Browsing by Author CARLI, CRISTIAN
Showing results 6 to 25 of 37
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Fulltext |
2015 | Geo-structural map of the Laguna Blanca basin (Southern Central Andes, Catamarca, Argentina) | Traforti, Anna; MASSIRONI, MATTEO; Zampieri, Dario; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; Pelizzo, M.G. | open |
2019 | Global Spectral Properties and Lithology of Mercury: The Example of the Shakespeare (H-03) Quadrangle | BOTT, NICOLAS; Doressoundiram, Alain; ZAMBON, Francesca ; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; GUZZETTA, Laura Giovanna ; PERNA, Davide ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO | open |
2018 | The JUICE mission and the future exploration of the icy Galilean satellites: Complementarities and synergies in visible and near-infrared remote sensing | TOSI, Federico ; Roatsch, Thomas; CREMONESE, Gabriele ; Fonti, Sergio; PALUMBO, PASQUALE ; Stephan, Katrin; Jaumann, Ralf; MIGLIORINI, Alessandra ; Hoffmann, Harald; MANCARELLA, FRANCESCA, et al | open |
2014 | Laboratory Analysis (Reflectance Spectroscopy) of Terrestrial Analogues | Serventi, G.; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; Sgavetti, M. | open |
2016 | Lithologic variation within bright material on Vesta revealed by linear spectral unmixing | Blewett, D. T.; Ammannito, E.; Russell, C. T.; Raymond, C. A.; ZAMBON, Francesca ; TOSI, Federico ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; PALOMBA, Ernesto ; FRIGERI, ALESSANDRO ; CARLI, CRISTIAN , et al | open |
2015 | The Ma_Miss instrument performance, II: Band parameters of rocks powders spectra by Martian VNIR spectrometer | DE ANGELIS, Simone ; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; AMMANNITO, ELEONORA; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; Di Iorio, Tatiana; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA | open |
2018 | Mercury Hollows as Remnants of Original Bedrock Materials and Devolatilization Processes: A Spectral Clustering and Geomorphological Analysis | LUCCHETTI, ALICE ; PAJOLA, MAURIZIO ; GALLUZZI, VALENTINA ; Giacomini, L.; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; CREMONESE, Gabriele ; Marzo, G. A.; Ferrari, S.; Massironi, M.; PALUMBO, PASQUALE | open |
2016 | The "MOON Mapping" Project to promote cooperation between students of Italy and China | Scaioni, M.; Giommi, P.; Brunetti, M. T.; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; CERRONI, PRISCILLA ; CREMONESE, Gabriele ; Forlani, G.; Gamba, P.; Lavagna, M.; Melis, M. T., et al | open |
2024 | Moons and Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) on Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) | Poulet, F.; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; Langevin, Y.; Dumesnil, C.; Tommasi, L.; Carlier, V.; FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; Amoroso, M.; Arondel, A.; D'AVERSA, EMILIANO , et al | open |
2019 | NIR reflectance spectroscopy of hydrated and anhydrous sodium carbonates at different temperatures | DE ANGELIS, Simone ; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; TOSI, Federico ; Beck, P.; Brissaud, O.; Schmitt, B.; Potin, S.; DE SANCTIS, MARIA CRISTINA ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE | open |
2022 | Northwest Africa 090: A Case for Revising Mineralogical and Geochemical Criteria for Classifying Primitive Achondrites | STEPHANT, ALICE ; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; Mahesh Anand; Jemma Davidson; BRUSCHINI, Enrico ; Pratesi, Giovanni ; Tiberio Cuppone; Adrien Néri; Richard C. Greenwood; Ian A. Franchi | open |
2018 | Northwest Africa 6232: Visible-near infrared reflectance spectra variability of an olivine diogenite | CARLI, CRISTIAN ; Pratesi, Giovanni; Moggi-Cecchi, Vanni; ZAMBON, Francesca ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; Santoro, Simone | open |
2017 | The pre-launch characterization of SIMBIO-SYS/VIHI imaging spectrometer for the BepiColombo mission to Mercury. I. Linearity, radiometry, and geometry calibrations | FILACCHIONE, GIANRICO ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; Ficai Veltroni, Iacopo; Dami, Michele; Tommasi, Leonardo; Aroldi, Gianluca; Borrelli, Donato; Barbis, Alessandra, et al | open |
2020 | Rationale for BepiColombo Studies of Mercury’s Surface and Composition | Rothery, David Alan; MASSIRONI, MATTEO ; Alemanno, Giulia; Barraud, Oceane; Besse, Sebastien; BOTT, NICOLAS; Brunetto, Rosario; Bunce, Emma; Byrne, Paul; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO , et al | open |
2015 | Removal of atmospheric features in near infrared spectra by means of principal component analysis and target transformation on Mars: I. Method | Geminale, A.; GRASSI, Davide ; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA ; Serventi, G.; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; CARROZZO, FILIPPO GIACOMO ; Sgavetti, M.; OROSEI, ROBERTO ; D'AVERSA, EMILIANO ; BELLUCCI, Giancarlo , et al | open |
2017 | The role of very fine particle sizes in the reflectance spectroscopy of plagioclase-bearing mixtures: New understanding for the interpretation of the finest sizes of the lunar regolith | GIOVANNA, SERVENTI ; CARLI, CRISTIAN | open |
2020 | SIMBIO-SYS: Scientific Cameras and Spectrometer for the BepiColombo Mission | CREMONESE, Gabriele ; CAPACCIONI, FABRIZIO ; CAPRIA, MARIA TERESA ; Doressoundiram, Alain; PALUMBO, Pasquale ; Vincendon, M.; MASSIRONI, MATTEO ; Debei, Stefano; ZUSI, MICHELE ; ALTIERI, FRANCESCA , et al | open |
2023 | SLab Data Manager | CARRARO, Francesco ; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; BRUSCHINI, Enrico | open |
2023 | SLab Database | CARRARO, Francesco ; FONTE, SERGIO ; CARLI, CRISTIAN | open |
2022 | Spectral Characterization of Northwest Africa 12184 Meteorite: FT-IR and u-IR Investigation as Part of Simulation of Space Weathering on Airless Bodies of Solar System | GALIANO, Anna ; DIRRI, Fabrizio ; FERRARI, MARCO ; STEFANI, STEFANIA ; PICCIONI, GIUSEPPE ; PALUMBO, Maria Elisabetta ; SCIRE` SCAPPUZZO, Carlotta ; BARATTA, Giuseppe ; CARLI, CRISTIAN ; MUSOLINO, Anna | open |
Showing results 6 to 25 of 37
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