Browsing by Author McKean, J. P.
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | Calibrating high-precision Faraday rotation measurements for LOFAR and the next generation of low-frequency radio telescopes (Corrigendum) | Sotomayor-Beltran, C.; Sobey, C.; Hessels, J. W. T.; de Bruyn, G.; Noutsos, A.; Alexov, A.; Anderson, J.; Asgekar, A.; Avruch, I. M.; Beck, R., et al | open |
2021 | Gravitational lensing in LoTSS DR2: extremely faint 144-MHz radio emission from two highly magnified quasars | McKean, J. P.; Luichies, R.; Drabent, A.; Gürkan, G.; Hartley, P.; Lafontaine, A.; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Shimwell, T. W.; Stacey, H. R., et al | open |
2015 | LOFAR discovery of a quiet emission mode in PSR B0823+26 | Sobey, C.; Young, N. J.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Weltevrede, P.; Noutsos, A.; Stappers, B. W.; Kramer, M.; Bassa, C.; Lyne, A. G.; Kondratiev, V. I., et al | open |
2016 | LOFAR imaging of Cygnus A - direct detection of a turnover in the hotspot radio spectra | McKean, J. P.; Godfrey, L. E. H.; Vegetti, S.; Wise, M. W.; Morganti, R.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Rafferty, D.; Anderson, J.; Avruch, I. M.; Beck, R., et al | open |
2015 | The LOFAR long baseline snapshot calibrator survey | Moldón, J.; Deller, A. T.; Wucknitz, O.; Jackson, N.; Drabent, A.; Carozzi, T.; Conway, J.; Kapińska, A. D.; McKean, J. P.; Morabito, L., et al | open |
2016 | LOFAR MSSS: detection of a low-frequency radio transient in 400 h of monitoring of the North Celestial Pole | Stewart, A. J.; Fender, R. P.; Broderick, J. W.; Hassall, T. E.; Muñoz-Darias, T.; Rowlinson, A.; Swinbank, J. D.; Staley, T. D.; Molenaar, G. J.; Scheers, B., et al | open |
2017 | LOFAR MSSS: Discovery of a 2.56 Mpc giant radio galaxy associated with a disturbed galaxy group | Clarke, A. O.; Heald, G.; Jarrett, T.; Bray, J. D.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Cantwell, T. M.; Scaife, A. M. M.; BRIENZA, MARISA ; BONAFEDE, ANNALISA ; Breton, R. P., et al | open |
2015 | The LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS). I. Survey description and first results | Heald, G. H.; Pizzo, R. F.; Orrú, E.; Breton, R. P.; Carbone, D.; Ferrari, C.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Jurusik, W.; Macario, G.; Mulcahy, D., et al | open |
2018 | LOFAR reveals the giant: a low-frequency radio continuum study of the outflow in the nearby FR I radio galaxy 3C 31 | Heesen, V.; Croston, J. H.; Morganti, R.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Stewart, A. J.; Best, P. N.; Broderick, J. W.; Brüggen, M.; BRUNETTI, GIANFRANCO ; ChyŻy, K. T., et al | open |
2015 | LOFAR tied-array imaging and spectroscopy of solar S bursts | Morosan, D. E.; Gallagher, P. T.; Zucca, P.; O'Flannagain, A.; Fallows, R.; Reid, H.; Magdalenić, J.; Mann, G.; Bisi, M. M.; Kerdraon, A., et al | open |
2017 | The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. I. Survey description and preliminary data release | Shimwell, T. W.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Best, P. N.; Williams, W. L.; Dijkema, T. J.; De Gasperin, F.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Heald, G. H.; Hoang, D. N.; Horneffer, A., et al | open |
2019 | The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. II. First data release | Shimwell, T. W.; Tasse, C.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Mechev, A. P.; Williams, W. L.; Best, P. N.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Callingham, J. R.; Dijkema, T. J.; De Gasperin, F., et al | open |
2019 | The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. III. First data release: Optical/infrared identifications and value-added catalogue | Williams, W. L.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Best, P. N.; Sabater, J.; Croston, J. H.; Duncan, K. J.; Shimwell, T. W.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Nisbet, D.; Gürkan, G., et al | open |
2019 | LoTSS/HETDEX: Disentangling star formation and AGN activity in gravitationally lensed radio-quiet quasars | Stacey, H. R.; McKean, J. P.; Jackson, N. J.; Best, P. N.; Calistro Rivera, G.; Callingham, J. R.; Duncan, K. J.; Gürkan, G.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Iacobelli, M., et al | open |
2015 | Lunar occultation of the diffuse radio sky: LOFAR measurements between 35 and 80 MHz | Vedantham, H. K.; Koopmans, L. V. E.; de Bruyn, A. G.; Wijnholds, S. J.; Brentjens, M.; Abdalla, F. B.; Asad, K. M. B.; BERNARDI, GIANNI ; Bus, S.; Chapman, E., et al | open |
2016 | A plethora of diffuse steep spectrum radio sources in Abell 2034 revealed by LOFAR | Shimwell, T. W.; Luckin, J.; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Intema, H. T.; Owers, M. S.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Stroe, A.; van Weeren, R. J.; Williams, W. L., et al | open |
2015 | Probing Atmospheric Electric Fields in Thunderstorms through Radio Emission from Cosmic-Ray-Induced Air Showers | Schellart, P.; Trinh, T. N. G.; Buitink, S.; Corstanje, A.; Enriquez, J. E.; Falcke, H.; Hörandel, J. R.; Nelles, A.; Rachen, J. P.; Rossetto, L., et al | open |
2016 | Radio follow-up of the γ-ray flaring gravitational lens JVAS B0218+357 | Spingola, C.; Dallacasa, D.; Orienti, M. ; GIROLETTI, MARCELLO ; McKean, J. P.; Cheung, C. C.; Hovatta, T.; Ciprini, S.; D'AMMANDO, FILIPPO ; Falco, E., et al | open |
2018 | Tracking of an electron beam through the solar corona with LOFAR | Mann, G.; Breitling, F.; Vocks, C.; Aurass, H.; Steinmetz, M.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Bisi, M. M.; Fallows, R. A.; Gallagher, P.; Kerdraon, A., et al | open |
2017 | VizieR Online Data Catalog: LOFAR Bootes and 3C295 field sources (van Weeren+, 2014) | van Weeren, R. J.; Williams, W. L.; Tasse, C.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Rafferty, D. A.; van der Tol, S.; Heald, G.; White, G. J.; Shulevski, A.; Best, P., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 21
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