Browsing by Author CIARNIELLO, Mauro
Showing results 28 to 47 of 88
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2021 | Ganymede as Observed by JIRAM During the Juno Flyby of 7 June 2021 | TOSI, Federico ; MURA, Alessandro ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; ZAMBON, Francesca ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; PLAINAKI, CHRISTINA ; SINDONI, Giuseppe ; SORDINI, Roberto ; NOSCHESE, RAFFAELLA , et al | open |
2021 | Ganymede as observed by Juno/JIRAM in PJ34 and PJ35 (June and July 2021) | TOSI, Federico ; MURA, Alessandro ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; ZAMBON, Francesca ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; PLAINAKI, CHRISTINA ; SINDONI, Giuseppe ; SORDINI, Roberto ; NOSCHESE, RAFFAELLA , et al | open |
2016 | The global surface composition of 67P/CG nucleus by Rosetta/VIRTIS. (I) Prelanding mission phase | FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; RAPONI, Andrea ; TOSI, Federico ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Erard, Stéphane; Morvan, Dominique Bockelée; Leyrat, Cedric; Arnold, Gabriele, et al | open |
2016 | The global surface composition of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko nucleus by Rosetta/VIRTIS. II) Diurnal and seasonal variability | CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; RAPONI, Andrea ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; TOSI, Federico ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Kappel, D.; ROUSSEAU, BATISTE PAUL RAYMOND; Arnold, G.; CAPRIA, MARIA TERESA , et al | open |
2015 | Homogeneous spectral units on Ceres as inferred from Dawn/VIR | ZAMBON, Francesca ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; AMMANNITO, ELEONORA; TOSI, Federico ; Carrorro, Filippo Giacomo; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; LONGOBARDO, ANDREA ; FONTE, SERGIO ; Giardino, Marco; PALOMBA, Ernesto , et al | open |
2017 | How pristine is the interior of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko? | CAPRIA, MARIA TERESA ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; TOSI, Federico ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Mottola, Stefano; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; FORMISANO, Michelangelo ; LONGOBARDO, ANDREA ; MIGLIORINI, Alessandra , et al | open |
2020 | Hydroxylated Mg-rich Amorphous Silicates: A New Component of the 3.2 μm Absorption Band of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko | MENNELLA, Vito ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; RAPONI, Andrea ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Suhasaria, T.; POPA, IONUT CIPRIAN ; Kappel, D.; Moroz, L.; Vinogradoff, V., et al | open |
2020 | Infrared detection of aliphatic organics on a cometary nucleus | RAPONI, Andrea ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; MENNELLA, Vito ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Vinogradoff, V.; Poch, O.; Beck, P.; Quirico, E.; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA , et al | open |
2020 | Infrared Observations of Ganymede From the Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper on Juno | MURA, Alessandro ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; SORDINI, Roberto ; Sindoni, G.; Plainaki, C.; TOSI, Federico ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Bolton, S.; ZAMBON, Francesca ; Hansen, C. J., et al | open |
2018 | The JUICE mission and the future exploration of the icy Galilean satellites: Complementarities and synergies in visible and near-infrared remote sensing | TOSI, Federico ; Roatsch, Thomas; CREMONESE, Gabriele ; Fonti, Sergio; PALUMBO, PASQUALE ; Stephan, Katrin; Jaumann, Ralf; MIGLIORINI, Alessandra ; Hoffmann, Harald; MANCARELLA, FRANCESCA, et al | open |
2018 | Laboratory simulations of the Vis-NIR spectra of comet 67P using sub-μm sized cosmochemical analogues | ROUSSEAU, BATISTE PAUL RAYMOND ; Érard, S.; Beck, P.; Quirico, É.; Schmitt, B.; Brissaud, O.; Montes-Hernandez, G.; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Bockelée-Morvan, D., et al | open |
2017 | Localized aliphatic organic material on the surface of Ceres | DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Ammannito, E.; McSween, H. Y.; RAPONI, Andrea ; Marchi, S.; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; CAPRIA, MARIA TERESA ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; FONTE, SERGIO , et al | reserved |
2022 | Macro and micro structures of pebble-made cometary nuclei reconciled by seasonal evolution | CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; FULLE, Marco ; RAPONI, Andrea ; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; Rotundi, Alessandra ; RINALDI, GIOVANNA ; FORMISANO, Michelangelo ; Magni, Gianfranco; TOSI, Federico , et al | open |
2020 | Mapping Io's Surface Composition With Juno/JIRAM | TOSI, Federico ; MURA, Alessandro ; Lopes, R. M. C.; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; ZAMBON, Francesca ; ADRIANI, Alberto ; Bolton, S. J.; Brooks, S. M.; NOSCHESE, RAFFAELLA , et al | open |
2019 | Mineralogical analysis of quadrangle Ac-H-10 Rongo on the dwarf planet Ceres | ZAMBON, Francesca ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; TOSI, Federico ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; Combe, J. Ph.; FRIGERI, ALESSANDRO ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Thangjam, G.; Nathues, A.; Hoffmann, M., et al | open |
2017 | Mineralogical Analysis of Quadrangle Ac-H-6 Haulani on the Dwarf Planet Ceres | TOSI, Federico ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; ZAMBON, Francesca ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; FRIGERI, ALESSANDRO ; Combe, J. -Ph.; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Hoffmann, M.; LONGOBARDO, ANDREA ; Nathues, A., et al | open |
2019 | Mineralogical analysis of the Ac-H-6 Haulani quadrangle of the dwarf planet Ceres | TOSI, Federico ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; ZAMBON, Francesca ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; FRIGERI, ALESSANDRO ; Combe, J. -Ph.; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Hoffmann, M.; Longobardo, A. ; Nathues, A., et al | open |
2019 | Mineralogical mapping of Coniraya quadrangle of the dwarf planet Ceres | RAPONI, Andrea ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; ZAMBON, Francesca ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; FRIGERI, ALESSANDRO ; Ammannito, E.; TOSI, Federico ; Combe, J. -Ph.; Longobardo, A. , et al | open |
2019 | Mineralogical mapping of the Kerwan quadrangle on Ceres | PALOMBA, Ernesto ; LONGOBARDO, ANDREA ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; GALIANO, ANNA ; ZAMBON, Francesca ; RAPONI, Andrea ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; Stephan, K.; Williams, D. A., et al | reserved |
2018 | Mineralogy and temperature of crater Haulani on Ceres | TOSI, Federico ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; RAPONI, Andrea ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; Thangjam, G.; ZAMBON, Francesca ; CIARNIELLO, Mauro ; Nathues, A.; CAPRIA, MARIA TERESA ; ROGNINI, EDOARDO , et al | open |
Showing results 28 to 47 of 88
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