Browsing by Author Surcis, Gabriele
Showing results 31 to 46 of 46
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2018 | Quantum-Chemical calculations revealing the effects of magnetic fields on methanol masers | Lankhaar, Boy; Vlemmings, Wouter; Surcis, Gabriele ; van Langevelde, Huib Jan; Groenenboom, Gerrit C.; van der Avoird, Ad | open |
2022 | Recent updates on the Maser Monitoring Organisation | Burns, Ross A.; Kobak, Agnieszka; CARATTI O GARATTI, ALESSIO ; Tolmachev, Alexander; Volvach, Alexandr; Alakoz, Alexei; Wootten, Alwyn; Bisyarina, Anastasia; Dzodzomenyo, Andrews; Sobolev, Andrey, et al | open |
2022 | A repeating fast radio burst source in a globular cluster | Kirsten, F.; Marcote, B.; Nimmo, K.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Bhardwaj, M.; Tendulkar, S. P.; Keimpema, A.; Yang, J.; Snelders, M. P.; Scholz, P., et al | open |
2018 | Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) observations of Local Group dwarf galaxies | TARCHI, ANDREA ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; Surcis, Gabriele ; Brunthaler, A.; Menten, K. M.; Pawlowski, M. S.; MELIS, Andrea ; CASU, Silvia ; MURGIA, MATTEO ; Trois, A. , et al | open |
2020 | Sardinia Radio Telescope observations of Local Group dwarf galaxies - I. The cases of NGC 6822, IC 1613, and WLM | Tarchi, A. ; Castangia, P. ; Surcis, Gabriele ; Brunthaler, A.; Henkel, C.; Pawlowski, M.; Menten, K. M.; Melis, A. ; Casu, S. ; MURGIA, MATTEO , et al | open |
2023 | An SiO Toroid and Wide-angle Outflow Associated with the Massive Protostar W75N(B)-VLA2 | Gómez, José F.; Torrelles, José M.; Girart, Josep M.; Surcis, Gabriele ; Kim, Jeong-Sook; Cantó, Jorge; Anglada, Guillem; Curiel, Salvador; Vlemmings, Wouter H. T.; Carrasco-González, Carlos, et al | open |
2018 | Spectroscopic observations with the SRT using the Nodding technique | TARCHI, ANDREA ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; Surcis, Gabriele ; MELIS, Andrea ; MIGONI, CARLO ; TROIS, ALESSIO ; BARTOLINI, MARCO ; ORLATI, ANDREA ; RIGHINI, SIMONA ; CASU, Silvia , et al | none |
2022 | SRT performance measurements (2018-2021) | Egron, Elise ; Vacca, V. ; Carboni, G. ; Pili, M. ; Loru, S. ; Castangia, P. ; Pellizzoni, Alberto ; SERRA, Giampaolo ; IACOLINA, Maria Noemi ; VALENTE, Giuseppe , et al | open |
2021 | Study of the thermal and nonthermal emission components in M 31: the Sardinia Radio Telescope view at 6.6 GHz | Fatigoni, S.; Radiconi, F.; Battistelli, E. S.; MURGIA, MATTEO ; CARRETTI, ETTORE ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; CONCU, Raimondo ; de Bernardis, P.; Fritz, J.; Genova-Santos, R., et al | open |
2019 | Sub-arcsecond (Sub)millimeter Imaging of the Massive Protocluster G358.93-0.03: Discovery of 14 New Methanol Maser Lines Associated with a Hot Core | Brogan, C. L.; Hunter, T. R.; Towner, A. P. M.; McGuire, B. A.; MacLeod, G. C.; Gurwell, M. A.; Cyganowski, C. J.; BRAND, JAN ; Burns, R. A.; CARATTI O GARATTI, Alessio , et al | open |
2018 | A survey for OH masers in H2O maser galaxies with the Effelsberg and Green Bank radio telescopes | LADU, ELISABETTA; TARCHI, ANDREA; CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; Surcis, Gabriele ; Henkel, Christian | open |
2015 | Velocity and magnetic fields within 1000 AU of a massive YSO | SANNA, ALBERTO ; Surcis, Gabriele ; MOSCADELLI, Luca ; CESARONI, Riccardo ; Goddi, C.; Vlemmings, W. H. T.; CARATTI O GARATTI, Alessio | open |
2020 | VLBI observations of the G25.65+1.05 water maser superburst | Burns, R. A.; Orosz, G.; Bayandina, O.; Surcis, Gabriele ; Olech, M.; MacLeod, G.; Volvach, A.; Rudnitskii, G.; Hirota, T.; Immer, K., et al | open |
2020 | VLBI observations of the H2O gigamaser in TXS2226-184 | Surcis, Gabriele ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; CASTANGIA, PAOLA | open |
2020 | VLBI20-30: a scientific roadmap for the next decade -- The future of the European VLBI Network | VENTURI, Tiziana ; Paragi, Zsolt; Lindqvist, Michael; Bartkiewicz, Anna; Beswick, Rob; Bogdanović, Tamara; Brisken, Walter; Charlot, Patrick; Colomer, Francisco; Conway, John, et al | open |
2019 | Water masers in Compton-thick AGN. II. The high detection rate and EVN observations of <ASTROBJ>IRAS 15480-0344</ASTROBJ> | CASTANGIA, PAOLA ; Surcis, Gabriele ; TARCHI, ANDREA ; CACCIANIGA, Alessandro ; SEVERGNINI, Paola ; DELLA CECA, Roberto | open |
Showing results 31 to 46 of 46
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