
Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Fulltext
12024Discovery of two warm mini-Neptunes with contrasting densities orbiting the young K3V star TOI-815Psaridi, Angelica; Osborn, Hugh; Bouchy, François; Lendl, Monika; Parc, Léna; Billot, Nicolas; Broeg, Christopher; Sousa, Sérgio G.; Adibekyan, Vardan; Attia, Omar; Bonfanti, Andrea; Chakraborty, Hritam; Collins, Karen A.; Davoult, Jeanne; Delgado-Mena, Elisa; Grieves, Nolan; Guillot, Tristan; Heitzmann, Alexis; Helled, Ravit; Hellier, Coel; Jenkins, Jon M.; Knierim, Henrik; Krenn, Andreas; Lissauer, Jack J.; Luque, Rafael; Rapetti, David; Santos, Nuno C.; Suárez, Olga; Venturini, Julia; Wilkin, Francis P.; Wilson, Thomas G.; Winn, Joshua N.; Ziegler, Carl; ZINGALES, TIZIANO ; Alibert, Yann; Brandeker, Alexis; Egger, Jo Ann; Gandolfi, Davide; Hooton, Matthew J.; Tuson, Amy; Ulmer-Moll, Solène; Abe, Lyu; Allart, Romain; Alonso, Roi; Anderson, David R.; Escudé, Guillem Anglada; Bárczy, Tamas; Barrado, David; Barros, Susana C. C.; Baumjohann, Wolfgang; Beck, Mathias; Beck, Thomas; Benz, Willy; Bonfils, Xavier; BORSATO, LUCA ; Bourrier, Vincent; Ciardi, David R.; Cameron, Andrew Collier; Charnoz, Sébastien; Cointepas, Marion; Csizmadia, Szilárd; Cubillos, Patricio; Lo Curto, Gaspare; Davies, Melvyn B.; Daylan, Tansu; Deleuil, Magali; Deline, Adrien; Delrez, Laetitia; Demangeon, Olivier D. S.; Demory, Brice-Olivier; Dorn, Caroline; Dumusque, Xavier; Ehrenreich, David; Erikson, Anders; Lecavelier des Etangs, Alain; de Miguel, Diana; Fortier, Andrea; Fossati, Luca; Frensch, Yolanda G. C.; Fridlund, Malcolm; Gillon, Michaël; Güdel, Manuel; Günther, Maximilian N.; Hagelberg, Janis; Helling, Christiane; Hoyer, Sergio; Isaak, Kate G.; Kiss, Laszlo L.; Lam, Kristine W. F.; Laskar, Jacques; Lavie, Baptiste; Lovis, Christophe; MAGRIN, DEMETRIO ; MARAFATTO, Luca ; Maxted, Pierre; McDermott, Scott; Mékarnia, Djamel; Mordasini, Christoph; Murgas, Felipe; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; Nielsen, Louise D.; Olofsson, Göran; Ottensamer, Roland; PAGANO, Isabella ; Pallé, Enric; Peter, Gisbert; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; Pollacco, Don; Queloz, Didier; RAGAZZONI, Roberto ; Ramos, Devin; Rando, Nicola; Rauer, Heike; Reimers, Christian; Ribas, Ignasi; Seager, Sara; Ségransan, Damien; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; Simon, Attila E.; Smith, Alexis M. S.; Stalport, Manu; Steller, Manfred; Szabó, Gyula; Thomas, Nicolas; Pritchard, Tyler A.; Udry, Stéphane; Corral Van Damme, Carlos; Van Grootel, Valérie; Villaver, Eva; Walter, Ingo; Walton, Nicholas; Watkins, Cristilyn N.; West, Richard
22021Five carbon- and nitrogen-bearing species in a hot giant planet's atmosphereGIACOBBE, Paolo ; BROGI, MATTEO; Gandhi, Siddharth; Cubillos, Patricio E.; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; Fossati, Luca; GUILLUY, GLORIA ; CARLEO, Ilaria ; RAINER, Monica ; HARUTYUNYAN, AVET ; BORSA, Francesco ; Pino, Lorenzo ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; BENATTI, SERENA ; BIAZZO, Katia ; BIGNAMINI, ANDREA ; Chubb, Katy L.; CLAUDI, Riccardo ; COSENTINO, Rosario ; COVINO, Elvira ; Damasso, Mario ; DESIDERA, Silvano ; Fiorenzano, Aldo F. M.; Ghedina, Adriano ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; LETO, Giuseppe ; MAGGIO, Antonio ; Malavolta, Luca; Maldonado, Jesus; MICELA, Giuseppina ; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; PAGANO, Isabella ; Pedani, Marco; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; PORETTI, Ennio ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; Yurchenko, Sergei N.; FANTINEL, Daniela ; GALLI, ALBERTO; Lodi, Marcello ; SANNA, Nicoletta ; TOZZI, Andrea open
32020The GAPS programme at TNG. XXII. The GIARPS view of the extended helium atmosphere of HD 189733 b accounting for stellar activityGUILLUY, GLORIA ; ANDRETTA, Vincenzo ; BORSA, Francesco ; GIACOBBE, Paolo ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; COVINO, Elvira ; Bourrier, V.; Fossati, L.; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; Esposito, M.; Giampapa, M. S.; Harutyunyan, A.; RAINER, Monica ; Brogi, M.; BRUNO, GIOVANNI ; CLAUDI, Riccardo ; FRUSTAGLI, GIUSEPPE ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; Mancini, Luigi ; Pino, Lorenzo ; PORETTI, Ennio ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; AFFER, Laura ; BAFFA, Carlo ; BARUFFOLO, Andrea ; BENATTI, SERENA ; BIAZZO, Katia ; BIGNAMINI, ANDREA ; Boschin, W.; Carleo, I.; Cecconi, M.; COSENTINO, Rosario ; Damasso, Mario ; DESIDERA, Silvano ; FALCINI, Gilberto ; Martinez Fiorenzano, A. F.; Ghedina, A.; González-Álvarez, E.; Guerra, J.; Hernandez, N.; LETO, Giuseppe ; MAGGIO, Antonio ; Malavolta, L. ; MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; PAGANO, Isabella ; Pedani, M.; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; Reiners,
42020The GAPS programme at TNG. XXIII. HD 164922 d: close-in super-Earth discovered with HARPS-N in a system with a long-period Saturn mass companionBENATTI, SERENA ; Damasso, Mario ; DESIDERA, Silvano ; MARZARI, FRANCESCO ; BIAZZO, Katia ; CLAUDI, Riccardo ; DI MAURO, Maria Giuseppina ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; Pinamonti, Matteo ; Barbato, D.; Malavolta, L. ; PORETTI, Ennio ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; AFFER, Laura ; BIGNAMINI, ANDREA ; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; BORSA, Francesco ; Brogi, M.; BRUNO, GIOVANNI ; Carleo, I.; COSENTINO, Rosario ; COVINO, Elvira ; FRUSTAGLI, GIUSEPPE ; GIACOBBE, Paolo ; Gonzalez, M.; GRATTON, Raffaele ; Harutyunyan, A.; KNAPIC, Cristina ; LETO, Giuseppe ; Lodi, M.; MAGGIO, Antonio ; MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus ; Mancini, Luigi ; Martinez Fiorenzano, A.; MICELA, Giuseppina ; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; MOLINARO, Marco ; Nardiello, D.; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; PAGANO, Isabella ; Pedani, M.; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; RAINER, Monica ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO open
52023GAPS2: the origin of planetary systems diversityAFFER, Laura ; BENATTI, Serena ; BIAZZO, Katia ; BIGNAMINI, ANDREA ; BORSA, Francesco ; CARLEO, Ilaria ; CLAUDI, Riccardo ; COSENTINO, Rosario ; COVINO, Elvira ; DAMASSO, Mario ; DESIDERA, Silvano ; GIACOBBE, Paolo ; GUILLUY, GLORIA ; HARUTYUNYAN, Avet ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; LETO, Giuseppe ; MAGGIO, Antonio ; Malavolta, L. ; MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus ; Mancini, Luigi ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; NARDIELLO, Domenico ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; PAGANO, Isabella ; PINAMONTI, Matteo ; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; PORETTI, Ennio ; RAINER, Monica ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro reserved
62019GAPS2: the origin of planetary systems diversityAFFER, Laura ; BENATTI, Serena ; BIAZZO, Katia ; BIGNAMINI, ANDREA ; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; BORSA, Francesco ; CARLEO, Ilaria ; CLAUDI, Riccardo ; COSENTINO, Rosario ; COVINO, Elvira ; DAMASSO, Mario ; DESIDERA, Silvano ; GIACOBBE, Paolo ; HARUTYUNYAN, Avet ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; LETO, Giuseppe ; MAGGIO, Antonio ; Malavolta, L. ; MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus ; Mancini, Luigi ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; PAGANO, Isabella ; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; PORETTI, Ennio ; RAINER, Monica ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro reserved
272018GAPS2: the origin of planetary systems diversityAFFER, Laura ; BENATTI, Serena ; BIAZZO, Katia ; BIGNAMINI, ANDREA ; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; BORSA, Francesco ; CARLEO, Ilaria ; CLAUDI, Riccardo ; COSENTINO, Rosario ; COVINO, Elvira ; DAMASSO, Mario ; DESIDERA, Silvano ; Esposito, M; GIACOBBE, Paolo ; Gonzalez, Esther; GRATTON, Raffaele ; HARUTYUNYAN, Avet ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; LETO, Giuseppe ; MAGGIO, Antonio ; Malavolta, L. ; MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus ; Mancini, Luigi ; MASIERO, SABRINA ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; PAGANO, Isabella ; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; PORETTI, Ennio ; RAINER, Monica ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; SMAREGLIA, Riccardo ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro reserved
282019The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. XVIII. Proper-motion Kinematics of Multiple Stellar Populations in the Core Regions of NGC 6352LIBRALATO, Mattia; Bellini, Andrea; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; NARDIELLO, Domenico ; van der Marel, Roeland P.; Anderson, Jay; BEDIN, Luigi ; Vesperini, Enricoopen
292022The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. XXIII. Proper-motion Catalogs and Internal KinematicsLIBRALATO, Mattia; Bellini, Andrea; Vesperini, Enrico; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; Milone, Antonino P.; van der Marel, Roeland P.; Anderson, Jay; Aparicio, Antonio; Barbuy, Beatriz; BEDIN, Luigi ; BORSATO, LUCA ; CASSISI, Santi ; Dalessandro, Emanuele ; Ferraro, Francesco R.; King, Ivan R.; Lanzoni, Barbara ; NARDIELLO, Domenico ; Ortolani, Sergio ; Sarajedini, Ata; Sohn, Sangmo Tonyopen
302023Hyades Member K2-136c: The Smallest Planet in an Open Cluster with a Precisely Measured MassMayo, Andrew W.; Dressing, Courtney D.; Vanderburg, Andrew; Fortenbach, Charles D.; Lienhard, Florian; Malavolta, Luca; Mortier, Annelies; Núñez, Alejandro; Richey-Yowell, Tyler; Turtelboom, Emma V.; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; Latham, David W.; López-Morales, Mercedes; Shkolnik, Evgenya; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; Agüeros, Marcel A.; BORSATO, LUCA ; Charbonneau, David; COSENTINO, Rosario ; Douglas, Stephanie T.; Dumusque, Xavier; GHEDINA, Adriano ; Gibson, Rose; Granata, Valentina; HARUTYUNYAN, Avet ; Haywood, R. D.; LACEDELLI, GAIA ; LORENZI, Vania ; MAGAZZU', Antonio ; Martinez Fiorenzano, A. F.; MICELA, Giuseppina ; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; MONTALTO, Marco ; NARDIELLO, Domenico ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; PAGANO, Isabella ; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; PINO, Lorenzo ; PORETTI, Ennio ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; Udry, Stephane; Buchhave, Lars
312020Neutral Iron Emission Lines from the Dayside of KELT-9b: The GAPS Program with HARPS-N at TNG XXPino, Lorenzo ; Désert, Jean-Michel; BROGI, MATTEO; Malavolta, Luca ; Wyttenbach, Aurélien; Line, Michael; Hoeijmakers, Jens; Fossati, Luca; BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; Panwar, Vatsal; AFFER, Laura ; BENATTI, SERENA ; BIAZZO, Katia ; BIGNAMINI, ANDREA ; Borsa, Franscesco; CARLEO, Ilaria ; CLAUDI, Riccardo ; COSENTINO, Rosario ; COVINO, Elvira ; Damasso, Mario ; DESIDERA, Silvano ; GIACOBBE, Paolo ; HARUTYUNYAN, AVET ; LANZA, Antonino Francesco ; LETO, Giuseppe ; MAGGIO, Antonio ; Maldonado, Jesus; Mancini, Luigi ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; PAGANO, Isabella ; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; PORETTI, Ennio ; RAINER, Monica ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; Allart, Romain; BORSATO, LUCA ; BRUNO, GIOVANNI ; DI FABRIZIO, LUCA ; Ehrenreich, David; Martinez Fiorenzano, Aldo Fabricio ; FRUSTAGLI, GIUSEPPE ; Lavie, Baptiste; Lovis, Christophe; MAGAZZU', Antonio ; Nardiello, Domenico; Pedani, Marco; SMAREGLIA, Riccardo open
322022A pair of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 characterized with CHEOPSWilson, Thomas G.; Goffo, Elisa; Alibert, Yann; Gandolfi, Davide; Bonfanti, Andrea; Persson, Carina M.; Collier Cameron, Andrew; Fridlund, Malcolm; Fossati, Luca; Korth, Judith; Benz, Willy; Deline, Adrien; Florén, Hans-Gustav; Guterman, Pascal; Adibekyan, Vardan; Hooton, Matthew J.; Hoyer, Sergio; Leleu, Adrien; Mustill, Alexander James; Salmon, Sébastien; Sousa, Sérgio G.; Suarez, Olga; Abe, Lyu; Agabi, Abdelkrim; Alonso, Roi; Anglada, Guillem; Asquier, Joel; Bárczy, Tamas; Barrado Navascues, David; Barros, Susana C. C.; Baumjohann, Wolfgang; Beck, Mathias; Beck, Thomas; Billot, Nicolas; Bonfils, Xavier; Brandeker, Alexis; Broeg, Christopher; Bryant, Edward M.; Burleigh, Matthew R.; BUTTU, Marco ; Cabrera, Juan; Charnoz, Sébastien; Ciardi, David R.; Cloutier, Ryan; Cochran, William D.; Collins, Karen A.; Colón, Knicole D.; Crouzet, Nicolas; Csizmadia, Szilard; Davies, Melvyn B.; Deleuil, Magali; Delrez, Laetitia; Demangeon, Olivier; Demory, Brice-Olivier; Dragomir, Diana; Dransfield, Georgina; Ehrenreich, David; Erikson, Anders; Fortier, Andrea; Gan, Tianjun; Gill, Samuel; Gillon, Michaël; Gnilka, Crystal L.; Grieves, Nolan; Grziwa, Sascha; Güdel, Manuel; Guillot, Tristan; Haldemann, Jonas; Heng, Kevin; Horne, Keith; Howell, Steve B.; Isaak, Kate G.; Jenkins, Jon M.; Jensen, Eric L. N.; Kiss, Laszlo; LACEDELLI, GAIA ; Lam, Kristine; Laskar, Jacques; Latham, David W.; Lecavelier des Etangs, Alain; Lendl, Monika; Lester, Kathryn V.; Levine, Alan M.; Livingston, John; Lovis, Christophe; Luque, Rafael; MAGRIN, DEMETRIO ; Marie-Sainte, Wenceslas; Maxted, Pierre F. L.; Mayo, Andrew W.; McLean, Brian; Mecina, Marko; Mékarnia, Djamel; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; Nielsen, Louise D.; Olofsson, Göran; Osborn, Hugh P.; Osborne, Hannah L. M.; Ottensamer, Roland; PAGANO, Isabella ; Pallé, Enric; Peter, Gisbert; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; Pollacco, Don; Queloz, Didier; RAGAZZONI, Roberto ; Rando, Nicola; Rauer, Heike; Redfield, Seth; Ribas, Ignasi; Ricker, George R.; Rieder, Martin; Santos, Nuno C.; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; Schmider, François-Xavier; Schwarz, Richard P.; Scott, Nicholas J.; Seager, Sara; Ségransan, Damien; Serrano, Luisa Maria; Simon, Attila E.; Smith, Alexis M. S.; Steller, Manfred; Stockdale, Chris; Szabó, Gyula; Thomas, Nicolas; Ting, Eric B.; Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.; Udry, Stéphane; Van Eylen, Vincent; Van Grootel, Valérie; Vanderspek, Roland K.; VIOTTO, VALENTINA ; Walton, Nicholas; Winn, Joshua
332020A Pair of TESS Planets Spanning the Radius Valley around the Nearby Mid-M Dwarf LTT 3780Cloutier, Ryan; Eastman, Jason D.; Rodriguez, Joseph E.; Astudillo-Defru, Nicola; Bonfils, Xavier; Mortier, Annelies; Watson, Christopher A.; Stalport, Manu; Pinamonti, Matteo ; Lienhard, Florian; HARUTYUNYAN, AVET ; Damasso, Mario ; Latham, David W.; Collins, Karen A.; Massey, Robert; Irwin, Jonathan; Winters, Jennifer G.; Charbonneau, David; Ziegler, Carl; Matthews, Elisabeth; Crossfield, Ian J. M.; Kreidberg, Laura; Quinn, Samuel N.; Ricker, George; Vanderspek, Roland; Seager, Sara; Winn, Joshua; Jenkins, Jon M.; Vezie, Michael; Udry, Stéphane; Twicken, Joseph D.; Tenenbaum, Peter; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; Ségransan, Damien; Schlieder, Joshua E.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Santos, Nuno C.; Rice, Ken; Rackham, Benjamin V.; PORETTI, Ennio ; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; Phillips, David; Pepe, Francesco; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; Mignon, Lucile; MICELA, Giuseppina ; Melo, Claudio; de Medeiros, José R.; Mayor, Michel; Matson, Rachel A.; Martinez Fiorenzano, Aldo F.; Mann, Andrew W.; MAGAZZU', Antonio ; Lovis, Christophe; López-Morales, Mercedes; Lopez, Eric; Lissauer, Jack J.; Lépine, Sébastien; Law, Nicholas; Kielkopf, John F.; Johnson, John A.; Jensen, Eric L. N.; Howell, Steve B.; Gonzales, Erica; Ghedina, Adriano ; Forveille, Thierry; Figueira, Pedro; Dumusque, Xavier; Dressing, Courtney D.; Doyon, René; Díaz, Rodrigo F.; Fabrizio, Luca Di; Delfosse, Xavier; COSENTINO, Rosario ; Conti, Dennis M.; Collins, Kevin I.; Cameron, Andrew Collier; Ciardi, David; Caldwell, Douglas A.; Burke, Christopher; Buchhave, Lars; Briceño, César; Boyd, Patricia; Bouchy, François; Beichman, Charles; Artigau, Étienne; Almenara, Jose
342021TOI-1634 b: An Ultra-short-period Keystone Planet Sitting inside the M-dwarf Radius ValleyCloutier, Ryan; Charbonneau, David; Stassun, Keivan G.; Murgas, Felipe; Mortier, Annelies; Massey, Robert; Lissauer, Jack J.; Latham, David W.; Irwin, Jonathan; Haywood, Raphaëlle D.; Guerra, Pere; Girardin, Eric; Giacalone, Steven A.; Bosch-Cabot, Pau; Bieryla, Allyson; Winn, Joshua; Watson, Christopher A.; Vanderspek, Roland; Udry, Stéphane; Tamura, Motohide; SOZZETTI, Alessandro ; Shporer, Avi; Ségransan, Damien; Seager, Sara; Savel, Arjun B.; Sasselov, Dimitar; Rose, Mark; Ricker, George; Rice, Ken; Quintana, Elisa V.; Quinn, Samuel N.; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; Phillips, David; Pepe, Francesco; Pedani, Marco; Parviainen, Hannu; Palle, Enric; Narita, Norio; MOLINARI, Emilio Carlo ; MICELA, Giuseppina ; McDermott, Scott; Mayor, Michel; Matson, Rachel A.; Martinez Fiorenzano, Aldo F.; Lovis, Christophe; López-Morales, Mercedes; Kusakabe, Nobuhiko; Jensen, Eric L. N.; Jenkins, Jon M.; Huang, Chelsea X.; Howell, Steve B.; HARUTYUNYAN, AVET ; Fűrész, Gábor; Fukui, Akihiko; Esquerdo, Gilbert A.; Esparza-Borges, Emma; Dumusque, Xavier; Dressing, Courtney D.; Fabrizio, Luca Di; Collins, Karen A.; Cameron, Andrew Collier; Christiansen, Jessie L.; Cecconi, Massimo ; Buchhave, Lars A.; Boschin, Walter ; ANDREUZZI, Gloria open
352021Transit detection of the long-period volatile-rich super-Earth ν2 Lupi d with CHEOPSDelrez, Laetitia; Ehrenreich, David; Alibert, Yann; Bonfanti, Andrea; BORSATO, LUCA ; Fossati, Luca; Hooton, Matthew J.; Hoyer, Sergio; Pozuelos, Francisco J.; Salmon, Sébastien; Sulis, Sophia; Wilson, Thomas G.; Adibekyan, Vardan; Bourrier, Vincent; Brandeker, Alexis; Charnoz, Sébastien; Deline, Adrien; Guterman, Pascal; Haldemann, Jonas; Hara, Nathan; Oshagh, Mahmoudreza; Sousa, Sergio G.; Van Grootel, Valérie; Alonso, Roi; Anglada-Escudé, Guillem; Bárczy, Tamás; Barrado, David; Barros, Susana C. C.; Baumjohann, Wolfgang; Beck, Mathias; Bekkelien, Anja; Benz, Willy; Billot, Nicolas; Bonfils, Xavier; Broeg, Christopher; Cabrera, Juan; Collier Cameron, Andrew; Davies, Melvyn B.; Deleuil, Magali; Delisle, Jean-Baptiste; Demangeon, Olivier D. S.; Demory, Brice-Olivier; Erikson, Anders; Fortier, Andrea; Fridlund, Malcolm; Futyan, David; Gandolfi, Davide; Garcia Muñoz, Antonio; Gillon, Michaël; Guedel, Manuel; Heng, Kevin; Kiss, László; Laskar, Jacques; Lecavelier des Etangs, Alain; Lendl, Monika; Lovis, Christophe; Maxted, Pierre F. L.; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; Olofsson, Göran; Osborn, Hugh P.; PAGANO, Isabella ; Pallé, Enric; PIOTTO , GIAMPAOLO ; Pollacco, Don; Queloz, Didier; Rauer, Heike; RAGAZZONI, Roberto ; Ribas, Ignasi; Santos, Nuno C.; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; Ségransan, Damien; Simon, Attila E.; Smith, Alexis M. S.; Steller, Manfred; Szabó, Gyula M.; Thomas, Nicolas; Udry, Stéphane; Walton, Nicholas