Browsing by Author GALLUZZI, Vincenzo
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2021 | The Additional Representative Images for Legacy (ARI-L) Project for the ALMA Science Archive | MASSARDI, MARCELLA ; Stoehr, F.; Bendo, G. J.; BONATO, MATTEO ; BRAND, JAN ; Galluzzi, Vincenzo ; Guglielmetti, F.; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; MARCHILI, Nicola ; Richards, A. M. S., et al | open |
2021 | The INAF Radio Data Archive: Towards a modern Science Gateway | ZANICHELLI, Alessandra ; KNAPIC, Cristina ; LONDERO, ELISA ; ZORBA, SONIA ; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; NANNI, MAURO ; STAGNI, Matteo ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; TINARELLI, FRANCO , et al | reserved |
2018 | KAFE: the Key-analysis Automated FITS-images Explorer | BURKUTEAN, SANDRA ; GIANNETTI, ANDREA ; LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; MASSARDI, MARCELLA ; RYGL, Kazi Lucie Jessica ; BRAND, JAN ; BEDOSTI, Francesco ; BONATO, MATTEO ; D’Amato, Quirino; Galluzzi, Vincenzo , et al | open |
2016 | The Planck-ATCA Co-eval Observations project: analysis of radio source properties between 5 and 217 GHz | MASSARDI, MARCELLA ; Bonaldi, Anna; Bonavera, Laura; DE ZOTTI, Gianfranco; Lopez-Caniego, Marcos; Galluzzi, Vincenzo | open |
2017 | Polarized Emission In The Mm Band Of Pks0521-365: Alma Observations | LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina ; Paladino, Rosita ; Galluzzi, Vincenzo | open |
2019 | Radio sources in next-generation CMB surveys | DE ZOTTI, Gianfranco; BONATO, MATTEO ; Negrello, Mattia; Herranz, Diego; López-Caniego, Marcos; TROMBETTI, Tiziana; BURIGANA, CARLO ; MASSARDI, MARCELLA ; Bonavera, Laura; González-Nuevo, Joaquin, et al | open |
2021 | Search for candidate strongly lensed dusty galaxies in the Planck satellite catalogues | Trombetti, T.; BURIGANA, CARLO ; BONATO, MATTEO ; Herranz, D.; De Zotti, G.; Negrello, M.; Galluzzi, Vincenzo ; MASSARDI, MARCELLA | open |
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
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