Browsing by Author RASIA, Elena
Showing results 40 to 50 of 50
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2020 | Simulating galaxy clusters at high resolution | BIFFI, VERONICA ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; MURANTE, Giuseppe ; RASIA, ELENA ; GRANATO, Gian Luigi | open |
2015 | Spectral Imaging of Galaxy Clusters with Planck | Bourdin, H.; Mazzotta, P.; RASIA, ELENA | open |
2020 | Star formation rate in simulated clusters | RASIA, ELENA ; Bassini, L.; Valentini, M.; BIFFI, VERONICA ; BORGANI, STEFANO ; Dolag, K.; GRANATO, Gian Luigi ; MURANTE, Giuseppe ; RAGAGNIN, ANTONIO ; Ragone-Figueroa, C., et al | open |
2018 | Thermodynamic profiles of galaxy clusters from a joint X-ray/SZ analysis | Shitanishi, Jennifer A.; Pierpaoli, Elena; Sayers, Jack; Golwala, Sunil R.; Ameglio, Silvia; Mantz, Adam B.; Mroczkowski, Tony K.; RASIA, ELENA ; Siegel, Seth | open |
2019 | THETHREEHUNDRED Project: ram pressure and gas content of haloes and subhaloes in the phase-space plane | Arthur, Jake; Pearce, Frazer R.; Gray, Meghan E.; Knebe, Alexander; Cui, Weiguang; Elahi, Pascal J.; Power, Chris; Yepes, Gustavo; Arth, Alexander; De Petris, Marco, et al | open |
2018 | The Three Hundred project: a large catalogue of theoretically modelled galaxy clusters for cosmological and astrophysical applications | Cui, Weiguang; Knebe, Alexander; Yepes, Gustavo; Pearce, Frazer; Power, Chris; Dave, Romeel; Arth, Alexander; BORGANI, STEFANO ; Dolag, Klaus; Elahi, Pascal, et al | open |
2021 | The Three Hundred project: dynamical state of galaxy clusters and morphology from multiwavelength synthetic maps | De Luca, Federico; De Petris, Marco; Yepes, Gustavo; Cui, Weiguang; Knebe, Alexander; RASIA, ELENA | open |
2022 | THE THREE HUNDRED project: The GIZMO-SIMBA run | Cui, Weiguang; Dave, Romeel; Knebe, Alexander; RASIA, ELENA ; Gray, Meghan; Pearce, Frazer; Power, Chris; Yepes, Gustavo; Anbajagane, Dhayaa; Ceverino, Daniel, et al | open |
2021 | The ThreeHundred: the structure and properties of cosmic filaments in the outskirts of galaxy clusters | Rost, Agustin; Kuchner, Ulrike; Welker, Charlotte; Pearce, Frazer; Stasyszyn, Federico; Gray, Meghan; Cui, Weiguang; Dave, Romeel; Knebe, Alexander; Yepes, Gustavo, et al | open |
2019 | Universal thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium over two decades in radius in the X-COP sample | Ghirardini, V.; Eckert, D.; ETTORI, STEFANO ; Pointecouteau, E.; MOLENDI, SILVANO ; GASPARI, MASSIMO ; ROSSETTI, MARIACHIARA ; DE GRANDI, Sabrina ; Roncarelli, M.; Bourdin, H., et al | open |
2019 | The X-Ray Halo Scaling Relations of Supermassive Black Holes | GASPARI, MASSIMO ; Eckert, D.; ETTORI, STEFANO ; TOZZI, Paolo ; Bassini, L.; RASIA, ELENA ; Brighenti, F.; Sun, M.; BORGANI, STEFANO ; Johnson, S. D., et al | open |
Showing results 40 to 50 of 50
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