Browsing by Author GOVONI, Federica
Showing results 1 to 20 of 55
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14) | Bourke, Tyler. L.; Braun, Robert; Fender, Rob; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; Green, Jimi; Hoare, Melvin; Jarvis, Matt; Johnston-Hollitt, Melanie; Keane, Evan; Koopmans, Leon, et al | open |
2015 | Cluster magnetic fields through the study of polarized radio halos in the SKA era | GOVONI, FEDERICA ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; Xu, H.; Li, H.; Norman, M.; Feretti, L.; Giovannini, Gabriele ; VACCA, VALENTINA ; BERNARDI, GIANNI ; Bonafede, A., et al | open |
2015 | Combining survey data with single-dish observations | Trasatti, Monica; Giovannini, Gabriele ; Klein, Uli; BONAFEDE, ANNALISA ; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; MURGIA, MATTEO | open |
2014 | Configuration study for a low-frequency aperture array at the SRT site | MURGIA, MATTEO ; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; MONARI, JADER ; PERINI, FEDERICO | none |
2018 | Duty cycle of the radio galaxy B2 0258+35 | BRIENZA, MARISA ; Morganti, R.; MURGIA, MATTEO ; Vilchez, N.; Adebahr, B.; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; CONCU, Raimondo ; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; Harwood, J.; Intema, H., et al | open |
2021 | Erratum: Spectropolarimetric observations of the CIZA J2242.8+5301 northern radio relic: no evidence of high-frequency steepening (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2020) 498 (1628–1637) DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa2267) | LOI, Francesca ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; VACCA, VALENTINA ; GOVONI, Federica ; MELIS, Andrea ; Wittor, D.; Beck, R.; Kierdorf, M.; BONAFEDE, Annalisa ; Boschin, W., et al | open |
2022 | Feasibility Study of a W-Band Multibeam Heterodyne Receiver for the Gregorian Focus of the Sardinia Radio Telescope | NAVARRINI, Alessandro ; OLMI, Luca ; NESTI, Renzo ; ORTU, Pierluigi ; MARONGIU, Pasqualino ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; SCALAMBRA, ALESSANDRO ; ORFEI, ALESSANDRO ; RODA, JURI ; CATTANI, ALESSANDRO , et al | open |
2023 | High angular resolution Sunyaev Zel’dovich observations: The case of MISTRAL | Battistelli, E. S.; Barbavara, E.; de Bernardis, P.; Cacciotti, F.; Capalbo, V.; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; Columbro, F.; Coppolecchia, A.; Cruciani, A.; D’Alessandro, G., et al | open |
2021 | The high-frequency upgrade of the Sardinia Radio Telescope | GOVONI, FEDERICA ; BOLLI, Pietro ; BUFFA, Franco ; CAITO, LETIZIA ; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; COMORETTO, Giovanni ; FIERRO, Davide ; MELIS, Andrea ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; NAVARRINI, Alessandro , et al | open |
2022 | A high-resolution view of the filament of gas between Abell 399 and Abell 401 from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and MUSTANG-2 | Adam D. Hincks; Federico Radiconi; Charles Romero; Mathew S. Madhavacheril; Tony Mroczkowski; Jason E. Austermann; Eleonora Barbavara; Nicholas Battaglia; Elia Battistelli; J. Richard Bond, et al | open |
2019 | A joint XMM-NuSTAR observation of the galaxy cluster Abell 523: Constraints on inverse Compton emission | Cova, F.; GASTALDELLO, FABIO ; Wik, D. R.; Boschin, W.; BOTTEON, Andrea ; BRUNETTI, GIANFRANCO ; Buote, D. A.; DE GRANDI, Sabrina ; Eckert, D.; ETTORI, STEFANO , et al | open |
2024 | LOFAR detection of extended emission around a mini halo in the galaxy cluster Abell 1413 | Lusetti, G.; BONAFEDE, Annalisa ; Lovisari, L.; GITTI, Myriam ; ETTORI, STEFANO ; CASSANO, Rossella ; Riseley, C. J.; GOVONI, Federica ; Brüggen, M.; Bruno, L., et al | open |
2013 | Low-frequency measurements at the SRT site performed with the Vivaldi v2.0 antenna | MURGIA, MATTEO ; GAUDIOMONTE, Francesco ; SERRA, Giampaolo ; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; MONARI, JADER ; PERINI, FEDERICO ; SCHIAFFINO, MARCO ; BOLLI, Pietro | none |
2018 | Magnetic Fields in Galaxy Clusters and in the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe | VACCA, VALENTINA ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; Enßlin, Torsten; Oppermann, Niels; FERETTI, LUIGINA; Giovannini, Gabriele ; LOI, FRANCESCA | open |
2017 | Magnetic fields in galaxy clusters in the SKA era | Loi, F.; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; VACCA, VALENTINA ; Li, H.; Feretti, L.; Giovannini, G. | open |
2015 | Magnetism and Continuum Surveys Working Together | GOVONI, FEDERICA ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; VACCA, VALENTINA ; LOI, FRANCESCA ; FERETTI, LUIGINA; Giovannini, Gabriele ; Trasatti, Monica; Ferrari, Chiara; BONAFEDE, ANNALISA | open |
2020 | Magnetism Science with the Square Kilometre Array | Heald, George; Mao, Sui Ann; VACCA, VALENTINA ; Akahori, Takuya; Damas-Segovia, Ancor; Gaensler, B. M.; Hoeft, Matthias; Agudo, Ivan; Basu, Aritra; Beck, Rainer, et al | open |
2015 | Mega-parsec scale magnetic fields in low density regions in the SKA era: filaments connecting galaxy clusters and groups | Giovannini, Gabriele ; BONAFEDE, ANNALISA ; Brown, Shea; FERETTI, LUIGINA; Ferrari, Chiara; GITTI, MYRIAM ; GOVONI, FEDERICA ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; VACCA, VALENTINA | open |
2022 | Millimetric Sardinia radio Telescope Receiver based on Array of Lumped elements kids | D'Alessandro, G.; Barbarava, E.; Battistelli, E. S.; de Bernardis, P.; Cacciotti, F.; Capalbo, V.; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; Columbro, F.; Coppolecchia, A.; Cruciani, A., et al | open |
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