Browsing by Author Renzini, A.
Showing results 13 to 32 of 66
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2018 | Deciphering the Activity and Quiescence of High-redshift Cluster Environments: ALMA Observations of Cl J1449+0856 at z = 2 | STRAZZULLO, VERONICA ; Coogan, R. T.; Daddi, E.; Sargent, M. T.; Gobat, R.; Valentino, F.; Bethermin, M.; Pannella, M.; Dickinson, M.; Renzini, A., et al | open |
2016 | Dust attenuation in z ~ 1 galaxies from Herschel and 3D-HST Hα measurements | Puglisi, A.; Rodighiero, G.; Franceschini, A.; Talia, M.; Cimatti, A.; Baronchelli, I.; Daddi, E.; Renzini, A.; Schawinski, K.; Mancini, C., et al | open |
2015 | Evidence for mature bulges and an inside-out quenching phase 3 billion years after the Big Bang | Tacchella, S.; Carollo, C. M.; Renzini, A.; Schreiber, N. M. Förster; Lang, P.; Wuyts, S.; CRESCI, GIOVANNI ; Dekel, A.; Genzel, R.; Lilly, S. J., et al | open |
2015 | Extreme emission-line galaxies out to z ~ 1 in zCOSMOS. I. Sample and characterization of global properties | Amorín, R.; Pérez-Montero, E.; Contini, T.; Vílchez, J. M.; BOLZONELLA, MICOL ; Tasca, L. A. M.; Lamareille, F.; Zamorani, G.; Maier, C.; Carollo, C. M., et al | open |
2022 | First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector KAGRA with GEO 600 | Abbott, R.; Abe, H.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adkins, V. K.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Agarwal, D., et al | open |
2015 | The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z~1.6. III. Survey Design, Performance, and Sample Characteristics | Silverman, J. D.; Kashino, D.; Sanders, D.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Arimoto, N.; Renzini, A.; Rodighiero, G.; Daddi, E.; Zahid, J.; Nagao, T., et al | open |
2015 | The galaxy stellar mass function at 3.5 ≤z ≤ 7.5 in the CANDELS/UDS, GOODS-South, and HUDF fields | GRAZIAN, Andrea ; FONTANA, Adriano ; SANTINI, Paola ; Dunlop, J. S.; Ferguson, H. C.; CASTELLANO, MARCO ; Amorin, R.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Barro, G.; Behroozi, P., et al | open |
2015 | GOODS-Herschel: Star Formation, Dust Attenuation, and the FIR-radio Correlation on the Main Sequence of Star-forming Galaxies up to z ≃4 | Pannella, M.; Elbaz, D.; Daddi, E.; Dickinson, M.; Hwang, H. S.; Schreiber, C.; STRAZZULLO, VERONICA ; Aussel, H.; Bethermin, M.; Buat, V., et al | open |
2019 | Hubble Space Telescope analysis of stellar populations within the globular cluster G1 (Mayall II) in M 31 | Nardiello, D.; Piotto, G.; Milone, A. P.; Rich, R. M.; CASSISI, Santi ; BEDIN, Luigi ; Bellini, A.; Renzini, A. | open |
2015 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of galactic globular clusters - II. The seven stellar populations of NGC 7089 (M2) | Milone, A. P.; Marino, A. F.; Piotto, G.; BEDIN, Luigi ; Anderson, J.; Renzini, A.; King, I. R.; Bellini, A.; Brown, T. M.; CASSISI, Santi , et al | open |
2015 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters - IV. Helium content and relative age of multiple stellar populations within NGC 6352 | Nardiello, D.; Piotto, G.; Milone, A. P.; Marino, A. F.; BEDIN, Luigi ; Anderson, J.; Aparicio, A.; Bellini, A.; CASSISI, Santi ; D'Antona, F., et al | open |
2017 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic globular clusters - IX. The Atlas of multiple stellar populations | Milone, A. P.; Piotto, G.; Renzini, A.; Marino, A. F.; BEDIN, Luigi ; Vesperini, E.; D'Antona, F.; Nardiello, D.; Anderson, J.; King, I. R., et al | open |
2018 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters - XII. The RGB bumps of multiple stellar populations | Lagioia, E. P.; Milone, A. P.; Marino, A. F.; CASSISI, Santi ; Aparicio, A. J.; Piotto, G.; Anderson, J.; Barbuy, B.; BEDIN, Luigi ; Bellini, A., et al | open |
2019 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters - XIX. A chemical tagging of the multiple stellar populations over the chromosome maps | Marino, A. F.; Milone, A. P.; Renzini, A.; D'Antona, F.; Anderson, J.; BEDIN, Luigi ; Bellini, A.; Cordoni, G.; Lagioia, E. P.; Piotto, G., et al | open |
2018 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV legacy survey of galactic globular clusters - XVI. The helium abundance of multiple populations | Milone, A. P.; Marino, A. F.; Renzini, A.; D'Antona, F.; Anderson, J.; Barbuy, B.; BEDIN, Luigi ; Bellini, A.; Brown, T. M.; CASSISI, Santi , et al | open |
2015 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. I. Overview of the Project and Detection of Multiple Stellar Populations | Piotto, G.; Milone, A. P.; BEDIN, Luigi ; Anderson, J.; King, I. R.; Marino, A. F.; Nardiello, D.; Aparicio, A.; Barbuy, B.; Bellini, A., et al | open |
2015 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. III. A Quintuple Stellar Population in NGC 2808 | Milone, A. P.; Marino, A. F.; Piotto, G.; Renzini, A.; BEDIN, Luigi ; Anderson, J.; CASSISI, Santi ; D'Antona, F.; Bellini, A.; Jerjen, H., et al | open |
2016 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. VII. Implications from the Nearly Universal Nature of Horizontal Branch Discontinuities | Brown, T. M.; CASSISI, Santi ; D'Antona, F.; Salaris, M.; Milone, A. P.; Dalessandro, Emanuele ; Piotto, G.; Renzini, A.; Sweigart, A. V.; Bellini, A., et al | open |
2018 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. XV. The Dynamical Clock: Reading Cluster Dynamical Evolution from the Segregation Level of Blue Straggler Stars | Ferraro, F. R.; Lanzoni, B.; Raso, S.; Nardiello, D.; Dalessandro, Emanuele ; Vesperini, E.; Piotto, G.; Pallanca, C.; Beccari, G.; Bellini, A., et al | open |
2015 | The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters: The Internal Kinematics of the Multiple Stellar Populations in NGC 2808 | Bellini, A.; Vesperini, E.; Piotto, G.; Milone, A. P.; Hong, J.; Anderson, J.; van der Marel, R. P.; BEDIN, Luigi ; CASSISI, Santi ; D'Antona, F., et al | open |
Showing results 13 to 32 of 66
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