Browsing by Author SCODEGGIO, MARCO
Showing results 35 to 54 of 90
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2023 | Open Day presso l’INAF IASF di Milano Report delle prime tre edizioni (2019, 2020, 2022) | ROSSETTI, Mariachiara ; PAIZIS, Adamantia ; CARBONE, Carmelita ; GASTALDELLO, FABIO ; POLLETTA, Maria Del Carmen ; GARILLI, Bianca Maria Rosa ; SALVATERRA, Ruben ; ALDERIGHI, MONICA ; BARTALUCCI, Iacopo ; CARAVEO, PATRIZIA , et al | open |
2024 | Performance of the image persistence model for Euclid infrared detectors | Kubik, B.; Barbier, R.; Smadja, G.; Ferriol, S.; Conseil, Y.; Copin, Y.; Gillard, W.; Dusini, S.; Jahnke, K.; Prieto, E., et al | open |
2021 | A Planck-selected dusty proto-cluster at z=2.16 associated with a strong over-density of massive Hα emitting galaxies | Yusei Koyama; POLLETTA, Maria Del Carmen ; Ichi Tanaka; Tadayuki Kodama; Hervé Dole; Geneviève Soucail; Brenda Frye; Matt Lehnert; SCODEGGIO, MARCO | open |
2019 | PNGS: an API Ecosystem for Astronomical Applications Development | FUMANA, Marco ; FRANZETTI, PAOLO ; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Scala, Paolo Luigi; SCODEGGIO, MARCO | open |
2023 | Problem with MODS data in the blue channel | FUMANA, Marco ; GARILLI, Bianca Maria Rosa ; SCODEGGIO, MARCO | open |
2016 | Scientific Challenge 2 Test Report | FRAILIS, Marco ; Belikov, Andrey; Dabin, Christophe; Grenet, Catherine; Maino, Davide ; MANSUTTI, Oriana ; McCracken, Henry Joy; Melchior, Martin; Polenta, Gianluca; Poncet, Maurice, et al | reserved |
2018 | The SINS/zC-SINF Survey of z ̃ 2 Galaxy Kinematics: SINFONI Adaptive Optics-assisted Data and Kiloparsec-scale Emission-line Properties | Förster Schreiber, N. M.; Renzini, A.; Mancini, C.; Genzel, R.; Bouché, N.; CRESCI, GIOVANNI ; Hicks, E. K. S.; Lilly, S. J.; Peng, Y.; Burkert, A., et al | open |
2023 | SIPGI Documentation | GARGIULO, ADRIANA ; FUMANA, Marco ; GARILLI, Bianca Maria Rosa ; FRANZETTI, PAOLO ; BISOGNI, Susanna ; SCODEGGIO, MARCO | open |
2021 | Spectroscopic observations of PHz G237.01+42.50: A galaxy protocluster at z=2.16 in the Cosmos field | POLLETTA, Maria Del Carmen ; Soucail, G.; Dole, H.; Lehnert, M. D.; Pointecouteau, E.; VIETRI, GIUSTINA ; SCODEGGIO, MARCO ; Montier, L.; Koyama, Y.; Lagache, G., et al | open |
2015 | Stellar mass to halo mass relation from galaxy clustering in VUDS: a high star formation efficiency at z ≃ 3 | Durkalec, A.; Le Fèvre, O.; de la Torre, S.; Pollo, A.; Cassata, P.; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Le Brun, V.; Lemaux, B. C.; Maccagni, D.; PENTERICCI, Laura , et al | open |
2023 | Test on LUCIFER calibrator science frames | FUMANA, Marco ; GARILLI, Bianca Maria Rosa ; SCODEGGIO, MARCO | open |
2015 | The evolving star formation rate: M<SUB>⋆</SUB> relation and sSFR since z ≃ 5 from the VUDS spectroscopic survey | Tasca, L. A. M.; Le Fèvre, O.; Hathi, N. P.; Schaerer, D.; Ilbert, O.; Zamorani, G.; Lemaux, B. C.; Cassata, P.; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Le Brun, V., et al | restricted |
2015 | The galaxy-halo connection from a joint lensing, clustering and abundance analysis in the CFHTLenS/VIPERS field | Coupon, J.; Arnouts, S.; van Waerbeke, L.; Moutard, T.; Ilbert, O.; van Uitert, E.; Erben, T.; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Guzzo, L.; Heymans, C., et al | open |
2016 | The Lyman continuum escape fraction of galaxies at z = 3.3 in the VUDS-LBC/COSMOS field | GRAZIAN, Andrea ; Giallongo, E. ; Gerbasi, R.; Fiore, F.; FONTANA, Adriano ; Le Fèvre, O.; PENTERICCI, Laura ; VANZELLA, Eros ; Zamorani, G.; Cassata, P., et al | open |
2018 | The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey: Observations and first data release | Pentericci, L. ; McLure, R. J.; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; CUCCIATI, Olga ; FRANZETTI, PAOLO ; IOVINO, Angela ; Amorin, R.; BOLZONELLA, MICOL ; BONGIORNO, ANGELA ; Carnall, A. C., et al | open |
2015 | The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey. Reconstruction of the redshift-space galaxy density field | Granett, B. R.; Branchini, E.; Guzzo, L.; ABBAS, Ummi ; Adami, C.; Arnouts, S.; Bel, J.; BOLZONELLA, MICOL ; BOTTINI, DARIO ; CAPPI, Alberto , et al | open |
2016 | The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey: Lyα emission and stellar populations of star-forming galaxies at 2 < z < 2.5 | Hathi, N. P.; Le Fèvre, O.; Ilbert, O.; Cassata, P.; Tasca, L. A. M.; Lemaux, B. C.; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Le Brun, V.; Maccagni, D.; PENTERICCI, Laura , et al | open |
2015 | The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS): fast increase in the fraction of strong Lyman-α emitters from z = 2 to z = 6 | Cassata, P.; Tasca, L. A. M.; Le Fèvre, O.; Lemaux, B. C.; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Le Brun, V.; Maccagni, D.; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Thomas, R.; VANZELLA, Eros , et al | open |
2015 | The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey: ~10 000 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts to study galaxy assembly at early epochs 2 < z ≃ 6 | Le Fèvre, O.; Tasca, L. A. M.; Cassata, P.; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; Le Brun, V.; Maccagni, D.; PENTERICCI, Laura ; Thomas, R.; VANZELLA, Eros ; Zamorani, G., et al | open |
2022 | The Type II AGN-host galaxy connection: insights from the VVDS and VIPERS surveys | VIETRI, Giustina ; GARILLI, BIANCA MARIA ROSA ; POLLETTA, Maria Del Carmen ; Bisogni, Susanna ; CASSARA, LETIZIA PASQUA ; FRANZETTI, PAOLO ; FUMANA, Marco ; GARGIULO, ADRIANA ; Maccagni, D.; MANCINI, CHIARA , et al | open |
Showing results 35 to 54 of 90
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