ORCID in DSpace-CRIS | top |
On our institutional open access repository OA@INAF we support ORCID iD as a unique identifier for scientists.
Authors who have a confirmed ORCID iD will be shown on the researcher profile page with the green iD icon. If the green iD icon is missing, the assignment of the iD has not been authentificated, so it may be wrong. The iD icon is also displayed together with the name in other contexts, for example on the overview pages of a publication or in search results.
The ORCID iD is stored in the researcher profile of OA@INAF. As an author on OA@INAF you can create your own profile or have an existing one assigned to you ("Claim"). This is only possible, if you are logged in on OA@INAF. If an ORCID iD is already entered in the profile, you can "claim" it by logging in to ORCID. Please make sure, your OA@INAF account has the same email address than your account at ORCID. Your email address on ORCID also must be visible for trusted parties or publicly.
The profile can also be linked to your ORCID iD manually. To do that, please log in to OA@INAF and create or claim a researcher profile. You will see an ORCID tab in your researcher profile, where you can connect your ORCID account. If you do not have an ORCID iD yet, you can create it from your profile.
After that you can configure "ORCID Push". This ensures that all your publications will be automatically transferred to your ORCID profile.
When publishing on OA@INAF, you can search authors from a selection list. This selection list also searches for the persons name in ORCID, so that you can conveniently select the person if you know their ORCID iD. If the persons name is not marked with an ORCID iD, but with a label that begins with rp, it is a researcher profile. You can also use this if you know that the person you are looking for is hidden behind this profile number.
The easiest way: Configure "ORCID Push" in your researcher profile.
And good to know: Data from repositories are registered with DataCite for a DOI. If we know your ORCID iD, we will transfer it to DataCite and you can adopt your ORCID profile from there:
Afterwards, new publications with your ORCID iD are automatically pushed to your profile. This is not only true for OA@INAF! Datacite appears as the source of this information.