Results 1-20 of 66 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Fulltext
12015Analysis of Rocks Slabs by VNIR Spectroscopy and Linear Mixing with Ma_Miss Instrument BreadboardDE ANGELIS, Simone ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Manzari, P.; Ammannito, E.; Di Iorio, T.; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; CARLI, CRISTIAN open
22017Application of spectral linear mixing to rock slabs analyses at various scales using Ma_Miss BreadBoard instrumentDE ANGELIS, Simone ; Manzari, Paola; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; Agrosì, Giovannaopen
32024Calibration of MAJIS (Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer). II. Spatial calibrationFILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Haffoud, Paolo; Poulet, Francois; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; Langevin, Yves; Tommasi, Leonardo; Barbis, Alessandra; Carter, John; Guerri, Irene; Dumesnil, Cydalise; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; Vincendon, Mathieu; STEFANI, STEFANIA ; Pilorget, Cedric; TOSI, Federico ; Rodriguez, Sebastienopen
42019Characteristics of organic matter on Ceres from VIR/Dawn high spatial resolution spectraDE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Vinogradoff, V.; RAPONI, Andrea ; Ammannito, E.; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; Raymond, C. A.; Russell, C.
52018Core dynamo in mantle-stripped asteroidsFORMISANO, Michelangelo ; Federico, Costanzo; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; Magni, Gianfrancoopen
62016A core dynamo in Vesta?FORMISANO, Michelangelo ; Federico, Costanzo; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Magni, Gianfrancoopen
72018Design, Development and Testing of an Environmental P-T Cell for InfraRed Spectroscopy MeasurementsDE ANGELIS, Simone ; FERRARI, MARCO ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; BIONDI, David; BOCCACCINI, Angelo; FORMISANO, Michelangelo ; MORBIDINI, Alfredo; Ammannito, Eleonora; Di Iorio, Tatianaopen
82018Design, Development, and Testing of an Environmental P-T Cell for Infrared Spectroscopy MeasurementsDE ANGELIS, Simone ; FERRARI, MARCO ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; BIONDI, David ; Boccaccini, A.; Morbidini, A.; Ammannito, E.; Di Iorio,
92018Design, development, and testing of an environmental P-T cell for infrared spectroscopy measurementsDE ANGELIS, Simone ; FERRARI, MARCO ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; BIONDI, David ; Boccaccini, A.; Morbidini, A.; FORMISANO, Michelangelo ; Ammannito, E.; Di Iorio,
102011DUSTER (Dust in the Upper Stratosphere Tracking Experiment and Retrieval) . PRELIMINARY ANALYSISCiucci, A.; PALUMBO, PASQUALE ; Brunetto, R.; DELLA CORTE, VINCENZO ; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; Rotundi, Alessandra ; Rietmeijer, F. J. M.; ZONA, ERNESTO ; COLANGELI, Luigi ; ESPOSITO, Francesca ; MAZZOTTA EPIFANI, Elena ; MENNELLA, Vito ; INARTA, Sergio ; Peterzen, S.; Masi, S.; Ibba,
112011DUSTER (Dust in the Upper Stratosphere Tracking Experiment and Return):. a balloon-borne dust particle collectorDELLA CORTE, VINCENZO ; PALUMBO, PASQUALE ; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; Ciucci, A.; Brunetto, R.; Rotundi, Alessandra ; Rietmeijer, F. J. M.; ZONA, ERNESTO ; Bussoletti, E.; COLANGELI, Luigi ; ESPOSITO, Francesca ; MAZZOTTA EPIFANI, Elena ; MENNELLA, Vito ; Peterzen, S.; Masi, S.; Ibba,
122021Evolution and alteration of organic material on Ceres, a pathway towards the understanding of complex geological and chemical history of a wet small bodyPOGGIALI, GIOVANNI ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; BRUCATO, John Robert ; FERRARI, MARCO ; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; MENNELLA, Vito ; FULVIO, Daniele ; POPA, IONUT CIPRIAN ; STRAZZULLA, Giovanni ; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta open
132016Hyperspectral Imaging of HEDs: A new Approach to Investigate VNIR Spectral Properties of MeteoritesCarli, C.; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; Fioretti, A. M.; Moggi Cecchi, V.; Pratesi, G.; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO open
142016Hyperspectral Micro-Imaging in the Visible-Infrared Range of Enstatite Chondrite: Preliminary Investigation on Thin Section of Sahara 97072Manzari, P.; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA open
552016Hyperspectral Micro-Imaging of Martian Shergottite Northwest Africa 8657 Fragment in the Visible-Infrared RangeDE ANGELIS, Simone ; Manzari, P.; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Ammannito, E.; Di Iorio,
562016Hypespectral Spectroscopy of Carbonaceous Chondrite Mighei in the Visible-Infrared RangeManzari, P.; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Ammannito, E.; Di Iorio,
572017Identification of a Ca-Phosphate Grain in North West Africa 8657 Martian Meteorite by VIS-IR Micro-Imaging SpectroscopyManzari, P.; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA open
582012In Situ Collection of Refractory Dust in the Upper Stratosphere: The DUSTER FacilityDELLA CORTE, VINCENZO ; PALUMBO, PASQUALE ; Rotundi, Alessandra ; DE ANGELIS, Simone ; Rietmeijer, Frans J. M.; Bussoletti, Ezio; Ciucci, Alessandra; FERRARI, MARCO ; GALLUZZI, VALENTINA ; ZONA, ERNESTO open
592017IR Spectroscopy of ammoniated phyllosilicates and mixtures with relevance for dwarf planet (1) CeresDE ANGELIS, Simone ; FERRARI, MARCO ; STEFANI, STEFANIA ; RAPONI, Andrea ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; Ammannito,
602018IR spectroscopy of ammoniated phyllosilicates at low pressure/high temperature conditionsDE ANGELIS, Simone ; FERRARI, MARCO ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Ammannito, Eleonoraopen