Browsing by Author ERMOLLI, Ilaria
Showing results 49 to 52 of 52
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2019 | Temporal and Spatial Evolutions of a Large Sunspot Group and Great Auroral Storms Around the Carrington Event in 1859 | Hayakawa, Hisashi; Ebihara, Yusuke; Willis, David M.; Toriumi, Shin; Iju, Tomoya; Hattori, Kentaro; Wild, Matthew N.; Oliveira, Denny M.; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; Ribeiro, José R., et al | open |
2015 | The Signature of Flare Activity in Multifractal Measurements of Active Regions Observed by SDO/HMI | GIORGI, Fabrizio ; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; ROMANO, Paolo ; STANGALINI, MARCO ; Zuccarello, Francesca ; Criscuoli, S. | open |
2015 | Time Evolution of Force-Free Parameter and Free Magnetic Energy in Active Region NOAA 10365 | Valori, G.; ROMANO, Paolo ; Malanushenko, A.; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; GIORGI, Fabrizio ; Steed, K.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Zuccarello, Francesca ; Malherbe, J. -M. | open |
2020 | Unveiling the magnetic nature of chromospheric vortices | MURABITO, MARIARITA ; Shetye, J.; STANGALINI, MARCO ; Verwichte, E.; Arber, T.; ERMOLLI, Ilaria ; GIORGI, Fabrizio ; Goffrey, T. | open |
Showing results 49 to 52 of 52
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