Results 1-20 of 34 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Fulltext
1201712 Years of Atmospheric Monitoring by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer onboard Mars ExpressGIURANNA, MARCO ; WOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; GRASSI, Davide ; ARONICA, Alessandro ; Aoki, S.; Formisano, V.; Scaccabarozzi, D.; Saggin,
2201612 years of atmospheric monitoring by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer onboard Mars ExpressGIURANNA, MARCO ; GRASSI, Davide ; ARONICA, Alessandro ; Scaccabarozzi, Diego; Saggin, Bortolino; Aoki, Shohei; WOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; Formisano, Vittorioopen
32015The challenge and scientific application of the CO2 4.3 um atmospheric limb emission of MarsLopez-Valverde, M. A.; Piccialli, A.; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Funke, B.; López-Puertas, M.; Jurado-Navarro, A. A.; García-Comas, M.; González-Galindo, F.; López-Moreno, J. J.; Jiménez-Monferrer,
42018Characterization of dust activity on Mars from MY27 to MY32 by PFS-MEX observationsWOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; GIURANNA, MARCO ; GRASSI, Davide ; ARONICA, Alessandro ; Aoki, Shohei; Scaccabarozzi, Diego; Saggin, Bortolinoopen
52017Comet Siding Spring's influence on the Mars' ionosphereWitasse, O.; Sánchez-Cano, B.; Molina-Cuberos, G.; Blelly, P. -L.; Lester, M.; Leblanc, F.; Modolo, R.; Chaufray, J. -Y.; Gronoff, G.; Espley, J.; Costa, M.; GIURANNA, MARCO open
62016CROSS DRIVE: A New Interactive and Immersive Approach for Exploring 3D Time-Dependent Mars Atmospheric Data in Distributed TeamsGerndt, Andreas M.; Engelke, Wito; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Vandaele, Ann C.; Neary, Lori; Aoki, Shohei; Kasaba, Yasumasa; Garcia, Arturo; Fernando, Terrence; Roberts, David; CROSS DRIVE Teamopen
72021Daily dust variation from the PFS MEx observationsWOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; GIURANNA, Marco open
82016Expected performances of the NOMAD/ExoMars instrumentRobert, S.; Vandaele, A. C.; Thomas, I.; Willame, Y.; Daerden, F.; Delanoye, S.; Depiesse, C.; Drummond, R.; Neefs, E.; Neary, L.; Ristic, B.; Mason, J.; Lopez-Moreno, J. -J.; Rodriguez-Gomez, J.; Patel, M. R.; BELLUCCI, Giancarlo ; Lopez Moreno, J. J.; Bellucci, G. ; Patel, M.; Allen, M.; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; Aoki, S.; Bolsée, D.; Clancy, T.; Cloutis, E.; Daerden,, F.; Fedorova, A.; Formisano, V.; Funke, B.; Fussen, D.; Garcia-Comas, M.; Geminale, A.; Gérard, J. -C.; Gillotay, D.; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Ignatiev, N.; Kaminski, J.; Karatekin, O.; Kasaba,, Y.; Lefèvre, F.; Lewis, S.; López-Puertas, M.; López-Valverde, M.; Mahieux, A.; McConnell, J.; Mumma, M.; Novak, R.; Renotte, E.; Sindoni, G.; Smith, M.; Thomas, I. R.; Trokhimovskiy, A.; Vander Auwera, J.; Villanueva, G.; Viscardy, S.; Whiteway, J.; Wilquet, V.; Wolff, M.; Alonso-Rodrigo, G.; Aparicio del Moral, B.; Barzin, P.; BenMoussa, A.; Berkenbosch, S.; BIONDI, David ; Bonnewijn, S.; Candini, G.; Clairquin, R.; Cubas, J.; Giordanengo, B.; Gissot, S.; Gomez, A.; Zafra, J. -J.; Leese, M.; Maes, J.; Mazy, E.; Mazzoli, A.; Meseguer, J.; Morales, R.; Orban, A.; Pastor-Morales, M.; Perez-Grande, I.; Saggin, B.; Samain, V.; Sanz Andres, A.; Sanz, R.; Simar, J. -F.; Thibert, T.; NOMAD Teamopen
92019Ground-based infrared mapping of H2O2 on Mars near oppositionEncrenaz, T.; Greathouse, T. K.; Aoki, S.; Daerden, F.; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Forget, F.; Lefèvre, F.; Montmessin, F.; Fouchet, T.; Bézard, B.; Atreya, S. K.; DeWitt, C.; Richter, M. J.; Neary, L.; Viscardy,
102019Independent confirmation of a methane spike on Mars and a source region east of Gale CraterGIURANNA, MARCO ; Viscardy, Sébastien; Daerden, Frank; Neary, Lori; Etiope, Giuseppe; Oehler, Dorothy; Formisano, Vittorio; ARONICA, Alessandro ; WOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; Aoki, Shohei; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Marín-Yaseli de la Parra, Julia; Merritt, Donald; Amoroso, Marilenaopen
112015The Mars Express limbs observations databaseGondet, Brigitte; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Montmessin, Franck; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Hoffmann, Harald; Cardesin, Alejandroopen
122017Mars Express recent findings and future plansTitov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Thomas; Forget, Francois; GIURANNA, MARCO ; González-Galindo, Francisco; Holmström, Mats; Jaumann, Ralf; Määttänen, Anni; Martin, Patrick; Montmessin, Franck; OROSEI, ROBERTO ; Pätzold, Martin; Plaut, Jeffrey; MEx SGS Teamopen
132017Mars Express science highlights and future plansTitov, D.; Bibring, J. P.; Cardesin, A.; Duxbury, T.; Forget, F.; GIURANNA, MARCO ; González-Galindo, F.; Holmström, M.; Jaumann, R.; Määttänen, A.; Martin, P.; Montmessin, F.; OROSEI, ROBERTO ; Pätzold, M.; Plaut,
142017MARS EXPRESS: Mission Status, Recent Findings and future PlansTitov, D.; Cardesin, A.; Martin, P.; Duxbury, T.; Forget, F.; GIURANNA, MARCO ; González-Galindo, F.; Holmström, M.; Jaumann, R.; Määttänen, A.; Montmessin, F.; OROSEI, ROBERTO ; Pätzold, M.; Plaut, J.; MEX SGS Teamopen
152016Mars EXpress: status and recent findingsTitov, Dmitri; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Tom; Forget, Francois; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Holmstroem, Mats; Jaumann, Ralf; Martin, Patrick; Montmessin, Franck; OROSEI, ROBERTO ; Paetzold, Martin; Plaut, Jeff; MEX SGS Teamopen
162019Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H2O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas OrbiterVandaele, Ann Carine; Korablev, Oleg; Daerden, Frank; Aoki, Shohei; Thomas, Ian R.; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; López-Valverde, Miguel; Villanueva, Geronimo; Liuzzi, Giuliano; Smith, Michael D.; Erwin, Justin T.; Trompet, Loïc; Fedorova, Anna A.; Montmessin, Franck; Trokhimovskiy, Alexander; Belyaev, Denis A.; Ignatiev, Nikolay I.; Luginin, Mikhail; Olsen, Kevin S.; Baggio, Lucio; Alday, Juan; Bertaux, Jean-Loup; Betsis, Daria; Bolsée, David; Clancy, R. Todd; CLOUTIS, EDWARD ; Depiesse, Cédric; Funke, Bernd; Garcia-Comas, Maia; Gérard, Jean-Claude; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco; Grigoriev, Alexey V.; Ivanov, Yuriy S.; Kaminski, Jacek; Karatekin, Ozgur; Lefèvre, Franck; Lewis, Stephen; López-Puertas, Manuel; Mahieux, Arnaud; Maslov, Igor; Mason, Jon; Mumma, Michael J.; Neary, Lori; Neefs, Eddy; Patrakeev, Andrey; Patsaev, Dmitry; Ristic, Bojan; Robert, Séverine; Schmidt, Frédéric; Shakun, Alexey; Teanby, Nicholas A.; Viscardy, Sébastien; Willame, Yannick; Whiteway, James; Wilquet, Valérie; Wolff, Michael J.; BELLUCCI, Giancarlo ; Patel, Manish R.; López-Moreno, Jose-Juan; Forget, François; Wilson, Colin F.; Svedhem, Håkan; Vago, Jorge L.; Rodionov, Daniel; NOMAD Science Team; Alonso-Rodrigo, Gustavo; Bauduin, Sophie; Carrozzo, Giacomo; Crismani, Matteo; da Pieve, Fabiana; D'AVERSA, EMILIANO ; Etiope, Giuseppe; Fussen, Didier; Geminale, Anna; Gkouvelis, Leo; Holmes, James; Hubert, Benoît; Ignatiev, Nicolay I.; Kasaba, Yasumasa; Kass, David; Kleinböhl, Armin; LANCIANO, ORIETTA ; Nakagawa, Hiromu; Novak, Robert E.; Oliva, Fabrizio ; Piccialli, Arianna; Renotte, Etienne; Ritter, Birgit; Schneider, Nick; SINDONI, Giuseppe ; Thiemann, Ed; Vander Auwera, Jean; Wilquet, Valerie; WOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; Yelle, Roger; ACS Science Team; Anufreychik, Konstantin; Arnold, Gabriele; Duxbury, Natalia; Fouchet, Thierry; GRASSI, Davide ; Guerlet, Sandrine; Hartogh, Paul; Khatuntsev, Igor; Kokonkov, Nikita; Krasnopolsky, Vladimir; Kuzmin, Ruslan; Lacombe, Gaétan; Lellouch, Emmanuel; Määttänen, Anni; Marcq, Emmanuel; Martin-Torres, Javier; Medvedev, Alexander; Millour, Ehouarn; Moshkin, Boris; Quantin-Nataf, Cathy; Rodin, Alexander; Shematovich, Valery; Thomas, Nicolas; Trokhimovsky, Alexander; Vazquez, Luis; Vincendon, Matthieu; Young, Roland; Zasova, Ludmila; Zelenyi, Lev; Zorzano, Maria Pazopen
172016Mesospheric CO2 ice clouds on Mars observed by Planetary Fourier Spectrometer onboard Mars ExpressAoki, Shohei; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Sato, Yuki; Nakagawa, Hiromu; Sato, Takao M.; WOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; Murata, Isao; Kasaba, Yasumasaopen
182018Mesospheric CO2 ice clouds on Mars observed by Planetary Fourier Spectrometer onboard Mars ExpressAoki, S.; Sato, Y.; GIURANNA, MARCO ; WOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; Sato, T. M.; Nakagawa, H.; Kasaba,
192016Modeling infrared thermal emissions on Mars during dust storm of MY28: PFS/MEX observationHaider, Syed A.; Kasaba, Yasumasa; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Kuroda, Takeshi; Jethwa, Masoom
202019No detection of methane on Mars from early ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter observationsKorablev, Oleg; Avandaele, Ann Carine; Montmessin, Franck; Fedorova, Anna A.; Trokhimovskiy, Alexander; Forget, François; Lefèvre, Franck; Daerden, Frank; Thomas, Ian R.; Trompet, Loïc; Erwin, Justin T.; Kasaba, Yasumasa; Kass, David; Khatuntsev, Igor; Kleinböhl, Armin; Kokonkov, Nikita; Krasnopolsky, Vladimir; Kuzmin, Ruslan; Lacombe, Gaétan; LANCIANO, ORIETTA; Lellouch, Emmanuel; Oliva, Fabrizio; Lewis, Stephen; Luginin, Mikhail; Liuzzi, Giuliano; López-Puertas, Manuel; López-Valverde, Miguel; Määttänen, Anni; Mahieux, Arnaud; Marcq, Emmanuel; Martin-Torres, Javier; Maslov, Igor; Patsaev, Dmitry; Medvedev, Alexander; Millour, Ehouarn; Moshkin, Boris; Mumma, Michael J.; Nakagawa, Hiromu; Novak, Robert E.; Piccialli, Arianna; Quantin-Nataf, Cathy; Renotte, Etienne; Ritter, Birgit; Rodin, Alexander; Schmidt, Frédéric; Schneider, Nick; Shematovich, Valery; Aoki, Shohei; Smith, Michael D.; Teanby, Nicholas A.; Thiemann, Ed; Thomas, Nicolas; Vander Auwera, Jean; Vazquez, Luis; Villanueva, Geronimo; Vincendon, Matthieu; Whiteway, James; Wilquet, Valérie; Robert, Séverine; Wolff, Michael J.; WOLKENBERG, PAULINA MARIA ; Yelle, Roger; Young, Roland; Zasova, Ludmila; Zorzano, Maria Paz; Neary, Lori; Viscardy, Sébastien; Grigoriev, Alexey V.; Ignatiev, Nikolay I.; Shakun, Alexey; Patrakeev, Andrey; Belyaev, Denis A.; Bertaux, Jean-Loup; Olsen, Kevin S.; Baggio, Lucio; Alday, Juan; Ivanov, Yuriy S.; Ristic, Bojan; Mason, Jon; Willame, Yannick; Depiesse, Cédric; Hetey, Laszlo; Berkenbosch, Sophie; Clairquin, Roland; Queirolo, Claudio; Beeckman, Bram; Neefs, Eddy; Patel, Manish R.; BELLUCCI, Giancarlo ; López-Moreno, Jose-Juan; Wilson, Colin F.; Etiope, Giuseppe; Zelenyi, Lev; Svedhem, Håkan; Vago, Jorge L.; ACS Science Team; NOMAD Science Team; Alonso-Rodrigo, Gustavo; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; Anufreychik, Konstantin; Arnold, Gabriele; Bauduin, Sophie; Bolsée, David; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; Clancy, R. Todd; CLOUTIS, EDWARD; Crismani, Matteo; da Pieve, Fabiana; D'AVERSA, EMILIANO; Duxbury, Natalia; Encrenaz, Therese; Fouchet, Thierry; Funke, Bernd; Fussen, Didier; Garcia-Comas, Maia; Gérard, Jean-Claude; GIURANNA, MARCO ; Gkouvelis, Leo; Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco; GRASSI, Davide ; Guerlet, Sandrine; Hartogh, Paul; Holmes, James; Hubert, Benoît; Kaminski, Jacek; Karatekin, Ozguropen