Browsing by Author STEFANI, STEFANIA
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2024 | Calibration of MAJIS (Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer). II. Spatial calibration | FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Haffoud, Paolo; Poulet, Francois; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; Langevin, Yves; Tommasi, Leonardo; Barbis, Alessandra; Carter, John; Guerri, Irene; Dumesnil, Cydalise, et al | open |
2017 | Characterization of the white ovals on Jupiter's southern hemisphere using the first data by the Juno/JIRAM instrument | Sindoni, G.; GRASSI, Davide ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; MURA, Alessandro ; Moriconi, M. L.; Dinelli, B. M.; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; TOSI, Federico ; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; MIGLIORINI, Alessandra , et al | embargo_21200713 |
2024 | Characterization of wedge windows for the absorption cells of GIANO-B | CABONA, Lorenzo ; STEFANI, STEFANIA ; CLAUDI, Riccardo | open |
2018 | Clusters of cyclones encircling Jupiter’s poles | ADRIANI, Alberto ; MURA, Alessandro ; Orton, G.; Hansen, C.; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; Moriconi, M. L.; Rogers, J.; Eichstädt, G.; Momary, T.; Ingersoll, A. P., et al | open |
2016 | Collisional Induced Absorption (CIA) bands measured in the IR spectral range | STEFANI, STEFANIA ; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; Snels, M.; Adriani, A. ; Grassi, D. | open |
2024 | Data availability and requirements relevant for the Ariel space mission and other exoplanet atmosphere applications | Chubb, Katy L.; Robert, Severine; Sousa-Silva, Clara; Yurchenko, Sergei N.; Allard, Nicole F.; Boudon, Vincent; Buldyreva, Jeanna; Bultel, Benjamin; Coustenis, Athena; Foltynowicz, Aleksandra, et al | open |
2018 | First Estimate of Wind Fields in the Jupiter Polar Regions From JIRAM-Juno Images | GRASSI, Davide ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; Moriconi, M. L.; MURA, Alessandro ; Tabataba-Vakili, F.; Ingersoll, A.; Orton, G.; Hansen, C.; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO , et al | open |
2022 | Five Years of Observations of the Circumpolar Cyclones of Jupiter | MURA, Alessandro ; Scarica, P.; GRASSI, Davide ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; Bracco, A.; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; Sindoni, G.; Moriconi, M. L.; Plainaki, C.; Ingersoll, A., et al | open |
2017 | Infrared observations of Jovian aurora from Juno's first orbits: Main oval and satellite footprints | MURA, Alessandro ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; Connerney, J. E. P.; Bolton, S. J.; Moriconi, M. L.; Gérard, J. -C.; Kurth, W. S.; Dinelli, B. M.; Fabiano, F., et al | open |
2017 | IR Spectroscopy of ammoniated phyllosilicates and mixtures with relevance for dwarf planet (1) Ceres | DE ANGELIS, Simone ; FERRARI, MARCO ; STEFANI, STEFANIA ; RAPONI, Andrea ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; Ammannito, E. | open |
2018 | Juice - Majis Experiment - JSIR and MIRL emitters report test | STEFANI, STEFANIA ; BIONDI, David ; BOCCACCINI, Angelo | embargo_20370131 |
2014 | Juice - Majis Experiment-OH Dichroic Radiation Test Report | STEFANI, STEFANIA ; ZAMBELLI, MASSIMO ; Sergio Fonti | embargo_20300209 |
2020 | Juno/JIRAM: Planning and commanding activities | NOSCHESE, RAFFAELLA ; CICCHETTI, ANDREA ; SORDINI, Roberto ; CARTACCI, MARCO ; MIGLIORINI, Alessandra ; Brooks, S.; Lastri, M.; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; MIGLIORINI, Alessandra ; Moriconi, M. L., et al | open |
2017 | Laboratory experiments on ammoniated clay minerals with relevance for asteroid (1) Ceres | DE ANGELIS, Simone ; STEFANI, STEFANIA ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; AMMANNITO, ELEONORA | open |
2023 | MAJIS Shutter QM and FM Thermo-vacuum Test Report | STEFANI, STEFANIA ; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; BIONDI, David ; BOCCACCINI, Angelo | open |
2024 | Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) on Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) | Poulet, F.; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; Langevin, Y.; Dumesnil, C.; Tommasi, L.; Carlier, V.; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Amoroso, M.; Arondel, A.; D'AVERSA, EMILIANO , et al | open |
2016 | OH Dichroic Radiation Test Report | STEFANI, STEFANIA ; ZAMBELLI, MASSIMO ; Fonti, Sergio; BOCCACCINI, Angelo | embargo_20370131 |
2021 | On the clouds and ammonia in Jupiter's upper troposphere from Juno JIRAM reflectivity observations | GRASSI, Davide ; MURA, Alessandro ; SINDONI, Giuseppe ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; Atreya, S. K.; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Fletcher, L. N.; Lunine, J. I.; Moriconi, M. L.; NOSCHESE, RAFFAELLA , et al | open |
2020 | On the Spatial Distribution of Minor Species in Jupiter's Troposphere as Inferred From Juno JIRAM Data | GRASSI, Davide ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; MURA, Alessandro ; Atreya, SK; Fletcher, LN; Lunine, JI; Orton, GS; Bolton, S; PLAINAKI, CHRISTINA ; SINDONI, Giuseppe , et al | open |
2017 | Preliminary JIRAM results from Juno polar observations: 1. Methodology and analysis applied to the Jovian northern polar region | Dinelli, B. M.; Fabiano, F.; ADRIANI, Alberto ; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; Moriconi, M. L.; MURA, Alessandro ; Sindoni, G.; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; TOSI, Federico ; MIGLIORINI, Alessandra , et al | open |
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