Browsing by Author Okumura, A.
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2020 | Alignment of the optical system of the 9.7-m prototype Schwarzchild-Coulder Telescope | Adams, C.; Alfaro, R.; Ambrosi, G.; Ambrosio, M.; Aramo, C.; Benbow, W.; Bertucci, B.; Bissaldi, E.; Bitossi, M.; Boiano, A., et al | open |
2010 | A change in the optical polarization associated with a γ-ray flare in the blazar 3C 279 | Abdo, A.A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Baughmanl, B.M.; Bechtol, K., et al | open |
2022 | CTA – the World's largest ground-based gamma-ray observatory | Zanin, R.; Abdalla, H.; Abe, H.; Abe, S.; Abusleme, A.; Acero, F.; Acharyya, A.; Acin Portella, V.; Ackley, K.; Adam, R., et al | open |
2024 | Dark matter line searches with the Cherenkov Telescope Array | Abe, S.; Abhir, J.; Abhishek, A.; Acero, F.; Acharyya, A.; Adam, R.; Aguasca-Cabot, A.; Agudo, I.; Aguirre-Santaella, A.; Alfaro, J., et al | open |
2024 | Dark matter searches in dwarf spheroidal galaxies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array | SATURNI, Francesco Gabriele ; Rodríguez-Fernández, G.; Cta; Abe, K.; Abe, S.; Acharyya, A.; Adam, R.; Aguasca-Cabot, A.; Agudo, I.; Alfaro, J., et al | open |
2024 | A detailed study of the very high-energy Crab pulsar emission with the LST-1 | Abe, K.; Abe, S.; Abhishek, A.; Acero, F.; Aguasca-Cabot, A.; Agudo, I.; Alvarez Crespo, N.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Aramo, C.; Arbet-Engels, A., et al | open |
2021 | Detection of the Crab Nebula with the 9.7 m prototype Schwarzschild-Couder telescope | Adams, C. B.; Alfaro, R.; Ambrosi, G.; Ambrosio, M.; Aramo, C.; Arlen, T.; Batista, P. I.; Benbow, W.; Bertucci, B.; Bissaldi, E., et al | open |
2015 | Erratum: "The Second Catalog of Active Galactic Nuclei Detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope'' (2011, ApJ, 743, 171) | Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Antolini, E.; Atwood, W. B.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D., et al | open |
2010 | FERMI Large Area Telescope and multi-wavelength observations of the flaring activity of PKS 1510-089 between 2008 september and 2009 june | Abdo, A.A.; Ackermann, M.; Agudo, I.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Aller, H.D.; M.f. Aller; Antolini, E.; Arkharov, A.A.; Axelsson, M., et al | open |
2024 | First characterization of the emission behavior of Mrk 421 from radio to very high-energy gamma rays with simultaneous X-ray polarization measurements | Abe, S.; Abhir, J.; Acciari, V. A.; Agudo, I.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Arbet-Engels, A.; Arcaro, C.; Artero, M., et al | open |
2024 | Insights into the broadband emission of the TeV blazar Mrk 501 during the first X-ray polarization measurements | MAGIC Collaboration; Abe, S.; Abhir, J.; Acciari, V. A.; Aguasca-Cabot, A.; Agudo, I.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Arbet Engels, A., et al | open |
2011 | Insights into the high-energy γ-ray emission of Markarian 501 from extensive multifrequency observations in the Fermi era | Abdo, A.A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Baring, M.G.; Bastieri, D.; Bechtol, K., et al | open |
2024 | MAGIC detection of GRB 201216C at z = 1.1 | Abe, H.; Abe, S.; Acciari, V. A.; Agudo, I.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Arbet Engels, A.; Arcaro, C.; Artero, M., et al | open |
2023 | MAGIC observations provide compelling evidence of hadronic multi-TeV emission from the putative PeVatron SNR G106.3+2.7 | MAGIC Collaboration; Abe, H.; Abe, S.; Acciari, V. A.; Agudo, I.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Arbet Engels, A.; Arcaro, C., et al | open |
2019 | Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout | Acharyya, A.; Agudo, I.; Angüner, E. O.; Alfaro, R.; Alfaro, J.; Alispach, C.; Aloisio, R.; Alves Batista, R.; Amans, J. -P.; AMATI, LORENZO , et al | open |
2012 | Multi-wavelength observations of blazar AO 0235+164 in the 2008-2009 flaring state | Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bellazzini, R.; Blandford, R.D.; Bloom, E.D.; Bonamente, E.; Borgland, A.W., et al | open |
2011 | Multi-wavelength observations of the flaring gamma-ray blazar 3C 66A in 2008 October | Abdo, A.A.; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bechtol, K.; Bellazzini, R.; Berenji, B., et al | open |
2023 | Multimessenger Characterization of Markarian 501 during Historically Low X-Ray and γ-Ray Activity | Abe, H.; Abe, S.; Acciari, V. A.; Agudo, I.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Arbet-Engels, A.; Arcaro, C.; Artero, M., et al | open |
2024 | Performance and first measurements of the MAGIC stellar intensity interferometer | Abe, S.; Abhir, J.; Acciari, V. A.; Aguasca-Cabot, A.; Agudo, I.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Arbet Engels, A.; Arcaro, C., et al | open |
2023 | Performance of the joint LST-1 and MAGIC observations evaluated with Crab Nebula data | Abe, H.; Abe, K.; Agudo, I.; Alvarez Crespo, N.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; ANTONELLI, Lucio Angelo ; Aramo, C.; Arbet-Engels, A.; Arcaro, C., et al | open |
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