Browsing by Author Gromadzki, M.
Showing results 21 to 22 of 22
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2018 | VIRAC: the VVV Infrared Astrometric Catalogue | Smith, L. C.; Lucas, P. W.; Kurtev, R.; SMART, Richard Laurence ; Minniti, D.; Borissova, J.; Jones, H. R. A.; Zhang, Z. H.; Marocco, F.; Contreras Peña, C., et al | open |
2019 | VizieR Online Data Catalog: Gaia16aye microlensing event photometry (Wyrzykowski+, 2020) | Wyrzykowski, L.; Mroz, P.; Rybicki, K. A.; Gromadzki, M.; Kolaczkowski, Z.; Zielinski, M.; Zielinski, P.; Britavskiy, N.; Gomboc, A.; Sokolovsky, K., et al | open |
Showing results 21 to 22 of 22
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