
Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Fulltext
12024A-central model for the geometric calibration of hyper-hemispherical lensesSIMIONI, Emanuele ; PERNECHELE, Claudio ; Erb, Wolfgang; Marchini, Andrea; MARTINI, Paolo ; LESSIO, Luigi ; PENASA, Luca ; Beghini, Monicaopen
22018Broadband near-infrared astronomical spectrometer calibration and on-sky validation with an electro-optic laser frequency combObrzud, E.; RAINER, Monica ; Harutyunyan, A.; Chazelas, B.; Cecconi, M.; Ghedina, A.; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; Kundermann, S.; Lecomte, S.; Pepe, F.; Wildi, F.; Bouchy, F.; Herr,
32016Hyper hemispheric lensPERNECHELE, Claudio open
42016Model supporting the use of pressure in the hot slumping of glass substrates for X-ray telescopesSALMASO, Bianca ; Brizzolari, Claudia; SPIGA, Daniele open
52015Optical and radiometric models of the NOMAD instrument part I: the UVIS channelVandaele, Ann C.; Willame, Yannick; Depiesse, Cédric; Thomas, Ian R.; Robert, Séverine; Bolsée, David; Patel, Manish R.; Mason, Jon P.; Leese, Mark; Lesschaeve, Stefan; Antoine, Philippe; Daerden, Frank; Delanoye, Sofie; Drummond, Rachel; Neefs, Eddy; Ristic, Bojan; Lopez-Moreno, José-Juan; BELLUCCI, Giancarlo ; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Nomad Team,open
62016Optical and radiometric models of the NOMAD instrument part II: the infrared channels - SO and LNOThomas, I. R.; Vandaele, A. C.; Robert, S.; Neefs, E.; Drummond, R.; Daerden, F.; Delanoye, S.; Ristic, B.; Berkenbosch, S.; Clairquin, R.; Maes, J.; Bonnewijn, S.; Depiesse, C.; Mahieux, A.; Trompet, L.; Neary, L.; Willame, Y.; Wilquet, V.; Nevejans, D.; Aballea, L.; Moelans, W.; de Vos, L.; Lesschaeve, S.; van Vooren, N.; Lopez-Moreno, J. -J.; Patel, M. R.; BELLUCCI, Giancarlo ; GIURANNA, MARCO ; The NOMAD Teamopen
72017Programmable CGH on photochromic plates coded with DMD generated masksAlata, R.; PARIANI, Giorgio ; Zamkotsian, F.; Lanzoni, P.; BIANCO, ANDREA ; Bertarelli,
82018Rad-hard properties of the optical glass adopted for the PLATO space telescope refractive componentsCorso, Alain Jody; Tessarolo, Enrico; Baccaro, Stefania; Cemmi, Alessia; Di Sarcina, Ilaria; MAGRIN, DEMETRIO ; BORSA, Francesco ; RAGAZZONI, Roberto ; VIOTTO, VALENTINA ; Novi, Andrea; Burresi, Matteo; Pellowski, Frank; Salatti, Mario; PAGANO, Isabella ; Pelizzo, Maria Guglielminaopen
92019Two-color surface plasmon resonance nanosizer for gold nanoparticlesZaman, Quaid; Souza, Jefferson; Pandoli, Omar; Costa, Karlo Q.; Dmitriev, Victor; Fulvio, Daniele ; Cremona, Marco; Aucelio, Ricardo Q.; Fontes, Giselle; Del Rosso, Tommasoopen