
Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Fulltext
12023AGN feedback in an infant galaxy cluster: LOFAR-Chandra view of the giant FRII radio galaxy J103025+052430 at z = 1.7BRIENZA, Marisa ; GILLI, Roberto ; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; D'AMATO, Quirino ; Rajpurohit, K.; CALURA, Francesco ; Chiaberge, Marco; COMASTRI, Andrea ; Iwasawa, K.; LANZUISI, Giorgio ; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; MARCHESI, STEFANO ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; Miley, G.; Norman, Colin; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; Raciti, M.; Shimwell, T.; TOZZI, Paolo ; VIGNALI, CRISTIAN ; VITELLO, Fabio Roberto ; VITO, Fabio open
22020The deep Chandra survey in the SDSS J1030+0524 fieldNANNI, RICCARDO ; GILLI, Roberto ; VIGNALI, CRISTIAN ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; MARCHESI, STEFANO ; Annunziatella, Marianna; Brusa, Marcella ; CALURA, Francesco ; Cappelluti, Nico; Chiaberge, Marco; COMASTRI, Andrea ; Iwasawa, K.; LANZUISI, Giorgio ; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; Marchesini, D.; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; TOZZI, Paolo ; VITO, Fabio ; Zamorani, Gianni; Norman,
32019Discovery of a galaxy overdensity around a powerful, heavily obscured FRII radio galaxy at z = 1.7: star formation promoted by large-scale AGN feedback?GILLI, Roberto ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; Nanni, R.; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; D'Amato, Q.; Brusa, M.; CALURA, Francesco ; Caminha, G. B.; Chiaberge, M.; COMASTRI, Andrea ; CUCCIATI, Olga ; CUSANO, FELICE ; GRANDI, PAOLA ; DECARLI, ROBERTO ; LANZUISI, Giorgio ; MANNUCCI, FILIPPO ; PINNA, Enrico ; TOZZI, Paolo ; VANZELLA, Eros ; Vignali, C.; Vito, F.; BALMAVERDE, Barbara ; Citro, A.; Cappelluti, N.; Zamorani, G.; Norman,
42020Discovery of molecular gas fueling galaxy growth in a protocluster at z = 1.7D'AMATO, Quirino ; GILLI, Roberto ; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; VIGNALI, CRISTIAN ; MASSARDI, MARCELLA ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; CUCCIATI, Olga ; Morishita, T.; DECARLI, Roberto ; Brusa, Marcella ; CALURA, Francesco ; BALMAVERDE, Barbara ; Chiaberge, Marco; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; NANNI, RICCARDO ; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; PENSABENE, ANTONIO ; TOZZI, Paolo ; Norman,
52023LBT-MODS spectroscopy of high-redshift candidates in the Chandra J1030 field. A newly discovered z ∼ 2.8 large scale structureMARCHESI, STEFANO ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; GILLI, Roberto ; MAZZOLARI, Giovanni ; SIGNORINI, Matilde ; BRIENZA, Marisa ; BISOGNI, Susanna ; BOLZONELLA, Micol ; CUCCIATI, Olga ; D'AMATO, Quirino ; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; TOZZI, Paolo ; VIGNALI, CRISTIAN ; VITO, Fabio ; COMASTRI, Andrea open
62021Multi-Wavelength Study of a Proto-BCG at z = 1.7Q. D'Amato; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; BRIENZA, MARISA ; GILLI, Roberto ; C. Vignali; Paladino, Rosita ; LOI, FRANCESCA ; MASSARDI, MARCELLA ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; MARCHESI, STEFANO ; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; P. Jagannathanopen
72021Redshift identification of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei in the J1030 field: searching for large-scale structures and high-redshift sourcesMARCHESI, STEFANO ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; GILLI, Roberto ; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; BOLZONELLA, MICOL ; NANNI, RICCARDO ; Marianna Annunziatella; BALMAVERDE, Barbara ; Brusa, Marcella ; CALURA, Francesco ; CASSARA, LETIZIA PASQUA ; Marco Chiaberge; COMASTRI, Andrea ; CUSANO, FELICE ; Quirino D'Amato; Kazushi Iwasawa; LANZUISI, Giorgio ; Danilo Marchesini; Takahiro Morishita; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; ROSSI, Andrea ; TOZZI, Paolo ; VIGNALI, CRISTIAN ; Vito, Fabio ; ZAMORANI, Giovanni ; Colin Normanopen
82019Testing the paradigm: First spectroscopic evidence of a quasar-galaxy Mpc-scale association at cosmic dawnDECARLI, ROBERTO ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; GILLI, Roberto ; BALMAVERDE, Barbara ; Brusa, Marcella ; CAPPELLUTI, Nico; COMASTRI, Andrea ; NANNI, RICCARDO; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; PENSABENE, ANTONIO ; VANZELLA, Eros ; VIGNALI, CRISTIAN open
92023X-ray properties and obscured fraction of AGN in the J1030 Chandra fieldSIGNORINI, Matilde ; MARCHESI, STEFANO ; GILLI, Roberto ; Brusa, Marcella ; COMASTRI, Andrea ; D'AMATO, Quirino ; Iwasawa, Kazushi; LANZUISI, Giorgio ; MAZZOLARI, Giovanni ; MIGNOLI, Marco ; PECA, ALESSANDRO ; PRANDONI, ISABELLA ; TOZZI, Paolo ; VIGNALI, CRISTIAN ; VITO, Fabio ; Norman, Colinopen