Browsing by Author Noterdaeme, P.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2022 | ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science case, baseline design and path to construction | MARCONI, Alessandro ; Abreu, M.; Adibekyan, V.; ALBERTI, Valentina ; Albrecht, S.; Alcaniz, J.; ALIVERTI, Matteo ; Allende Prieto, C.; Alvarado Gómez, J. D.; Amado, P. J., et al | open |
2024 | ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science goals, project overview, and future developments | MARCONI, Alessandro ; Abreu, M.; Adibekyan, V.; ALBERTI, Valentina ; Albrecht, S.; Alcaniz, J.; ALIVERTI, Matteo ; Allende Prieto, C.; Alvarado-Gomez, J. D.; Alves, C. S., et al | open |
2019 | Cold gas in the early Universe. Survey for neutral atomic-carbon in GRB host galaxies at 1 < z< 6 from optical afterglow spectroscopy | Heintz, K. E.; Ledoux, C.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Jakobsson, P.; Noterdaeme, P.; Krogager, J. -K.; Bolmer, J.; Møller, P.; Vergani, S. D.; Watson, D., et al | open |
2023 | CUBES: a UV spectrograph for the future | COVINO, Stefano ; CRISTIANI, Stefano ; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Alencar, S. H. P.; Balashev, S. A.; Barbuy, B.; Bastian, N.; Battino, U.; Bissell, L.; Bristow, P., et al | open |
2022 | CUBES: the Cassegrain U-band Efficient Spectrograph | CRISTIANI, Stefano ; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Alencar, S. H. P.; Balashev, S.; Bastian, N.; Barbuy, B.; Battino, U.; Calcines, A.; CALDERONE, GIORGIO ; Cambianica, P., et al | open |
2021 | Exploration of the high-redshift universe enabled by THESEUS | Tanvir, N. R.; Le Floc'h, E.; Christensen, L.; Caruana, J.; SALVATERRA, Ruben ; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; Ciardi, B.; Maio, U.; D'ODORICO, Valentina ; Piedipalumbo, E., et al | open |
2019 | New constraints on the physical conditions in H<SUB>2</SUB>-bearing GRB-host damped Lyman-α absorbers | Heintz, K. E.; Bolmer, J.; Ledoux, C.; Noterdaeme, P.; Krogager, J. -K.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Jakobsson, P.; COVINO, Stefano ; D'Elia, V.; De Pasquale, M., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
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