Browsing by Author MACCULI, CLAUDIO
Showing results 33 to 52 of 60
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2017 | The particle background of the X-IFU instrument | LOTTI, Simone ; MINEO, TERESA ; Jacquey, Christian; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; PIRO, LUIGI | open |
2018 | The performance of the ATHENA X-ray Integral Field Unit | Peille, Philippe; den Hartog, Roland; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; Barbera, Marco; LOTTI, Simone ; Cucchetti, Edoardo; Kirsch, Christian; Dauser, Thomas; Wilms, Joern; Bandler, Simon R., et al | open |
2004 | Prototipo di Piattaforma LDB | Ramponi, Marco; MACCULI, CLAUDIO | open |
2020 | Quantifying the Effect of Cosmic Ray Showers on the X-IFU Energy Resolution | Peille, P.; den Hartog, R.; Miniussi, A.; Stever, S.; Bandler, S.; Kirsch, C.; Lorenz, M.; Dauser, T.; Wilms, J.; LOTTI, Simone , et al | open |
2009 | Read Out Electronics Study for SPICA TES microcalorimeter: Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifier and FLL Cryogenic feedback | MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Bastia, P.; Torrioli, G.; Colasanti, L. | reserved |
2015 | The reduction techniques of the particle background for the ATHENA X-IFU instrument at L2 orbit: Geant4 and the CryoAC | MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; Gatti, F.; LOTTI, Simone ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; LAURENZA, MONICA ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Torrioli, G.; Biasotti, M.; Corsini, D.; Orlando, A., et al | open |
2005 | Reflectance, transmittance and emittance of flat isotropic dietrelic slab in microwave and sub-millimetre frequency range | MACCULI, CLAUDIO | none |
2018 | Reproducibility and monitoring of the instrumental particle background for the x-ray integral field unit | Cucchetti, E.; Pointecouteau, E.; Barret, D.; LOTTI, Simone ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; Pajot, F.; Peille, P.; PIRO, LUIGI ; Pratt, G. W. | open |
2009 | Requirements for the cryogenics LNA and the DL-FLL for SAFARI SPICA | MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; PIRO, LUIGI ; Bastia, P.; Torrioli, G.; Colasanti, L. | reserved |
2021 | Review of the Particle Background of the Athena X-IFU Instrument | LOTTI, Simone ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; FIORETTI, Valentina ; LAURENZA, MONICA ; Jacquey, Christian; PIRO, LUIGI | open |
2018 | Soft proton flux on ATHENA focal plane and its impact on the magnetic diverter design | LOTTI, Simone ; MINEO, TERESA ; Jacquey, Christian; LAURENZA, MONICA ; FIORETTI, VALENTINA ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE; Santin, Giovanni; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; ALBERTI, TOMMASO; Dondero, Paolo, et al | open |
2024 | The TES-based Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector (CryoAC) of ATHENA X-IFU: A Large Area Silicon Microcalorimeter for Background Particles Detection | D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; LOTTI, Simone ; PIRO, LUIGI ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; MINERVINI, GABRIELE ; Torrioli, G.; Chiarello, F.; Ferrari Barusso, L.; Celasco, E., et al | open |
2014 | Thermal assessment of the ATHENA X-IFU passive shielding for the particles background reduction. | MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; LOTTI, Simone ; PIRO, LUIGI | open |
2016 | Thermal Filters for the ATHENA X-IFU: Ongoing Activities Toward the Conceptual Design | BARBERA, Marco ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; Bozzo, Enrico; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; CIARAVELLA, Angela ; COLLURA, Alfonso ; CUTTAIA, FRANCESCO ; Gatti, Flavio; JIMENEZ ESCOBAR, Antonio ; LO CICERO, UGO , et al | embargo_29990101 |
2020 | Thermal Simulations of Temperature Excursions on the Athena X-IFU Detector Wafer from Impacts by Cosmic Rays | Stever, S. L.; Peille, P.; Bruijn, M. P.; Roussafi, A.; LOTTI, Simone ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; Janssen, R. M. J.; den Hartog, R. | open |
2024 | Thermalization of a SQUID Chip at Cryogenic Temperature: Thermal Conductance Measurement for GE 7031 Varnish Glue, Apiezon N Grease and Rubber Cement Between 20 and 200 mK | D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Torrioli, G.; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; Kiviranta, M. | open |
2017 | TN 1.3b on User Requirement Document to Simulator Framework | MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; ARGAN, ANDREA ; BULGARELLI, ANDREA ; FIORETTI, Valentina | reserved |
2019 | Trade-off study: heater power vs TES shunt resistance | D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO | reserved |
2022 | Understanding the interaction between soft protons and X-ray mirrors | FIORETTI, VALENTINA ; MINEO, TERESA ; AMATO, Roberta; LOTTI, Simone ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; GASTALDELLO, FABIO ; LANZUISI, Giorgio ; CAPPI, MASSIMO ; DADINA, MAURO , et al | open |
2016 | Updates on the background estimates for the X-IFU instrument onboard of the ATHENA mission | LOTTI, Simone ; MACCULI, CLAUDIO ; D'ANDREA, MATTEO ; Piro, L.; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; GASTALDELLO, FABIO ; MINEO, TERESA ; D'AI', ANTONINO ; BULGARELLI, ANDREA ; FIORETTI, VALENTINA , et al | open |
Showing results 33 to 52 of 60
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