Browsing by Author DIOLAITI, Emiliano
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | A method for space-variant deblurring with application to adaptive optics imaging in astronomy | La Camera, A.; SCHREIBER, LAURA ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; Boccacci, P.; Bertero, M.; BELLAZZINI, Michele ; Ciliegi, P. | open |
2006 | Absolute calibration of Gaia photometric data. I. General considerations and requirements | BELLAZZINI, Michele ; BRAGAGLIA, Angela ; FEDERICI, Luciana; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; CACCIARI, Carla; PANCINO, ELENA | none |
2006 | Absolute calibration of Gaia photometric data. II.Observing facilities for ground-based support (pilot program) | FEDERICI, Luciana; BRAGAGLIA, Angela ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; BELLAZZINI, Michele ; Cacciari, Carla; PANCINO, ELENA ; ALTAVILLA, GIUSEPPE ; MONTEGRIFFO, Paolo ; Rossetti, Emanuel | none |
2009 | A Conceptual Design Study of a Wavefront Sensor for Atmospheric Characterisation of Paranal site | RAGAZZONI, Roberto ; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; FARINATO, JACOPO ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; Gentile Giorgia; BARUFFOLO, Andrea ; DIMA, Marco ; Metti, Cristiano; VIOTTO, VALENTINA | reserved |
2017 | Design and status of the NGS WFS of MAORY | BONAGLIA, MARCO ; AGAPITO, GUIDO ; BUSONI, LORENZO ; CILIEGI, Paolo ; CORTECCHIA, Fausto ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; DI RICO, Gianluca ; ESPOSITO, Simone ; Giordano, Christophe; PLANTET, CEDRIC ANTOINE ADRIEN GABRIEL , et al | open |
2016 | Dimensioning the MAORY real time computer | SCHREIBER, LAURA ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; BARUFFOLO, Andrea ; BREGOLI, Giovanni ; CASCONE, Enrico ; Cosentino, Giuseppe; ESPOSITO, Simone ; Felini, Corrado; FOPPIANI, ITALO , et al | open |
2023 | Effective pathogens inactivation in air ducts through UVC light | LOMBINI, Matteo ; BIANCO, Andrea ; CORTECCHIA, Fausto ; DE ROSA, Adriano Giuseppe ; DIOLAITI, Emiliano ; FIORINI, MAURO ; LESSIO, Luigi ; MACCHI, Alberto ; MALAGUTI, Giuseppe ; PARESCHI, Giovanni , et al | open |
2018 | Electronics design of the LOR WFS module of MAORY | DI RICO, Gianluca ; BONAGLIA, MARCO ; BUSONI, LORENZO ; Di Antonio, I.; Valentini, A.; BELLAZZINI, Michele ; CILIEGI, Paolo ; CORTECCHIA, Fausto ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; ESPOSITO, Simone , et al | open |
2015 | Energetic and Economic Analysis of a New Concept of Solar Concentrator for Residential Application | Bianchi, M.; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; Giannuzzi, A.; Marano, B.; Melino, Francesco; Peretto, A. | open |
2015 | Enhancing the efficiency of solar concentrators by controlled optical aberrations: Method and photovoltaic application | GIANNUZZI, ALESSANDRA; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; LOMBINI, MATTEO ; DE ROSA, ADRIANO GIUSEPPE ; MARANO, BRUNO; BREGOLI, Giovanni ; Cosentino, Giuseppe; FOPPIANI, ITALO ; SCHREIBER, LAURA | open |
2019 | Historic evolution of the optical design of the Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY for the Extremely Large Telescope | LOMBINI, MATTEO ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; Patti, Mauro | open |
2015 | Implementation of SCAO for ELT-CAM / MICADO-MAORY | Clenet, Yann; ESPOSITO, Simone ; Buey, Tristan; RICCARDI, Armando ; Rousset, Gerard; LOMBINI, MATTEO ; Cohen, M.; Spano, P.; Gendron, E.; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO , et al | open |
2016 | Joint MICADO-MAORY SCAO mode: specifications, prototyping, simulations and preliminary design | Clénet, Yann; Buey, Tristan; Rousset, Gérard; Gendron, Eric; ESPOSITO, Simone ; Hubert, Zoltan; BUSONI, LORENZO ; Cohen, Mathieu; RICCARDI, Armando ; Chapron, Frédéric, et al | open |
2015 | Laboratory prototype for the demonstration of sodium laser guide star wavefront sensing on the E-ELT | Patti, Mauro ; LOMBINI, MATTEO ; SCHREIBER, LAURA ; Bregoli, G.; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; Cosentino, G.; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; FOPPIANI, ITALO | open |
2008 | Layer Oriented Wavefront Sensor Test Report | ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; FARINATO, JACOPO ; RAGAZZONI, Roberto ; LOMBINI, MATTEO ; Gentile, Giorgia; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO | reserved |
2018 | LO WFS of MAORY: performance and sky coverage assessment | Plantet, C.; AGAPITO, GUIDO ; Giordano, C.; BUSONI, LORENZO ; BONAGLIA, MARCO ; ESPOSITO, Simone ; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; CORTECCHIA, Fausto ; CILIEGI, Paolo ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO , et al | open |
2006 | LOST - Layer Oriented Simulation Tool | ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; Tordi, Massimiliano; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; FARINATO, JACOPO ; RAGAZZONI, Roberto ; VERNET-VIARD, ELISE | open |
2016 | MAD Adaptive Optics Imaging of High-luminosity Quasars: A Pilot Project | LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; Falomo, R.; Paiano, S.; Treves, A.; USLENGHI, MICHELA ; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; BARUFFOLO, Andrea ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; FARINATO, JACOPO ; LOMBINI, MATTEO , et al | open |
2023 | Magazzino 101 Gestione e smaltimento | SCHIAVONE, Filomena ; DE BLASI, Antonio ; DE CESARE, GIOVANNI ; DE ROSA, Adriano Giuseppe ; CONFORTI, Vito ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; NANNI, MONICA ; TACCHINI, ALESSANDRO ; SEMOLA, Antonio ; STEFANINI, Renato , et al | open |
2018 | MAORY for ELT: preliminary design overview | CILIEGI, Paolo ; DIOLAITI, EMILIANO ; ABICCA, Renata ; AGAPITO, GUIDO ; Aliverti, Matteo ; ARCIDIACONO, CARMELO ; AURICCHIO, NATALIA ; BALESTRA, Andrea ; BARUFFOLO, Andrea ; BELLAZZINI, Michele , et al | open |
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