI, Stefano ; Boles, T.; BUFANO, FILOMENA ; Duszanowicz, G.; ELIAS DE LA ROSA, NANCY DEL CARMEN , et al | open |
2019 | Investigating the properties of stripped-envelope supernovae; what are the implications for their progenitors? | Prentice, S. J.; Ashall, C.; James, P. A.; Short, L.; Mazzali, P. A.; Bersier, D.; Crowther, P. A.; Barbarino, C.; Chen, T. -W.; Copperwheat, C. M., et al | open |
2017 | A kilonova as the electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational-wave source | Smartt, S. J.; Chen, T. -W.; Jerkstrand, A.; Coughlin, M.; Kankare, E.; Sim, S. A.; Fraser, M.; Inserra, C.; Maguire, K.; Chambers, K. C., et al | open |
Showing results 5 to 24 of 91
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