Browsing by Organization O.A. Catania
Showing results 1 to 20 of 1374
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2007 | A 1.2 mm MAMBO survey of post-AGB stars | BUEMI, CARLA SIMONA ; UMANA, Grazia Maria Gloria ; TRIGILIO, CORRADO ; LETO, PAOLO | open |
2016 | A 1.9 Earth Radius Rocky Planet and the Discovery of a Non-transiting Planet in the Kepler-20 System | Buchhave, Lars A.; Dressing, Courtney D.; Dumusque, Xavier; Rice, Ken; Vanderburg, Andrew; Mortier, Annelies; Lopez-Morales, Mercedes; Lopez, Eric; Lundkvist, Mia S.; Kjeldsen, Hans, et al | open |
2019 | An 11 Earth-mass, Long-period Sub-Neptune Orbiting a Sun-like Star | Mayo, Andrew W.; Rajpaul, Vinesh M.; Buchhave, Lars A.; Dressing, Courtney D.; Mortier, Annelies; Zeng, Li; Fortenbach, Charles D.; Aigrain, Suzanne; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; Collier Cameron, Andrew, et al | open |
2010 | The 2009 december gamma-ray flare of 3C 454.3: The multifrequency campaign | PACCIANI, LUIGI ; VITTORINI, VALERIO ; TAVANI, Marco ; FIOCCHI, MARIATERESA ; VERCELLONE, STEFANO ; D'AMMANDO, FILIPPO ; Sakamoto, T.; PIAN, Elena ; RAITERI, Claudia Maria ; VILLATA, Massimo , et al | open |
2017 | The 2013 February 17 Sunquake in the Context of the Active Region's Magnetic Field Configuration | Green, L. M.; Valori, G.; Zuccarello, F. P.; Zharkov, S.; Matthews, S. A.; GUGLIELMINO, SALVATORE LUIGI | open |
2020 | 2MASS J15491331-3539118: a new low-mass wide companion of the GQ Lup system | ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL ; Majidi, F. Z.; DESIDERA, Silvano ; FRASCA, Antonio ; Manara, C. F.; RIGLIACO, ELISABETTA ; GRATTON, Raffaele ; Bonnefoy, M.; COVINO, Elvira ; Chauvin, G., et al | open |
2020 | A 3-Year Sample of Almost 1,600 Elves Recorded Above South America by the Pierre Auger Cosmic-Ray Observatory | Aab, A.; Abreu, P.; Aglietta, M.; Albuquerque, I. F. M.; Albury, J. M.; Allekotte, I.; Almela, A.; Alvarez Castillo, J.; Alvarez-Muñiz, J.; Anastasi, G. A., et al | open |
2016 | 3D modelling of stellar auroral radio emission | LETO, PAOLO ; TRIGILIO, CORRADO ; BUEMI, CARLA SIMONA ; UMANA, Grazia Maria Gloria ; INGALLINERA, Adriano ; Cerrigone, L. | open |
2015 | 49 new T dwarfs identified using methane imaging | Cardoso, C. V.; Burningham, B.; SMART, Richard Laurence ; van Spaandonk, L.; Baker, D.; Smith, L. C.; Zhang, Z. H.; Andrei, A. H.; BUCCIARELLI, Beatrice ; Dhital, S., et al | open |
2023 | 55 Cancri e's occultation captured with CHEOPS | Demory, B.-O.; Sulis, S.; Meier Valdés, E.; Delrez, L.; Brandeker, A.; Billot, N.; Fortier, A.; Hoyer, S.; Sousa, S.G.; Heng, K., et al | open |
2009 | 7 mm continuum observations of ultra compact HII regions | LETO, PAOLO ; UMANA, Grazia Maria Gloria ; TRIGILIO, CORRADO ; BUEMI, CARLA SIMONA ; DOLEI, Sergio ; Manzitto, P.; Cerrigone, L.; Siringo, C. | open |
2018 | A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL | Tinetti, Giovanna; Drossart, Pierre; Eccleston, Paul; Hartogh, Paul; Heske, Astrid; Leconte, Jérémy; MICELA, Giuseppina ; Ollivier, Marc; Pilbratt, Göran; Puig, Ludovic, et al | reserved |
2016 | A Multi-instrument Analysis of a C4.1 Flare Occurring in a δ Sunspot | Guglielmino, S. L.; Zuccarello, Francesca ; ROMANO, Paolo ; Cristaldi, A.; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; Criscuoli, S.; FALCO, MARIACHIARA ; Zuccarello, F. P. | open |
2017 | An abundance analysis from the STIS-HST UV spectrum of the non-magnetic Bp star HR 6000 | Castelli, F.; Cowley, C. R.; Ayres, T. R.; CATANZARO, Giovanni ; LEONE, FRANCESCO | open |
2022 | Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles through CME-driven Shock and Streamer Interaction | FRASSATI, FEDERICA ; LAURENZA, MONICA ; BEMPORAD, Alessandro ; West, Matthew J.; MANCUSO, Salvatore ; SUSINO, ROBERTO ; ALBERTI, TOMMASO ; ROMANO, Paolo | open |
2015 | The accretion rate and minimum spin period of accreting pulsars | BONANNO, Alfio Maurizio ; Urpin, V. | open |
2016 | Accretion, Disks, and Magnetic Activity in the TW Hya Association | STELZER, BEATE ; FRASCA, Antonio ; ALCALA', JUAN MANUEL | open |
2018 | Accurate millimetre and submillimetre rest frequencies for cis- and trans-dithioformic acid, HCSSH | Prudenzano, D.; Laas, J.; Bizzocchi, L.; Lattanzi, V.; Endres, C.; Giuliano, B. M.; Spezzano, S.; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; Caselli, P. | open |
2019 | Acoustic oscillations and dynamo action in the G8 sub-giant EK Eridani | BONANNO, Alfio Maurizio ; CORSARO, ENRICO MARIA NICOLA ; Del Sordo, F.; Pallé, P. L.; Stello, D.; Hon, M. | open |
2018 | Acquisizione dei parametri della rete elettrica nella sede M.G. Fracastoro di Serra La Nave. V. 1.0 | GRECO, Vincenzo; MARTINETTI, Eugenio | none |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 1374
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