Browsing by Author Di Gesu, L.
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. I. A global model for the broadband spectral energy distribution | Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Petrucci, P. -O.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Boissay, R., et al | open |
2015 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. II. The spatial, temporal, and physical nature of the outflow from HST/COS Observations | Arav, N.; Chamberlain, C.; Kriss, G. A.; Kaastra, J. S.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Mehdipour, M.; Petrucci, P. -O.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S., et al | open |
2015 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. III. The high-energy view with NuSTAR and INTEGRAL | Ursini, Francesco ; Boissay, R.; Petrucci, P. -O.; Matt, G.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Bianchi, S.; Kaastra, J.; Harrison, F.; Walton, D. J.; di Gesu, L., et al | open |
2015 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. IV. The short-term variability of the outflows | Di Gesu, L.; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J.; Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Ursini, Francesco ; Petrucci, P. O.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Kriss, G. A.; Bianchi, S., et al | open |
2018 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. IX. Photoionized emission features in the soft X-ray spectra | Mao, Junjie; Kaastra, J. S.; Mehdipour, M.; Gu, Liyi; Costantini, E.; Kriss, G. A.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Di Gesu, L., et al | open |
2015 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. V. A clear view of the X-ray narrow emission lines | Whewell, M.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Kaastra, J. S.; Mehdipour, M.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Bianchi, S.; Behar, E.; Ebrero, J.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Costantini, E., et al | open |
2016 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VI. Long-term variability of the warm absorber | Ebrero, J.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Di Gesu, L.; Costantini, E.; Mehdipour, M.; Bianchi, S.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Boissay, R.; Branduardi-Raymont, G., et al | open |
2016 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VII. Swift study of obscuration and broadband continuum variability | Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Petrucci, P. -O.; De Marco, B.; PONTI, GABRIELE ; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S., et al | open |
2016 | Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548. VIII. XMM-Newton's EPIC detailed view of an unexpected variable multilayer absorber | CAPPI, MASSIMO ; De Marco, B.; PONTI, GABRIELE ; Ursini, Francesco ; Petrucci, P. -O.; Bianchi, S.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Whewell, M., et al | open |
2017 | Chasing obscuration in type-I AGN: discovery of an eclipsing clumpy wind at the outer broad-line region of NGC 3783 | Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Costantini, E.; Ebrero, J., et al | open |
2024 | First characterization of the emission behavior of Mrk 421 from radio to very high-energy gamma rays with simultaneous X-ray polarization measurements | Abe, S.; Abhir, J.; Acciari, V. A.; Agudo, I.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Arbet-Engels, A.; Arcaro, C.; Artero, M., et al | open |
2023 | The first X-ray polarimetric observation of the black hole binary LMC X-1 | Podgorný, J.; Marra, L.; MULERI, FABIO ; Rodriguez Cavero, N.; Ratheesh, A.; Dovčiak, M.; Mikušincová, R.; Brigitte, M.; Steiner, J. F.; Veledina, A., et al | open |
2023 | The geometry of the hot corona in MCG-05-23-16 constrained by X-ray polarimetry | Tagliacozzo, D.; Marinucci, A.; Ursini, Francesco ; Matt, G.; BIANCHI, Simone; Baldini, L.; Barnouin, T.; Cavero Rodriguez, N.; DE ROSA, Alessandra ; Di Gesu, L., et al | open |
2020 | Incoherent fast variability of X-ray obscurers. The case of NGC 3783 | De Marco, B.; Adhikari, T. P.; PONTI, GABRIELE ; BIANCHI, SIMONE; Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; Costantini, E., et al | open |
2024 | IXPE observation confirms a high spin in the accreting black hole 4U 1957+115 | Marra, L.; Brigitte, M.; Rodriguez Cavero, N.; Chun, S.; Steiner, J. F.; Dovčiak, M.; Nowak, M.; BIANCHI, Simone; CAPITANIO, FIAMMA ; Ingram, A., et al | open |
2019 | Photoionized emission and absorption features in the high-resolution X-ray spectra of NGC 3783 | Mao, Junjie; Mehdipour, M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Costantini, E.; PINTO, CIRO ; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Behar, E.; Peretz, U.; Bianchi, S.; Kriss, G. A., et al | open |
2022 | Polarization constraints on the X-ray corona in Seyfert Galaxies: MCG-05-23-16 | Marinucci, A.; MULERI, FABIO ; Dovciak, M.; BIANCHI, Simone ; Marin, F.; Matt, G.; Ursini, Francesco ; Middei, R.; Marshall, H. L.; Baldini, L., et al | open |
2019 | Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VIII. Time Variability of Emission and Absorption in NGC 5548 Based on Modeling the Ultraviolet Spectrum | Kriss, G. A.; De Rosa, G.; Ely, J.; Peterson, B. M.; Kaastra, J.; Mehdipour, M.; Ferland, G. J.; Dehghanian, M.; Mathur, S.; Edelson, R., et al | open |
2023 | Uncovering the geometry of the hot X-ray corona in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 4151 with IXPE | Gianolli, V. E.; Kim, D. E.; BIANCHI, Simone ; Agís-González, B.; Madejski, G.; Marin, F.; Marinucci, A.; Matt, G.; Middei, R.; Petrucci, P. -O., et al | open |
2023 | X-ray polarimetry and spectroscopy of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary GX 9+9: An in-depth study with IXPE and NuSTAR | Ursini, Francesco ; FARINELLI, Ruben ; Gnarini, A.; Poutanen, J.; BIANCHI, Simone; CAPITANIO, FIAMMA ; DI MARCO, Alessandro ; FABIANI, Sergio ; LA MONACA, Fabio ; Malacaria, C., et al | open |
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