
Results 1-20 of 124 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Fulltext
12017A very dark stellar system lost in Virgo: kinematics and metallicity of SECCO 1 with MUSEBeccari, G.; BELLAZZINI, Michele ; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Coccato, L.; CRESCI, GIOVANNI ; Fraternali, F.; de Zeeuw, P. T.; Husemann, B.; Ibata, R.; Battaglia, G.; Martin, N.; TESTA, Vincenzo ; Perina, S.; Correnti,
22022The Abundance of S-Process Elements: Temporal and Spatial Trends from Open Cluster ObservationsMAGRINI, LAURA ; Viscasillas Vázquez, Carlos; CASALI, GIADA ; BARATELLA, MARTINA; D'ORAZI, VALENTINA ; SPINA, Lorenzo ; Randich, Sofia; CRISTALLO, Sergio ; VESCOVI, DIEGO open
32016Abundances and kinematics for ten anticentre open clustersCantat-Gaudin, T.; Donati, P.; VALLENARI, Antonella ; SORDO, ROSANNA ; BRAGAGLIA, Angela ; MAGRINI, LAURA open
42022AGC 226178 and NGVS 3543: Two Deceptive Dwarfs toward VirgoJones, Michael G.; Sand, David J.; BELLAZZINI, Michele ; Spekkens, Kristine; Cannon, John M.; Mutlu-Pakdil, Burçin; Karunakaran, Ananthan; BECCARI, GIACOMO; MAGRINI, LAURA ; CRESCI, GIOVANNI ; Inoue, John L.; Fuson, Jackson; Adams, Elizabeth A.K.; Battaglia, Giuseppina; Bennet, Paul; Crnojević, Denija; Caldwell, Nelson; Guhathakurta, Puragra; Haynes, Martha P.; Muñoz, Ricardo R.; Seth, Anil; Strader, Jay; Toloba, Elisa; Zaritsky, Dennisopen
52018Alone on a wide wide sea. The origin of SECCO 1, an isolated star-forming gas cloud in the Virgo cluster*†‡BELLAZZINI, Michele ; Armillotta, L.; Perina, S.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; CRESCI, GIOVANNI ; Beccari, G.; Battaglia, G.; Fraternali, F.; de Zeeuw, P. T.; Martin, N. F.; CALURA, Francesco ; Ibata, R.; Coccato, L.; TESTA, Vincenzo ; Correnti,
62022Ariel stellar characterisation. I. Homogeneous stellar parameters of 187 FGK planet host stars: Description and validation of the methodMAGRINI, Laura ; Danielski, C.; Bossini, D.; RAINER, Monica ; TURRINI, Diego ; BENATTI, Serena ; BRUCALASSI, Anna ; TSANTAKI, Maria ; Delgado Mena, E.; SANNA, Nicoletta ; BIAZZO, Katia ; Campante, T. L.; VAN DER SWAELMEN, Mathieu Benoit Jean ; Sousa, S. G.; Hełminiak, K. G.; Neitzel, A. W.; Adibekyan, V.; BRUNO, GIOVANNI ; Casali,
72015Atomic and molecular data for optical stellar spectroscopyHeiter, U.; Lind, K.; Asplund, M.; Barklem, P. S.; Bergemann, M.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Masseron, T.; Mikolaitis, Š.; Pickering, J. C.; Ruffoni, M.
82021Atomic data for the Gaia-ESO SurveyHeiter, U.; Lind, K.; Bergemann, M.; Asplund, M.; Mikolaitis, Š.; Barklem, P. S.; Masseron, T.; de Laverny, P.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Edvardsson, B.; Jönsson, H.; Pickering, J. C.; Ryde, N.; Bayo Arán, A.; Bensby, T.; Casey, A. R.; Feltzing, S.; Jofré, P.; Korn, A. J.; PANCINO, ELENA ; DAMIANI, Francesco ; Lardo, C.; Monaco, L.; MORBIDELLI, LORENZO ; Smiljanic, R.; Worley, C.; ZAGGIA, Simone ; RANDICH, Maria Sofia ; Gilmore, G.
92016Coevolution of metallicity and star formation in galaxies to z ≃ 3.7 - I. A Fundamental PlaneHUNT, Leslie Kipp ; Dayal, Pratika; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Ferrara, Andreaopen
102016Coevolution of metallicity and star formation in galaxies to z ≃ 3.7 - II. A theoretical modelHUNT, Leslie Kipp ; Dayal, Pratika; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Ferrara, Andreaopen
112022The Complex Behaviour of s-Process Element Abundances at Young AgesD'ORAZI, VALENTINA ; BARATELLA, MARTINA; Lugaro, Maria; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Pignatari, Marcoopen
122021Determination of stellar parameters for Ariel targets: a comparison analysis between different spectroscopic methodsBRUCALASSI, Anna ; TSANTAKI, Maria ; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Sousa, Sergio; DANIELSKI, Camilla; BIAZZO, Katia ; CASALI, GIADA ; VAN DER SWAELMEN, Mathieu Benoit Jean ; RAINER, Monica ; Adibekyan, Vardan; Delgado-Mena, Elisa; SANNA, Nicoletta open
132015Discovery of true, likely and possible symbiotic stars in the dwarf spheroidal NGC 205Gonçalves, Denise R.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; de la Rosa, Ignacio G.; Akras, Stavrosopen
142017DOOp: DAOSPEC Output Optimizer pipelineCantat-Gaudin, Tristan; Donati, Paolo; PANCINO, ELENA ; BRAGAGLIA, Angela ; VALLENARI, Antonella ; Friel, Eileen D.; SORDO, ROSANNA ; Jacobson, Heather R.; MAGRINI, LAURA open
152019Dust emissivity and absorption cross section in DustPedia late-type galaxiesBIANCHI, SIMONE ; CASASOLA, VIVIANA ; Baes, M.; Clark, C. J. R.; CORBELLI, Edvige ; Davies, J. I.; De Looze, I.; De Vis, P.; Dobbels, W.; Galametz, M.; Galliano, F.; Jones, A. P.; Madden, S. C.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Mosenkov, A.; Nersesian, A.; Viaene, S.; Xilouris, E. M.; Ysard,
162022Dust emissivity in resolved spiral galaxiesBIANCHI, Simone ; CASASOLA, VIVIANA ; CORBELLI, Edvige ; Galliano, Frédéric; MAGRINI, Laura ; Nersesian, Angelos; SALVESTRINI, Francesco ; Baes, Maarten; CASSARA, Letizia Pasqua ; Clark, Christopher J. R.; De Looze, Ilse; Jones, Anthony P.; Madden, Suzanne C.; Mosenkov, Aleksandr; Ysard, Nathalieopen
172015Gaia FGK benchmark stars: abundances of α and iron-peak elementsJofré, P.; Heiter, U.; Soubiran, C.; Blanco-Cuaresma, S.; Masseron, T.; Nordlander, T.; Chemin, L.; Worley, C. C.; Van Eck, S.; Hourihane, A.; Gilmore, G.; Adibekyan, V.; Bergemann, M.; Cantat-Gaudin, T.; Delgado-Mena, E.; González Hernández, J. I.; Guiglion, G.; Lardo, C.; de Laverny, P.; Lind, K.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Mikolaitis, S.; Montes, D.; PANCINO, ELENA ; Recio-Blanco, A.; SORDO, ROSANNA ; Sousa, S.; Tabernero, H. M.; VALLENARI, Antonella open
182016Gaia FGK benchmark stars: new candidates at low metallicitiesHawkins, K.; Jofré, P.; Heiter, U.; Soubiran, C.; Blanco-Cuaresma, S.; Casagrande, L.; Gilmore, G.; Lind, K.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; Masseron, T.; PANCINO, ELENA ; RANDICH, Maria Sofia ; Worley, C.
192018The Gaia-ESO Survey: a kinematical and dynamical study of four young open clustersBravi, L.; Zari, E.; SACCO, GIUSEPPE GERMANO ; RANDICH, Maria Sofia ; Jeffries, R. D.; Jackson, R. J.; FRANCIOSINI, Elena ; Moraux, E.; López-Santiago, J.; PANCINO, ELENA ; Spina, L.; Wright, N. J.; Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.; Klutsch, A.; Roccatagliata, V.; Gilmore, G.; BRAGAGLIA, Angela ; FLACCOMIO, Ettore ; Francois, P.; Koposov, S. E.; Bayo, A.; Carraro, G.; Costado, M. T.; DAMIANI, Francesco ; FRASCA, Antonio ; Hourihane, A.; Jofré, P.; Lardo, C.; Lewis, J.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; MORBIDELLI, LORENZO ; PRISINZANO, Loredana ; Sousa, S. G.; Worley, C. C.; ZAGGIA, Simone open
202021The Gaia-ESO survey: a lithium depletion boundary age for NGC 2232Binks, A. S.; Jeffries, R. D.; Jackson, R. J.; FRANCIOSINI, Elena ; SACCO, GIUSEPPE GERMANO ; Bayo, A.; MAGRINI, LAURA ; RANDICH, Maria Sofia ; Arancibia-Silva, J.; Bergemann, M.; BRAGAGLIA, Angela ; Gilmore, G.; Gonneau, A.; Hourihane, A.; Jofré, P.; Korn, A. J.; MORBIDELLI, LORENZO ; PRISINZANO, Loredana ; Worley, C. C.; ZAGGIA, Simone open