Browsing by Author Grebel, E. K.
Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | Characterizing the high-velocity stars of RAVE: the discovery of a metal-rich halo star born in the Galactic disc | Hawkins, K.; Kordopatis, G.; Gilmore, G.; Masseron, T.; Wyse, R. F. G.; Ruchti, G.; Bienaymé, O.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; BOECHE, CORRADO ; Freeman, K., et al | open |
2023 | Effective temperatures of classical Cepheids from line-depth ratios in the H-band | Kovtyukh, V.; Lemasle, B.; Nardetto, N.; Bono, G.; OLIVEIRA DA SILVA, Ronaldo ; Matsunaga, N.; Yushchenko, A.; Fukue, K.; Grebel, E. K. | open |
2024 | EWOCS-II: X-ray properties of the Wolf-Rayet stars in the young Galactic super star cluster Westerlund 1 | ANASTASOPOULOU, Konstantina ; GUARCELLO, Mario Giuseppe ; FLACCOMIO, Ettore ; SCIORTINO, Salvatore ; BENATTI, Serena ; De Becker, M.; Wright, N. J.; Drake, J. J.; Albacete-Colombo, J. F.; Andersen, M., et al | open |
2016 | The Extended Spatial Distribution of Globular Clusters in the Core of the Fornax Cluster | D'Abrusco, R.; CANTIELLO, Michele ; Paolillo, Maurizio; Pota, V.; NAPOLITANO, NICOLA ROSARIO ; Limatola, L.; SPAVONE, MARILENA ; GRADO, ANIELLO ; IODICE, ENRICHETTA ; Capaccioli, M., et al | open |
2017 | Gaia Data Release 1. Open cluster astrometry: performance, limitations, and future prospects | Gaia Collaboration; van Leeuwen, F.; VALLENARI, Antonella ; Jordi, C.; Lindegren, L.; Bastian, U.; Prusti, T.; de Bruijne, J. H. J.; Brown, A. G. A.; Babusiaux, C., et al | open |
2016 | Gaia Data Release 1. Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties | Gaia Collaboration; Brown, A. G. A.; VALLENARI, Antonella ; Prusti, T.; de Bruijne, J. H. J.; Mignard, F.; DRIMMEL, Ronald ; Babusiaux, C.; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.; Bastian, U., et al | open |
2017 | Gaia Data Release 1. Testing parallaxes with local Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars | Gaia Collaboration; CLEMENTINI, Gisella ; Eyer, L.; RIPEPI, Vincenzo ; MARCONI, Marcella ; Muraveva, Tatiana ; GAROFALO, Alessia ; Sarro, L. M.; Palmer, M.; Luri, X., et al | open |
2016 | The Gaia mission | Gaia Collaboration; Prusti, T.; de Bruijne, J. H. J.; Brown, A. G. A.; VALLENARI, Antonella ; Babusiaux, C.; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.; Bastian, U.; Biermann, M.; Evans, D. W., et al | open |
2022 | The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products | Gilmore, G.; RANDICH, Maria Sofia ; Worley, C. C.; Hourihane, A.; Gonneau, A.; SACCO, Giuseppe Germano ; Lewis, J. R.; MAGRINI, Laura ; François, P.; Jeffries, R. D., et al | open |
2018 | The Gaia-ESO Survey: evidence of atomic diffusion in M67? | Bertelli Motta, C.; Pasquali, A.; Richer, J.; Michaud, G.; Salaris, M.; BRAGAGLIA, Angela ; MAGRINI, LAURA ; RANDICH, Maria Sofia ; Grebel, E. K.; Adibekyan, V., et al | open |
2015 | Identification of globular cluster stars in RAVE data - I. Application to stellar parameter calibration | Anguiano, B.; Zucker, D. B.; Scholz, R. -D.; Grebel, E. K.; Seabroke, G.; Kunder, A.; Binney, J.; McMillan, P. J.; Zwitter, T.; Wyse, R. F. G., et al | open |
2015 | The Imprints of the Galactic Bar on the Thick Disk with Rave | Antoja, T.; Monari, G.; Helmi, A.; Bienaymé, O.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Famaey, B.; Gibson, B. K.; Grebel, E. K.; Kordopatis, G.; MUNARI, Ulisse , et al | open |
2022 | The MAGIC project - III. Radial and azimuthal Galactic abundance gradients using classical Cepheids | Kovtyukh, V.; Lemasle, B.; Bono, G.; Usenko, I. A.; OLIVEIRA DA SILVA, Ronaldo ; Kniazev, A.; Grebel, E. K.; Andronov, I. L.; Shakun, L.; Chinarova, L. | open |
2021 | Milky Way archaeology using RR Lyrae and type II Cepheids. I. The Orphan stream in 7D using RR Lyrae stars | Prudil, Z.; Hanke, M.; Lemasle, B.; Crestani, J.; Braga, V. F.; FABRIZIO, Michele ; Koch-Hansen, A. J.; Bono, G.; Grebel, E. K.; Matsunaga, N., et al | open |
2021 | On the Use of Field RR Lyrae As Galactic Probes: IV. New Insights Into and Around the Oosterhoff Dichotomy | FABRIZIO, Michele ; Braga, Vittorio Francesco ; Crestani, J.; Bono, Giuseppe ; FERRARO, Ivan ; FIORENTINO, Giuliana ; IANNICOLA, GIACINTO ; Preston, G. W.; Sneden, C.; Thévenin, F., et al | open |
2017 | The southern leading and trailing wraps of the Sagittarius tidal stream around the globular cluster Whiting 1 | Carballo-Bello, J. A.; Corral-Santana, J. M.; Martínez-Delgado, D.; SOLLIMA, ANTONIO LUIGI ; Muñoz, R. R.; Côté, P.; Duffau, S.; Catelan, M.; Grebel, E. K. | open |
2018 | A survey for dwarf galaxy remnants around 14 globular clusters in the outer halo | SOLLIMA, ANTONIO LUIGI ; Martínez Delgado, D.; Muñoz, R. R.; Carballo-Bello, J. A.; Valls-Gabaud, D.; Grebel, E. K.; Santana, F. A.; Côté, P.; Djorgovski, S. G. | open |
2022 | Tracing the Milky Way warp and spiral arms with classical Cepheids | Lemasle, B.; Lala, H. N.; Kovtyukh, V.; Hanke, M.; Prudil, Z.; Bono, G.; BRAGA, Vittorio Francesco ; OLIVEIRA DA SILVA, Ronaldo ; FABRIZIO, Michele ; FIORENTINO, Giuliana , et al | open |
2016 | The VST Survey of the SMC and the Magellanic Bridge (STEP): First Results | RIPEPI, Vincenzo ; Cignoni, M.; TOSI, Monica ; MARCONI, Marcella ; MUSELLA, ILARIA ; Coppola, G.; GRADO, ANIELLO ; Limatola, L.; CLEMENTINI, Gisella ; BROCATO, Enzo , et al | reserved |
Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
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