Browsing by Author Romoli, M.
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2017 | ASPIICS/PROBA-3 formation flying solar coronagraph: Stray light analysis and optimization of the occulter | Romoli, M.; Vivès, S.; Mazzoli, A.; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; Lamy, P.; Venet, M. | open |
2023 | Beyond the disk: EUV coronagraphic observations of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on board Solar Orbiter | Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Dumesnil, C.; Halain, J. -P.; Mercier, R.; Rochus, P.; Delmotte, F.; François, S.; Hermans, A.; Hervier, V., et al | open |
2019 | Comparing extrapolations of the coronal magnetic field structure at 2.5 R<SUB>☉</SUB> with multi-viewpoint coronagraphic observations | SASSO, CLEMENTINA ; Pinto, R. F.; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; Howard, R. A.; Vourlidas, A.; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; DOLEI, Sergio ; SPADARO, Daniele ; SUSINO, ROBERTO ; Antonucci, E., et al | open |
2021 | Cosmic-ray flux predictions and observations for and with Metis on board Solar Orbiter | Grimani, C.; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; Chioetto, P.; V. Da Deppo; Fabi, M.; Gissot, S.; Naletto, G.; Persici, A.; Plainaki, C.; Romoli, M., et al | open |
2019 | Effect of the non-uniform solar chromospheric Lyα radiation on determining the coronal H I outflow velocity | DOLEI, Sergio ; SPADARO, Daniele ; VENTURA, Rita ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; SASSO, CLEMENTINA ; SUSINO, ROBERTO ; Antonucci, E.; Da Deppo, V.; FINESCHI, Silvano , et al | open |
2021 | Effects of the chromospheric Lyα line profile shape on the determination of the solar wind H I outflow velocity using the Doppler dimming technique | Capuano, G. E.; DOLEI, Sergio ; SPADARO, Daniele ; GUGLIELMINO, SALVATORE LUIGI ; ROMANO, Paolo ; VENTURA, Rita ; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; SASSO, CLEMENTINA ; SUSINO, ROBERTO , et al | restricted |
2021 | The first coronal mass ejection observed in both visible-light and UV HI Ly-α channels of the Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter | ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; De Leo, Y.; JERSE, GIOVANNA ; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; Mierla, M.; Naletto, G.; Romoli, M.; SASSO, CLEMENTINA ; SLEMER, ALESSANDRA , et al | open |
2021 | First light observations of the solar wind in the outer corona with the Metis coronagraph | Romoli, M.; Antonucci, E.; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; Capuano, G. E.; Da Deppo, V.; De Leo, Y.; Downs, C.; FINESCHI, Silvano ; Heinzel, P.; LANDINI, FEDERICO , et al | open |
2015 | Formation flying metrology for the ESA-PROBA3 mission: the Shadow Position Sensors (SPS) silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) readout electronics | FOCARDI, MAURO ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; Buckley, S.; O'Neill, K.; FINESCHI, Silvano ; Noce, V.; PANCRAZZI, Maurizio ; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; Baccani, C.; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo , et al | open |
2023 | A high-latitude coronal mass ejection observed by a constellation of coronagraphs: Solar Orbiter/Metis, STEREO-A/COR2, and SOHO/LASCO | Zimbardo, G.; Ying, B.; Nisticò, G.; Feng, L.; Rodríguez-García, L.; Panasenco, O.; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; Banerjee, D.; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; De Leo, Y., et al | open |
2017 | An improved version of the Shadow Position Sensor readout electronics on-board the ESA PROBA-3 Mission | Noce, V.; FOCARDI, MAURO ; Buckley, S.; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; PANCRAZZI, Maurizio ; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; Baccani, C.; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; LOREGGIA, Davide , et al | open |
2023 | In-flight radiometric calibration of the Metis Visible Light channel using stars and comparison with STEREO-A/COR2 data | De Leo, Y.; Burtovoi, A.; Teriaca, L.; Romoli, M.; Chioetto, P.; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; USLENGHI, Michela ; LANDINI, Federico ; SUSINO, ROBERTO ; PANCRAZZI, Maurizio , et al | open |
2018 | Mapping the solar wind HI outflow velocity in the inner heliosphere by coronagraphic ultraviolet and visible-light observations | DOLEI, Sergio ; SUSINO, ROBERTO ; SASSO, CLEMENTINA ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; SPADARO, Daniele ; VENTURA, Rita ; Antonucci, E.; Abbo, L.; Da Deppo, V., et al | open |
2017 | Measurement of 1323 and 1487 keV resonances in 15N(α,γ ) 19F with the recoil separator ERNA | Di Leva, A.; Imbriani, G.; Buompane, R.; Gialanella, L.; Best, A.; CRISTALLO, Sergio ; De Cesare, M.; D'Onofrio, A.; Duarte, J. G.; Gasques, L. R., et al | open |
2019 | Metrology on-board PROBA-3: The Shadow Position Sensor (SPS) subsystem | NOCE, Vladimiro ; Romoli, M.; FOCARDI, MAURO ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; LOREGGIA, Davide ; Casti, M.; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; Baccani, C.; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; BELLUSO, Massimiliano , et al | open |
2015 | OPSE metrology system onboard of the PROBA3 mission of ESA | LOREGGIA, Davide ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; FOCARDI, MAURO ; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; NICOLINI, Gianalfredo ; PANCRAZZI, Maurizio ; Romoli, M., et al | open |
2020 | Optical design of the multi-wavelength imaging coronagraph Metis for the solar orbiter mission | FINESCHI, Silvano ; Naletto, G.; Romoli, M.; Da Deppo, V.; Antonucci, E.; Moses, D.; Malvezzi, A. M.; NICOLINI, Gianalfredo ; SPADARO, Daniele ; Teriaca, L., et al | open |
2015 | Recurrent flares in active region NOAA 11283 | ROMANO, Paolo ; Zuccarello, Francesca ; Guglielmino, S. L.; Berrilli, F.; BRUNO, Roberto ; Carbone, V.; CONSOLINI, Giuseppe ; de Lauretis, M.; Del Moro, D.; Elmhamdi, A., et al | open |
2016 | The shadow position sensors (SPS) formation flying metrology subsystem for the ESA PROBA-3 mission: present status and future developments | FOCARDI, MAURO ; Noce, V.; Buckley, S.; O'Neill, K.; Bemporad, A. ; Fineschi, S.; PANCRAZZI, Maurizio ; Landini, F.; Baccani, C.; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo , et al | open |
2015 | The Shadow Positioning Sensors (SPS) for formation flying metrology on-board the ESA-PROBA3 mission | BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; Baccani, C.; CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo ; FINESCHI, Silvano ; FOCARDI, MAURO ; LANDINI, FEDERICO ; LOREGGIA, Davide ; MASSONE, Giuseppe ; NICOLINI, Gianalfredo ; Noce, V., et al | open |
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