Browsing by Author GHISELLINI, Gabriele
Showing results 12 to 31 of 81
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | CMB quenching of high-redshift radio-loud AGNs | GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; Haardt, F.; Ciardi, B.; Sbarrato, Tullia ; Gallo, E.; TAVECCHIO, Fabrizio ; Celotti, A. | open |
2017 | CMB-induced radio quenching of high-redshift jetted AGNs with highly magnetic hotspots | Wu, Jianfeng; GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; Hodges-Kluck, Edmund; Gallo, Elena; Ciardi, Benedetta; HAARDT, FRANCESCO; Sbarrato, Tullia ; TAVECCHIO, Fabrizio | open |
2018 | Coherent curvature radiation and fast radio bursts | GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; LOCATELLI, NICOLA | open |
2019 | Compact radio emission indicates a structured jet was produced by a binary neutron star merger | GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; Salafia, Om Sharan ; Paragi, Z.; Giroletti, M. ; Yang, J.; Marcote, B.; Blanchard, J.; Agudo, I.; An, T.; BERNARDINI, Maria Grazia , et al | open |
2015 | Comparing the spectral lag of short and long gamma-ray bursts and its relation with the luminosity | BERNARDINI, Maria Grazia ; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; CAMPANA, Sergio ; COVINO, Stefano ; SALVATERRA, Ruben ; Atteia, Jean-Luc; Burlon, Davide; CALDERONE, GIORGIO ; D'AVANZO, Paolo ; D'ELIA, Valerio, et al | open |
2018 | Consistency with synchrotron emission in the bright GRB 160625B observed by Fermi | Ravasio, M. E.; Oganesyan, G.; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; Nava, Lara ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; Pescalli, A.; Celotti, A. | open |
2018 | Cross section of curvature radiation absorption | LOCATELLI, NICOLA; GHISELLINI, Gabriele | open |
2016 | Dark bubbles around high-redshift radio-loud active galactic nucleus | GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; Sbarrato, Tullia | open |
2018 | The e-ASTROGAM gamma-ray space observatory for the multimessenger astronomy of the 2030s | Isern, Jordi; Zoglauer, Andreas; Wu, Xin; Vacchi, Andrea; Ulyanov, Alexey; Turolla, Roberto; Thompson, David J.; TAVECCHIO, Fabrizio ; RONCADELLI, MARCO; Rando, Riccardo, et al | open |
2017 | The e-ASTROGAM mission. Exploring the extreme Universe with gamma rays in the MeV - GeV range | De Angelis, A.; Tatischeff, V.; TAVANI, MARCO ; Oberlack, U.; Grenier, I.; Hanlon, L.; Walter, R.; ARGAN, ANDREA ; von Ballmoos, P.; BULGARELLI, ANDREA , et al | open |
2019 | Evidence of two spectral breaks in the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts | Ravasio, M. E.; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; Nava, Lara ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele | open |
2018 | The evolution of the X-ray afterglow emission of GW 170817/ GRB 170817A in XMM-Newton observations | D'AVANZO, Paolo ; CAMPANA, Sergio ; Salafia, Om Sharan ; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; MELANDRI, Andrea ; BERNARDINI, Maria Grazia ; Branchesi, M.; Chassande-Mottin, E.; COVINO, Stefano , et al | open |
2019 | An extremely X--ray weak blazar at z=5 | Belladitta, S.; MORETTI, Alberto ; CACCIANIGA, Alessandro ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; Cicone, C.; Sbarrato, T.; Ighina, L.; Pedani, M. | open |
2016 | Extremes of the jet-accretion power relation of blazars, as explored by NuSTAR | Sbarrato, Tullia ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; TAGLIAFERRI, Gianpiero ; PERRI, Matteo ; Madejski, G. M.; Stern, D.; Boggs, S. E.; Christensen, F. E.; Craig, W. W.; Hailey, C. J., et al | open |
2017 | The Fermi blazar sequence | GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; Righi, Chiara ; Costamante, L.; TAVECCHIO, Fabrizio | open |
2015 | Fermi/LAT broad emission line blazars | GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; TAVECCHIO, Fabrizio | open |
2020 | The first blazar observed at z>6 | Belladitta, S.; MORETTI, Alberto ; CACCIANIGA, Alessandro ; Spingola, C.; SEVERGNINI, Paola ; DELLA CECA, Roberto ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; DALLACASA, DANIELE ; Sbarrato, Tullia ; Cicone, C., et al | open |
2018 | From the earliest pulses to the latest flares in long gamma-ray bursts | Pescalli, A.; Ronchi, M.; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; GHISELLINI, Gabriele | open |
2010 | GeV emission from gamma-ray bursts: a radiative fireball? | GHISELLINI, Gabriele ; GHIRLANDA, Giancarlo ; Nava, Lara ; Celotti, A. | open |
2021 | GrailQuest: hunting for atoms of space and time hidden in the wrinkle of Space-Time: A swarm of nano/micro/small-satellites to probe the ultimate structure of Space-Time and to provide an all-sky monitor to study high-energy astrophysics phenomena | Burderi, L.; SANNA, ALBERTO; Di Salvo, T.; AMATI, LORENZO ; Amelino-Camelia, G.; Branchesi, M.; Capozziello, S.; Coccia, E.; Colpi, M.; Costa, E., et al | open |
Showing results 12 to 31 of 81
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