Browsing by Author Serra-Ricart, M.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | The GLObal Robotic telescopes Intelligent Array for e-science (GLORIA) | Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Sánchez Moreno, F. M.; Pérez del Pulgar, C.; Azócar, D.; Beskin, G.; Cabello, J.; Cedazo, R.; Cuesta, L.; Cunniffe, R.; González, E., et al | open |
2017 | A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B., et al | open |
2016 | Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914 | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X., et al | open |
2017 | Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B., et al | open |
2016 | Supplement: “Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914” (2016, ApJS, 225, 8) | Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
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