Browsing by Author NASCIMBENI, VALERIO
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2016 | A 1.9 Earth Radius Rocky Planet and the Discovery of a Non-transiting Planet in the Kepler-20 System | Buchhave, Lars A.; Dressing, Courtney D.; Dumusque, Xavier; Rice, Ken; Vanderburg, Andrew; Mortier, Annelies; Lopez-Morales, Mercedes; Lopez, Eric; Lundkvist, Mia S.; Kjeldsen, Hans, et al | open |
2023 | 55 Cancri e's occultation captured with CHEOPS | Demory, B.-O.; Sulis, S.; Meier Valdés, E.; Delrez, L.; Brandeker, A.; Billot, N.; Fortier, A.; Hoyer, S.; Sousa, S.G.; Heng, K., et al | open |
2018 | A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL | Tinetti, Giovanna; Drossart, Pierre; Eccleston, Paul; Hartogh, Paul; Heske, Astrid; Leconte, Jérémy; MICELA, Giuseppina ; Ollivier, Marc; Pilbratt, Göran; Puig, Ludovic, et al | reserved |
2016 | Age consistency between exoplanet hosts and field stars | Bonfanti, A.; Ortolani, S.; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO | open |
2016 | An all-sky catalogue of solar-type dwarfs for exoplanetary transit surveys | NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; Piotto, G.; Ortolani, S.; Giuffrida, G.; MARRESE, Paola Maria ; MAGRIN, DEMETRIO ; RAGAZZONI, Roberto ; PAGANO, Isabella ; Rauer, H.; Cabrera, J., et al | open |
2021 | The all-sky PLATO input catalogue | Montalto, M.; Piotto, G.; MARRESE, Paola Maria ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; PRISINZANO, Loredana ; Granata, V.; MARINONI, SILVIA ; DESIDERA, Silvano ; Ortolani, S.; Aerts, C., et al | open |
2022 | Analysis of Early Science observations with the CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS) using PYCHEOPS | Maxted, P. F. L.; Ehrenreich, D.; Wilson, T. G.; Alibert, Y.; Cameron, A. Collier; Hoyer, S.; Sousa, S. G.; Olofsson, G.; Bekkelien, A.; Deline, A., et al | open |
2024 | Asymmetry in the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b*** | Demangeon, O. D.S.; Cubillos, P. E.; SINGH, VIKASH ; Wilson, T. G.; Carone, L.; Bekkelien, A.; Deline, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Maxted, P. F.L.; Demory, B. O., et al | open |
2022 | The atmosphere and architecture of WASP-189 b probed by its CHEOPS phase curve | Deline, A.; Hooton, M. J.; Lendl, M.; Morris, B.; Salmon, S.; Olofsson, G.; Broeg, C.; Ehrenreich, D.; Beck, M.; Brandeker, A., et al | open |
2015 | Broad-band spectrophotometry of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-12b from the near-UV to the near-IR | Mallonn, M.; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; Weingrill, J.; von Essen, C.; Strassmeier, K. G.; Piotto, G.; PAGANO, Isabella ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; Csizmadia, Sz.; Herrero, E., et al | open |
2021 | The changing face of AU Mic b: stellar spots, spin-orbit commensurability, and transit timing variations as seen by CHEOPS and TESS | Szabó, Gy. M.; Gandolfi, D.; Brandeker, A.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Garai, Z.; Billot, N.; Broeg, C.; Ehrenreich, D.; Fortier, A.; Fossati, L., et al | open |
2024 | Characterisation of the TOI-421 planetary system using CHEOPS, TESS, and archival radial velocity data | Krenn, A. F.; Kubyshkina, D.; Fossati, L.; Egger, J. A.; Bonfanti, A.; Deline, A.; Ehrenreich, D.; Beck, M.; Benz, W.; Cabrera, J., et al | open |
2024 | Characterisation of the Warm-Jupiter TOI-1130 system with CHEOPS and photo-dynamical approach | BORSATO, LUCA ; Degen, D.; Leleu, A.; Hooton, M. J.; Egger, J. A.; Bekkelien, A.; Brandeker, A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Günther, M. N.; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO , et al | open |
2023 | Characterising TOI-732 b and c: New insights into the M-dwarf radius and density valley | Bonfanti, A.; Brady, M.; Wilson, T.G.; Venturini, J.; Egger, J.A.; Brandeker, A.; Sousa, S.G.; Lendl, M.; Simon, A.E.; Queloz, D., et al | open |
2022 | Characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres with SLOPpy | SICILIA, Daniela ; Malavolta, L. ; PINO, Lorenzo ; SCANDARIATO, GAETANO ; NASCIMBENI, VALERIO ; Piotto, G.; PAGANO, Isabella | open |
2022 | Characterization of the HD 108236 system with CHEOPS and TESS Confirmation of a fifth transiting planet | Hoyer, S.; Bonfanti, A.; Leleu, A.; Acuña, L.; Serrano, L.M.; Deleuil, M.; Bekkelien, A.; Broeg, C.; Florén, H.-G.; Queloz, D., et al | open |
2023 | CHEOPS and TESS view of the ultra-short-period super-Earth TOI-561 b | Patel, J. A.; Egger, J. A.; Wilson, T. G.; Bourrier, V.; Carone, L.; Beck, M.; Ehrenreich, D.; Sousa, S. G.; Benz, W.; Brandeker, A., et al | open |
2022 | CHEOPS finds KELT-1b darker than expected in visible light: Discrepancy between the CHEOPS and TESS eclipse depths | Parviainen, H.; Wilson, T.G.; Lendl, M.; Kitzmann, D.; Pallé, E.; Serrano, L.M.; Meier Valdes, E.; Benz, W.; Deline, A.; Ehrenreich, D., et al | open |
2022 | CHEOPS geometric albedo of the hot Jupiter HD 209458b | A. Brandeker; K. Heng; M. Lendl; J. A. Patel; B. M. Morris; C. Broeg; P. Guterman; M. Beck; P. F. L. Maxted; O. Demangeon, et al | open |
2024 | CHEOPS in-flight performance: A comprehensive look at the first 3.5 yr of operations | Fortier, A.; Simon, A. E.; Broeg, C.; Olofsson, G.; Deline, A.; Wilson, T. G.; Maxted, P. F.L.; Brandeker, A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Beck, M., et al | open |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 147
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